
Survivor of Creation Trial

boundless land dyed by bloood, and you can see flattened mountain and bottomless pit everywhere. innumerable corpse scattered in this place. this is supreme being body. and in distance place where the corps piled like small mountain, average yet crahming young man sit there while smoking. "with this, the trial is over. and i can go home" [Ding! Scanning host candidate. Candidate have compatibility with system. Binding..] "...." [Binding completed. Welcome to Creation System] "Fuck!! I still end up with this plague" [Congratulation host for obtaining the winner seat of Creation Trial] [Host will be awarded with 'Creator Seat candidate'] [Creation era finished, host will be transported back to Earth] ******* Disclaimer : several characters, names (games and characters) and item's name is not my original.

Bored_Sage · Khác
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Come Back Home

Somewhere in Surabaya. There is mid class house which already one month without sound. And the neighbor became restless for the young man in this house.

At this time inside the house in second floor bed room, suddenly spatial gate opened and ordinary yet charming youngster come out from it. This man is Alan.

"Sigh, finally my true home."

Whille still feel nostalgic he began clean his house, and did not forget to charge his smart phone.

"Hmm, it seem only one month passed in earth. I wonder what should i do after this."

After 2 hour, finished cleaning the house he turned on his phone and found out many missed call from his friends. they worried for him because he suddenly disappeared for long time.

He started giving reply to his friends and assure them to not worry about his safety, he goes to bed and sleep until next day.

morning, 7 AM. Alan wake up and stretch his body for a while. this is his habit from young and never stop this even in Creation Trial.

"I've decided. I will live just as normal people."

[Ding! Host living way already decided. first mission added.]

instantly Alan face darkened.

"Damn, i forgot this plague"

[ Mission 1 - Find a Job ]

[In order to live as normal people, Host need to behave like normal people.

Naturally the job must be normal people job. Host can't participate any job which against the law.]

[Time limit : 7 days]

[Reward : 200 SP]

"system, aren't you supposed to explain yourself to me first?"

[ That right Host, sorry i forget it. I just got excited after who know how many million million year i finally found suitable host. Just thinking i can complete my main mission, i forget something this simple. Okay Host, i will start explain so please pay attention]

Alan rolled his eyes.

[ I am 'Myriad Creation System' i created by previous Creator seat holder. The Lord Creator, after innumerable time finally can ascend to higher level. But he can't leave this world Creator seat empty. that would make the world imbalance. The problem is, the current myriad creature did not have the ability to inherit the Creator seat. thats why he decided to create me 'Myriad Creation System' to seek suitable candidate and make he/she became the next Creator seat holder]

Hearing this, Alan shocked. although he know about creator existence, and the possibility this system origin, the thing make him shocked the most is part that previous Lord wanted to ascend higher realm. he didn't dare to imagine what kind of existence in that higher realm.

"Then what criteria one must have to become next Creator seat holder?"

[This information is top most restricted. the current host can't open this information.]

he did not ask it further. he also know it's value.

"Then how i can became the next Creator seat holder?"

[ This issue host did not need to worry.]

[Ding! main mission activated]

[Main misson : Take the Creator seat]

[in order to become the next Creator seat holder, host need to cultivate the 'Creation Scripture'

Detail :

- Comprehend First layer of 'Creation Scripture'

Reward :

- Creator seat

- Space Gate

- 10000 SP

work hard host! ]

After pondering some time, he decided what job ge will taking later.

"Finding job huh.. That's easy."

He is already 19 this year. After graduated from high school he didn't continue his study. Instead he joined some 'brick moving' job for a year. So he decided to take some easy job tomorrow.

Here i am sharing my story. My English is bad so, sorry for the inconvenience.

Bored_Sagecreators' thoughts