
Farewell Warhammer...

The Imperium now stood strong...

For Ten millennia the war lessened somewhat as there are still Xenos out in the void that attacked humanity that believed that their manifesto lies in space... Only met with a drop pods landing into their Homeworld.

But now the imperium have started a all out Ork extermination campaign to get rid of the taint..

Without the Galaxy besieging them on all sides

Now it's a perfect time to get the Orks exterminated... Sectors purged from the greenskins, forge worlds reclaimed and embrace back to the imperial hands...

More propaganda against the Orks intensified after recordings of the "human" farms they had in the planet orks held... Humans treated like lifestocks and unable to speak gothic.. have spark humanity rage is greater than that the fear the Orks could inflict on the people...

Which made the recruiting much more easier...

The citizens found that the Taxes was lowered compared to the previous years, at least for once every hundred years there is a tax cut which made some of the planet satisfied... They know for a fact that war is slowly disappearing in the horizon...

And what the critics said that the Imperium collapse after winning the war is silenced with the progress and recovery of the economy... With the help of the League as its trade partner, it stabilized and Trade Lanes is heavily defended and people that had occupation as Pirates ended up retiring early or ended down with their ships...

As there was not much propaganda that they often hear when they worked... Only the constant gothic chant, hymns and the occasional news on the planets or sectors...

Some of the planets believed that the Imperium was weak from the last crusade and attempted to separated themselves and shoot down the ambassadors, have found out that having the Imperium at the door with a gun to your face is a sure way to stay in line... As Imperial Guard regiments and Astartes rained on the planet for Imperium Compliance.


The Planet once more suffered a devastating invasion, but it stood defiant against all odds, cities hubs destroyed and the Planet laid barrren and left countless people without homes... But now it given time for Perturabo and Rogal Dorn to rebuild the planet... as now they build it from ground up making it the most heavily fortified planet in the sol system ..

The Emperor Sat on the Golden Throne was the worshippers and pilgrims flocked in its ancient hallways...

Many felt satisfied as they left the planet with satisfaction...

As Terra is healing from the wound from the last invasion... And undergoing reconstruction...

Below the imperial palace was another thing...

"Leman why do that goblin have a anti-mage attribute?" Magnus groaned as he rolled a dice for a save on his character...

The Primarchs and the Emperor was playing Tabletop game though Ferrus Manus, Jaghatai and Konrad decided not to play.

"Get wrecked , uhh what is the number again? Magnus you done horribly bad as Magnus the Wizard have pretty bad luck... Your character took 3 damage." Leman chortle as Alexander took a turn.

"I cast Smite on the goblin! Rolling dice.." Alexander used his paladin character

"Hmm, a Crit not bad... Goblin took 2 damage."

"My strongest attack is just that weak? How much armor is in that Goblin rider?'

"65 you guys are underleveled and overfrakked." Leman grinned.

A table top game was in session... But it was a attempt of a decent life...

Since the war is over the imperium is carrying out their duties without the Primarch like Roboute and Lion micromanaging every single thing...

For once it was a awkward family attempt for normalcy... But it worked regardless...

"For once, the Automaton made of wood became a human boy...wished you have read the rest of it, old friend..." Alexander spoke softly as looked at Roboute smiled more than the usual Theoretical and practical version of him...

Alexander relaxed in this place... At least it was like a Second home at least?

[Warhammer Exit in: 898 Days]

Such a short time... But he made many friends... Reasons to care about this place... Many sacrifices to get to where he is now... But there are things he have to do now....

"How about a vacation just for me?" He spoke and the Emperor gave him a written note...



The Planet welcomed the High Lord returned... Some with grace, other with respect...

He met his old Commissar Hector and the Mina 69th Dust Hounds in the pub Farewell winds, they greeted not as superior towards one subordinates, but one as brothers in the trenches... Shared war stories and Alexander left the bar in a uproar after saying that drinks are on him.

"Alright boss ya got it that right!" Chuckle the driver that once drove Alexander command Chimera...

"No matter what you guys are still my dust hounds and you know what happened if some sob noble bastard tried to come after my darling daughter?"

