
Chapter 7

I had been locked up in my house for five days without leaving, what happened in the cemetery had forced me to relive every moment of my past, and that prevented me from sleeping. I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, I had dark circles and my face was pale from lack of sleep. I looked away and went back to my room.

The cell phone wouldn't stop ringing, but he didn't have the strength or the will to respond.

Jackson and I had not spoken since that day, it just seemed like nothing had ever happened, but I was sure it was not going to be so easy to forget what we lived through, and I had no intention of doing it, but first I needed to accept it.

I had been thinking of telling my mother, but I didn't want her to get more depressed, she couldn't trust E either, she would tell someone, and it would end up on my mother's ears.

I checked the time on my cell phone, it was 7pm, a good time to start making dinner. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started frying two eggs and making a salad. Once I had finished I brought the food to my mother, her room was closed, I opened it trying not to make noise, the room was plunged in immense darkness, subtracting the light that came from outside. The walls were painted a sad bluish gray, What made it more depressing, my mother on the other hand, was just a lump under the sheets. I put the plate on her nightstand.

—Thank you, darling. —she said with a broken voice, I knew that it hurt her a lot not being able to be for me in my adolescence, but I didn't care, I knew what she was going through, just like Carla was always the best daughter, I just let her down more and more.

I smiled at him and started to close when I heard a knock on the front door, I ran downstairs to meet E, Tyler and Mack, the three of them were smiling like the cat from Alice in Wonderland, and that didn't do me much illusion.

—What? —I asked them. Emmy took the initiative by taking a step forward and responded decisively.

—You're going to get dressed and come to party with us, you need it. —Was she serious?

—I don't need it E, I'll stay home. —But then she looked at me more determined.

—Have I ever been wrong? —She replied with a false offended, and she was right, but she didn't give me time to tell her, about two seconds later we were already in the room choosing clothes and makeup while the boys waited downstairs.

I finally decided on a black dress that ended just before the knees and a matte red lipstick that E had forced me to wear.

We got out and directly got into Mack's car, a black Range Rover, Emmy was in the front grinning at him while he told stories of his life, I bet everything that E was not listening, Tyler and I were instead quiet in the back seats looking out the window, you could hear Mack talking but that didn't interrupt the awkward silence between us.

—And... How are you? —Tyler asked.

—Good —Lie, a wonderful lie.

—You had me super worried. —she said quickly—. You didn't answer the calls, or the messages, nothing. —I blushed regretfully—. Emmy forbade me to go to your house in case you needed time, the waiting almost killed me. —Her concern made me laugh, and I had been crying for so long that while it eased me mentally it also hurt physically.

—I'm sorry I'm sorry. —I answered raising my arms, showing myself innocent—. I was very busy. —She looked at me curiously again, knowing that she was lying to her, but she just smiled and looked out the window again.

Shortly after we arrived at a secluded place, from outside the music was muffled by the walls that separated us from it.

The door was covered in graffiti and looked like metal, if it weren't for the music he would never have thought it was a disco.

We entered slowly and the muffled music was transformed into songs so loud that we could not hear the voices of others and only read their lips or listen to them in the distance, my whole body vibrated.

Emmy stretched Mack's shirt and, approaching his ear, yelled something that I couldn't identify but that I suposed when they went hand in hand, disappearing into the crowd. Tyler and I were left alone in the middle of all that people.

—And ... —he said undecided—. Do you want something to drink? —he smiled shyly.

Yes, I want something to drink, I want every alcoholic drink in this club.

—Mmmmm... —I pretended to think—. The strongest thing you can see please. —I replied pleadingly.

—Are you sure? —he only needed one look for him to understand that I had never been more sure of something, so he turned and went for the drinks.

Meanwhile I leaned against an empty wall, the music boomed all around me and the body heat of the people increased my feeling of overwhelm. Boys and girls danced close together, from here you could smell the alcohol they must have drunk, instead there were some exceptions of friends dancing having fun and groups of boys talking about their future "affairs".

I looked my cell phone for a moment to distract myself from the environment but, as expected, I had not received any new messages.

I looked up again and noticed a vague-eyed boy staggering towards me, he seemed very drunk.

—Hello, beautiful. —he said smiling, although he only grimaced. I didn't answer him because I knew where the conversation would go to—. I have spoken to you, now you are supposed to answer. —I only looked at him for a few seconds to go back to pretend nothing—. You're a very unfriendly girl. —At that moment Tyler came to save me from the situation.

—She's with me. —he said as he held the drinks. The boy made a face and left—. Why didn't you tell him you didn't want to talk? —He asked me.

—I would have insisted. —I growled as he picked up my glass. I smelled its contents, it was pure alcohol, and something sweet at the bottom.

—Are you sure? —he said, I looked at him

—Of what? —He just looked at the glass, and in response I raised it to my mouth and drank it suddenly, but I couldn't help but make a grimace, it was fucking disgusting. I smirked as I put up with the bad taste, and he laughed as he drank from his glass.

Little by little we adjusted to the atmosphere, we drank while dancing on the dance floor, at that moment I only cared about having fun, I was oblivious to the people around me and I did not care if they saw me dancing, now I understood why people got drunk, for forget everything and have a good time without caring about anything or anyone.

Little by little and because of the alcohol and the flashing lights gave me the feeling of being in a dream, conscious, but distant.

Little by little and after a time the events happened, first Tyler approached, he was red from the drink, I approached him, I would have doubted, but the alcohol forced me to continue. Slowly he brought his face close to mine until he kissed me, his lips were soft and tasted sweet with a touch of alcohol, then I followed the kiss deepening it. Now it no longer mattered who was looking at us and who was not, now we only existed him, me, and our kiss. The moment was suddenly interrupted by the sound of my mobile, I turned my head slightly until I saw the message on the notification screen:

Unknown: “Your dead sister missing and you're kissing her ex, were you always so selfish?”

Immediately after, a dizziness that ran through my body and my vision began to blur.


My sister's open coffin ...

I remembered.

Jackson ....

And I slammed to the ground as everything around me faded into darkness. I had lost consciousness.


I hope you liked the chapter, and I also hope it is well translated :)
