
Chapter 29

Happy reading



The 7th day since Yosi was declared suicide in the treatment room of her mental hospital. And during that time the chrysanthemum was still lying on Yosi's table.

The flower was placed by those who did not know about the crime that Yosi had committed. This was indeed hidden because Yosi was also a victim of abuse, even by several men at the same time, so that what Yosi had done was covered up.

And of course, all thanks to Yosi's father who tried very hard to cover up the crimes that Yosi had committed. but some people spread the news secretly even though the victim who was abused by Yosi had been given compensation money to keep her mouth shut.

So on the 7th day of Yosi's death, all the rumors changed drastically. What initially felt sorry for Yosi turned into insulting Yosi even though the person being abused had changed nature.