
Field Day of a Certain Squad Part 2

The heavy scent of diesel hung in the air as Lisa finished securing the last jerry can in the back of the JLTV Oshkosh. The recent encounter with the undead had elevated the tension among the group.

"We should head out before more of them show up," Lisa suggested, casting a wary glance down the street where the two zombies had emerged.

Angela and Denise nodded in agreement, their hands never straying far from their rifles. The group swiftly climbed back into the vehicle, with Lisa taking the wheel once again. She turned the key, and the engine roared to life, breaking the eerie silence that had settled over the gas station.

As they pulled away from the pump, Angela took one last look at the desolate forecourt. 

"Where did they come from? Some even came from the streets we passed by," Denise asked, visibly confused.