

No words.

That's how your trip back to your dorm room went. Yoongi, as you recall, he was the man taking a nap on a tree. He seems sweet but you weren't really in the mood to socialize and he probably hates you is what you assume.

First impression wasn't nice; I woke him up a nap. Second impression which is right now uh.. it doesn't matter anyways he don't seem to like me that much either way.

You really think he's a sweet guy but you don't have visible evidence, just a hunch. Yoongi is calm and collected, uncaring but there's this unexplained aura that pulls you to approach him, the same aura from the first time you saw him

The first time you saw Yoongi, it was when Heather explained who they were, the special class. Yoongi was one of the reason the school interests you because as soon as he held eye contact with you there was an unexplained familiarity. It wasn't even uncomfortable walking in silence with him when it should be after the inconvenience your pizza craving caused.

After reaching the building you turned around to bow down at Yoongi and proceed to your empty room. Hani is suspicious too, she didn't talk to you again but was always there afar doing her own business or sleeping. She adds a little something to the burning fire in your thoughts, thoughts related to them seven, and their classmates.

While reminiscing today's rollercoaster, you decided to have your well needed sleep.


Do you have any plans today? Take care and be careful around town.

When I woke up, there's a green sticky note on my vanity with those words and a smiley face with what seems like fangs on the corner of the paper. It was cute but how did they even get in my room. It could be Hani who is knocked out on her bed, it could also be Taehyung.

"Do I have plans?" Lara asks herself, thinking. Well, other than checking on Heather, she's free as a bird. She could hang out with Jungyeon and the rest but they might have their own plans already set. She'd have to be alone today since she wants to take a step back from the boys.

As much as she loves having company -because she was deprived, being the only rebel adventurer kid back in town- she doesn't really have a lot of close friends. It is because she doesn't give time to hang out with people that much since she's used to being alone.

Lara visits Heather while Jennie gets ready for a day and night date. "Do you have plans today? It's a rare occasion, the school  rarely gives a day out for students. This might be your last time walking around town till break."  Jennie says as she ties her hair into twin braids while humming happily. "I don't really have plans but to literally walk around town, maybe stay inside the campus with Heather." Lara answers, pinching and shaking the snoring Heather to wake up but she didn't even budge. It was getting serious day by day, back then Heather would toss and turn. But now she doesn't and it didn't seem right as if she was under a sleeping spell similar to princesses on fairy tales.

Jennie stood up, ready to go but remembered something before reaching the door, "Oh by the way, admin says Heather will be taken back home. It's because quote unquote seemed serious since the kid doesn't wake up at all. Don't worry though the school ensures safety, I experienced it when I had a serious concussion and my dad was so worried I was taken back home." Jennie assured you since you're face turned down when she said the news.

Your face lit up after hearing Jennie's assuring words. The school didn't seem like they cared about the unusual situation Heather is in and you didn't trust the sketchy abduction like treatment to go back home but Jennie proved otherwise, "That's good then. I'll wait for them before continuing my day. You have your lovely date Jennie, take care!"


Heather was then placed in a wheel chair calmly and carefully to an ambulance since you were eyeing every touch and move they did on her. It happened at 9 and you're here at a park two hours later. 

After Heather was taken to her trip back home, you decided to have breakfast at a pastry shop near the school. People looked at you're table weirdly but you gave no attention to them since the deserts were delicious and the big batch you ordered disappeared in your tummy followed by your one year allowance. Maybe, just maybe a winged creature would come back with your allowance for next year and this time you'll go in a more reduced buffet or at least try to try harder.

You appreciate the breeze under the scorching hot sun while walking alongside kids and their family. It is full of people doing their own businesses and there are stalls selling mouthwatering foods but you could only salivate to the smell. The park had a lot of people walking their dogs and strolling their babies around, a cliché movie park.

There were no familiar faces not until you came across a cotton candy stall with your girl friends around it picking figures to go with their sweets. Nayeon first caught you staring and soon enough all of them looked at you. Sana excitedly shrieked before pulling you into their circle.

It was Sana, Jungyeon and Nayeon only. "We missed you." Nayeon pouts while clinging on your arm, "Soapy smell goody." she baby talks to you before scrunching her nose. Nayeon took her cotton candy from Sana as you refused to take one for yourself. One more sugar and you were sure to open the door for cavities and a toothache.

"They were in front of your room earlier but no one knocked because and I quote from these cowards' words 'Hani was there.' with pouty faces. I was at home then, I live here for context." Jungyeon spills while the two couldn't maintain eye contact with you. You smiled for their effort and hugged them, "Don't worry, it's fine. Why are you three so kind I couldn't ask for more welcoming friends." You smiled and they mirrored it with bigger ones.


The sun sets and everything is already prepared for Hoseok's schimbare ritual. Hoseok was sweating on the ground shivering at every bad possibility the ritual could end up in. He is nervous and scared for his life and it was obvious from his pale face and chapped lips ever since he woke up. 

The boys gathered around Hoseok to comfort him. Jin pats Hoseok, confidently lying about his experience, "It didn't even feel like a needle prick it felt nothing. You'll be fine." 

Yoongi speaks up against Jin's words, "Well mine was very painful, I died for blood's sak-"

"What matters is you'll unfold into your genuine self." Namjoon cuts Yoongi's statement but it was too late. Yoongi said what he said, which didn't help Hoseok at all.

Jimin stares disgusted at Yoongi before hugging Hoseok from the back and started to sway them side by side. "Calm down hyung just trust Mazo. She already succeeded with Jin and Yoongi. Mazo is still healthy and powerful so chill." Taehyung comforts while Jungkook held both Hoseok's hands to play with Jimin.

A few minutes later, Namjoon came back with Mazo and Adelheide. Mazo peacefully sits on a wheelchair pushed by Adelheide in heels. The witch isn't turning weak, she's just not as powerful at the human realm and keeping her energy full in all ways possible was the only reason the schimbare can still be performed. Tare took over Heide's place as Namjoon whispered on Mazo's ears, "We've arrived." 

The witch opens her eyes and started feeling the energy around her. "It's been more than one human year since the last ritual, right? Well, I feel a stronger energy from all of you. Did you finally take your maintenance? Specifically Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook." Jungkook opened his mouth just to close it right after. "Silence, I don't need answers. Heide why don't they like you still?" Mazo continued, earning a frown from Heide. 

"Jin, Yoongi how are you?" Mazo stood up to hold their hands, inhaling their presence. Mazo is blind. "Something's troubling.. Jin." she paused and she felt them stiffen while the rest's heartbeat paced faster. "It's not just Jin." she moves her head around, listening to the air and the signals they sent. "I understand." Mazo turned back as Tare ran to assist Mazo to the stone table.

They relaxed looking at each other, unsaid words that they understood. Not Hoseok though, the guy was restless and inattentive the whole time.

Mina and Kyungsoo helped set the stone table so Mazo can access everything she needs. While Lisa, Yeri, the twins and Irene stood behind Heide. Tare made sure no one is around by morphing into his wolf.

Everything is set on the stone table and Hoseok calmed down with the aid of a spell performed by Kyungsoo. Since there was no other choice for he needed to have a steady heartbeat. The princes offered the blood from their palms in a chalice for Mazo to drink from. It's protection and power. 

After Mazo was done preparing her body and sight, they started the ritual.

it's too early to describe how the ritual works, for now u can imagine anything even if its dancing to zimzalabim or something

gee_meancreators' thoughts