"WE BREAK HIS LIMBS OFF! COURTESY OF THE HIGH LORD ALEXANDER OF THE LEAGUE!" All of them yelled as they raised their mugs high.

Alexander adopted Daughter was like a family among the unit. And many times she was just as rash and absurd as her father decisions... And she kept them alive as long as anyone in the unit remembered... And she was a avid reader of Ciaphas Cain journey. And often wonder "What would Ciaphas Cain and my father would do?"

(Somewhere in the League, Paradise world)

A Man stepped out in the space port, relaxed now that there is no reason to fight once more...

His eyes seen many things in life but at least he was now free from obligations...

He went to the exit and waited for a driver to pick him up...

Legendary Ciaphas Cain as promised by Alexander, he is sent to a Paradise world in the League along with a property mansion under his name near a private beach. Free from the duties of the Imperium and now retired from any chaos cults or Xeno invasion, And when he landed he saw Inquisitor Vali waiting for him at the landing port... Along with Jurgen.


"Cain... I did thought about it now... Seeing that the Imperium is saved might as well have spend my retirement with you... And Jurgen also tagged along."

"Want a Tanna Sir?" The reliable Guardsmen held out a flask of steaming Tanna.

Vali dragged the laurel of the commissar coat and pulled him forward and kissed him.. many onlookers just ignored it as in the League there are always have those lovely dovey couples...

Jurgen arrive with a car and both of the couple know how hell he is a good driver...

Angron returned to Nurceria and along with Kharn.... Both of them went to a hillsite that once overlooked the former Freeman city... On it was two grave that held the remains of Lotarra Sarrin and Angron foster father...

Both of them know the people that is close to them and they paid respect as he held out the incense that once made in the city and burned it...

As they were the last remnants of the true world eaters... History looked upon them not so kindly...

As Angron was about to reached the transport shuttle noticed a illusionary figures on the place where he left... He smiled recognizing them...

"Thank you, brothers and sisters for being there through thick and thin..." He spoke his words to the winds now drifted on this lifeless planet...

Kharn watched his Genefather with worry and left together with him off this planet.

As Alexander took a Vacation around the imperium...

The Emperor have a statement that shook the Primarchs especially the former traitors...

"You all are now to follow Alexander in his journey..." He spoke making the sentence out of the blue...

His words to the former traitors was worrying...

"Are you exiling us?" Horus asked with worry...

"Horus... I know the Imperium right now is now hostile to you and your name, it might not be a good time to show yourself... But one day your brothers that remain with me will change that mindset and the horrors of the past is forgotten, I will welcome you in open arms... Know this son... I am not exiling you because you betrayed me... But I know that Alexander is walking alone on that path to free us... And I want you and your brothers to be there for him as support just as you have till now..." He glance the old tattered remains of a ancient photo book that kept in stasis...

"I am sure Macaldor would have agreed with me. I am not chasing you away, but a opportunity..."

"In his journey there are things we haven't seen, creatures, technologies and arcane arts that we haven't look... And it will make you become more than what I intended..."

"So... There are arcane arts beyond this galaxy?" Magnus was interested as now that the warp is closed, his sons was unable to breach the deep warp without his father consent of using the Webway or Malal Gate... Somehow they were grateful that they gather much samples they needed for experiment for at least a millennia...

"There are many that don't use the warp like we do so yes there are arcane arts that I haven't seen yet." It made Magnus noted of the travels...

"Don't worry... I have inform Alexander that Ferrus Manus will be my liason to check up on you time to time... Know this... You are still my sons..." The Emperor hugged Horus...

"The path he travel is treacherous, and into the unknown..But I know you, my favored son, you can help advice and guide him..." He spoke softly next to Horus ears... Far away from his brothers ears...

Jaghatai noticed the moment... But he shrugged...

As he released Horus, he spoke.

"Now sons... Take care and by the time you come back the Imperium, it would be a better place to live in." The Emperor smiled...

Alexander came back to the Sol System... After doing months of reflection of his combat tactics and his family here... He asked Theseus some questions...

"Is it possible to bring a denizen from this place other than the Primarchs like say... My wives here?"

