
Sweet Evil Fangs

Natasha stumbled upon a strange-looking man that was killing someone on the side of the road. She was witnessing something she couldn't imagine. The guy was half-wolf, half-human. To her fear, she runs away. But the man noticed her and smelled her scent, so he followed Natasha. But unfortunately for Natasha, the man catches her. As the man hovered over her, she noticed how beautiful his half-human form was, captivated by its eyes. She was about to touch him when suddenly a loud alarm woke her up. It was all just a dream. Natasha chose to go to school, dismissing her nightmare. Later on, Nathan Jones Davis walked in and was introduced. He soon joins the class and sits in front of Natasha. When Natasha first saw him, she felt like she saw the man before until she realized he looks like the man that turned half-wolf in her dream. She felt this weird tingling sensation that made her shiver whenever she looked at Nathan. She avoided him ever since. One day, she's changing her clothes for physical education when a bunch of cheerleaders stole her clothes, and she is forced to stay in the bathroom, naked. When she tried to go out, she saw Nathan and the cheerleader making out in the bathroom. The cheerleader grabbed her phone and was about to take pictures to humiliate Natasha when Nathan stopped helped Natasha instead.  Because of sudden events, they soon go out, and Nathan takes her virginity. One day, Nathan was absent from school, and she thought he had ditched her. He soon returns to her relief, but something is odd about him. His face didn’t change, but his words and actions were different from the way it was before. One thought was formulating inside her head. That is not Nathan.

Pinky Library · Huyền huyễn
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145 Chs

Chapter 79: Bustling Town

"We need to change our looks again."

I nodded at Ethan's suggestion, and I followed his gaze to the kitchen. When he returned a few minutes later, he was holding scissors. I suddenly looked at my hair, which had stretched a bit. Ethan's hair is slowly falling back to its previous color. I swallowed the lump in my throat when he approached me and was about to cut my hair when I took a step away from him. Ethan was stunned and raised an eyebrow, wondering why I walked away from him. I took a deep breath and smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not really used to cutting my hair. I feel like I'm ugly."

I know my reason is superficial, but I haven't cut it much in the few years. I'm still not used to just cutting my hair short. I feel like I am much more assured when it's long rather than short. I know I had a haircut before, but now that it's getting longer, I can't cut it again.