[Possible, Though you need to choose the Sister of Battle faction to allow her through...for the Eldar well possible immediately.]

"My daughter... Seems like she been making a career... Now grown up..."

[Want to bring her along?]

"I asked her but she refused. As she have to commit her duties to the Emperor..."

[Doable... Since she is no longer needed your guidance... Shall I take the perks you imbued in her?]

"No, let them stay... A parting gift for her wings to leave the nest..." He looked at the pict that show her and his old unit...

"One last visit to an old friend..."

(Mars, Noctis Labyrinth)

A Door opened... For over ten thousand years it remained closed except only the highest echelon of the Mechanicus ventured in, and the being in the room stirred...

The Void Dragon awaken to the sound of footsteps that is not metallic in nature and met Alexander and carrying with him with a pile of Bags that the Machine God knew it is cookies from earlier...

"Sorry I am late, old friend..." The figure smiled as he tossed the cookies by the tons into the gaping void of the void dragon mouth...

It chewed with slowly as it tries to absorb the texture and taste...

"It's been awhile Alexander... Seems like the war is over? "

"Not over... But at least I am grateful to you for blessing me and my people from the horrors of the warp."

Alexander knew it was the Void Dragon that protected his scientists, engineers and researcher from Chaos corruption...

If he hadn't done to get the Machine god blessings then the League would end up like the Imperium to research things slowly, when all new object created or research is corrupted to make demons or making people going insane...

While the Galaxy think it was Alexander that saved the Galaxy... He knew it was only possible with his friend that is within the depths of mars that make it possible... And in a way, the Void Dragon was part of the foundation of the League of Ten Thousand, just as it was part of the Emperor plans for the void dragon for it to dream and give aspirations to the Mechanicus...

"You want to leave this place?"

"I am satisfied in here. Since there are followers of mine researching technology and contributing to progress, I shall remain here for the duration of my terms given by the Emperor..."

"I see... Well then let's have a chat like old times..." Alexander smiled.

For once again a Human sitting next to a colossal Necron dragon, hearing his complaints and what he seen during the ten millennia...

Alexander listen intently as he point a word or two... Telling stories within the warp and his journey around in this galaxy...

"It seems you have a colorful journey... Well then Alexander, till we meet again." The Dragon yawn as it prepared to go asleep once more

"Till we meet again old friend... Sweet dreams...and thank you..." Alexander spoke as he watched the dragon slumber once more to give dreams of progress to humanity once more... And left the chamber alone...

There he met the new caretaker of the void dragon as he swept by Alexander to check the machine god health...

He returned to the golden palace as in a week he would leave this place that he called home...

For once he consider family, their memories and moments together now is ended like a saga that reached its ending...

All the good times... All the bad times... He cherish this place, this people, forever in his heart...

"Well then, shall we get going?" Alexander smiled.

What awaited Alexander in hallways of the golden palace is the Adeptus Custodes gave ceremonial salute never seen before by the people that witness it as it holds great importance to anyone close to the Emperor, From the Aquila Shield to the Wardens of the Dark cells and the Sisters of Silence watched him from the terrace with respect. He nodded as he passed by every single one of them..

Men and women of fortitude and defenders of the emperor. Watched as they saw the man that contributed much to helping the Emperor and Saving the Imperium...

His deeds was no grander than their own... And that much is given...

As he ventured into the Golden Throne, there he met the Emperor of Mankind along with the Primarchs...

As he was anointed with the title of "Herald of the Imperium" and the "Son of the Imperium" titles that no man or woman could achieve in their lifetimes...

And a shining light was embued in the High Lord disappear along with former traitors.

"My duty is eternal, May the Imperium Lives on!" Was the final words spoken by the High Lord as he disappeared from the Emperor sight...

The Emperor look at the place where Alexander stood and gave a solemn Silence...

"Farewell old friend...no....son..."

Remembrancers wrote down the events that occured.

"As the Dawn of the New Age of Humanity, one heritage rises and another forgotten, The High Lord of the League of Ten Thousand vanished from the audience of the Emperor along with the former traitor primarchs... His deeds echoes across the stars, his contribution to the imperium is great... But now as if some greater power have summon the calling for the High Lord... The League of Ten Thousand that he cherished and beloved is kept as a Equal state like the Mechanicus than a Vassal State by the Imperium despite the Nobility desires of the wealth and territory...their voices was silenced by the Emperor words..." He sacrificed more than he should give, He went through the deepest depths of the Warp to gathered my lost and wayward sons, His armies and fleets have bled for the Imperium more than necessary, he remained loyal as long as he breathed, to me that is enough...Can you accomplish the same feats as he could?" Such a notion kept most of them shut up as his deeds have outgrown the noble bloodines deeds such as killing a Ork Warboss at a young age and ruling a vast empire without the thoughts of betrayal, practically stated as a war saint in the Echlesiarchy, The Xenos around the Imperium have heard of the supposed Ascension of Alexander gave their condolences... Trazyn was satisfied of meeting such a illustrious human as his vault he erected a simple gallery dedicated to Alexander beginnings...The Silent King contemplated the disappearance and order the reclaimation of the Necrons Tomb worlds as fast as possible as now he decided to sent his people to another galaxy to revert their bodies back to their flesh form, Necron fleets numbered in the thousands exited the milky way into the endless void... And those that remained either serves as representative or Necrons that didn't obeyed the Silent king orders... Or just stubborn like Trazyn and orikan.

The Eldar Representative Eldrad accepted the fact that Alexander is left and now he coordinated with Yraine and Roboute Guilliman to better the interest of the Eldar race and the unity of their race... In the place where the Eye of Terror once stood the Eldars have stood vigilant in the event, if it ever opened once more revealing the horrors within, they will be the first in line... As Time passed by, it would seem that his name may faded from the public eye...but his deeds remained eternal... Rogal Dorn Constructed a pair of Ceramite Statues dedicated to Alexander along with the traitors statues ... One as a Guardsman and the other a High Lord..."


(Near future)

"News of the Emperor of discovering reality similar to our own have been discovered... And this one doubts, if we could head into war once more...The Emperor vowed to liberate the Inhabitants within... The Astronomican shine ever so brightly... Opening a rift , a Liberation war of the Imperium was carried out by the Emperor... Would we enter war once more?"

"News of the Imperium have touched contact with the Galaxy beyond... It is confirmed that it is a galaxy similar to our own... Expedition Fleets is being assemble in Luna to enter the rift... Eldar Council have spoken that they assisting the Imperium Expedition to the alternate reality... The League have vow to assist the Imperium"

"News have arrived from the expedition fleets, "Upon this message sent, we have reached the other side and managed to win, end of transmission" such news is a booster morale for the Imperium..."

A Man was reading the news from a posh cafe in a Hive city... Many of the inhabitants didn't noticed him..

"One Galaxy saved by a sheer dumb luck... Thousands more drowned in darkness... Neoth do you honestly think you can even save yourself? Even without your chosen champion?" He chuckled darkly as he flip the news once more...

"Sir, your recaff?" Waiter arrived with the drinks.

"Thank you miss... Here is the payment...keep the change" He handed a golden throne... Making her eyes confused...

"Sir... This is too much...wait, where did he go?" The waitress was confused as the man disappear and the beverage was finished...

Indeed, one version of the Imperium is saved... And there are countless versions of it still in the grimdarkness of the far future ...

This time... The Emperor vowed to fixed his mistakes... Along with his loyalist sons they enter the fires of war once more... Not for the survival of the human race... Not for the preservation of the Imperium... But to liberate countless version of himself and the mistakes of the past... As more he saved, more others called for help... His march is eternal... And he already took a half of the reality that contains versions of himself and it snowballed to the version that is saved to help liberate the rest of himself from those within and without... As those that saved followed him helped as much as they could, But redemption comes a long way...

Once it is done... Alexander have a literally a multiverse of the Imperium at his aid...

Its endless numbers and faith...


(A/n): umm... It's been a while...

I wanted to upload this yesterday but when more news of what is happening to the Warhammer IP, I just wept...

When did they say anything is canon now?

And the Emperor of Mankind is Queer?

I write in the Warhammer arc about the hope of the Imperium to get better, bringing his sons back... Bringing technology whereas the imperium could not... Not making everything gender towards woman and the modern rubbish...

"Forgive me emperor, we beg for your forgiveness, we have failed you, we have let our world die..." -Sister of Battle...

Those meaning is true with me as I am labelled as a Neckbeard and a Misogynistic by my own colleagues for asking why we have female custodes where is the lore in that? How many Warhammer channels from discord, forums and Facebook, I got lore for my book have banned or blocked me making my thoughts drowned out by the echo chambers for madness, And why I inserting a power play fantasy compared to the lore I am following?

Slaanesh was killed in this fanfic, but in IRL it won... And proudly waving that cursed flag as if it won... knowingly we are unable to stop it..

I write about hope... Even in dire times... Humanity finds a way in this grimdarkness...

Originally before the news of the "female is custodes" came out, there was plans to enlarge the arc by 36 chapters...

36 chapters now lost, I lost interest in writing it...

And one of it was dedicated to how the Adeptus Custodes observed Alexander actions, what makes him from different opinions of the custodes from the Primarchs and the High lord standing with the emperor, Why there is two Emperor in Terra, one that is walking around while one sits on the golden throne, to how did Vashtorr managed to escaped Warhammer and the happening to the remaining Chaos Gods bickering... And the fate of the Chaos Marines remnants in the warp since Abaddon died... Or Fabius Bile whereabouts or his play in the book... And Lucius the Eternal death by the Sons of the Phoenix. To Alexander assisting the Emperor with his Eternal Crusade... And Commander Farsight struggle to rebuild Tau once again and the request to join the League... Assassination of the Alexander wives...

Adventures of Mina 69th Dust Hounds with Alexander adopted daughter.

Originally... When I was a writer, I wanted to write in game workshop... In the Black Library... Writing a better alternate path for the Imperium, making stories for the Imperial Guards since they are so heavily biased towards space marines... But I failed entering it... As my English is Jaxck shit as you seen my earlier writings...

I watched a old video of the last tabletop game when our actions actually help shaped the story like Cadia fall... I wanted to play a part where I hope to change the imperial to be better...

When modern politics entered in Warhammer... I doubt it will be same, when they pander to a non-existent global audiences.

who would remember the days when we struggle for human survival in the Imperium, when now they want to make slippery slope... To a imperial that is thread on lines of misgendering some freak as they are overrun by a Tyrannid rush or a Ork Waagh..

I call them freaks since why do they want to see themselves as the things they hate?

I read articles that the Space Marines are Toxic masculinity.. since when do Honor, Duty beyond one station, brotherhood, sacrifice, a symbol to rally on against the encroaching darkness, killing the enemies of mankind is toxic masculinity? That is what I see in the Space Marines from a Imperial Guard main perspective...

As the world is still damaged by the COVID, where would they get the people that have the cash for the expensive miniatures that they gatekeep from those that loved it and those that are rich, even took down channels like Text to speech that advertise for free for a paid subscription...

Every nation economy is damaged, even here, people are selling their homes as they want to flee the country as the economy where I live is slowly collapsing... And we acted as if is still strong, politicians bloodthirsty for war...or playing dumb of the bleak outlook facing them...

The Emperor Protects...

Now in the book time...

I wanted to bring the Primarchs... But decided to take the traitors with Alexander... As some needed to maintain the Imperium...

As even if they stayed, the scars the legion and the Horus Heresy have inflicted upon the imperial is still fresh in the minds of humanity...

And the Loyalist remained is in supposedly canon...

So in a sense it is like those stories where Roboute and the Loyalist travels to the Multiverse except the opposite...

So Alexander got 8 primarchs to assist him... 9 if Ferrus comes knocking...

Starship troopers incoming and the last two animated movies will be the base line...

"Only in death does duty end."

Farewell Warhammer... Your galaxy was indeed could be saved... But I didn't realized in a way I didn't expected GW to rainbowfying the universe to cater the weak will into the Galaxy that knows no peace among the stars...

"Its better to die for the Emperor than to live for oneself..." Now I wonder if those freaks are so sacrificial than a Guardsmen? They will flee like a chaos cultist...