
Surviving on the deserted island with my childhood friends

It was a fun school trip we are having but then the cruise ship that we are on suddenly announced a warning, [Warning, the ship is about to sink, please proceed to the evacuation center] We immediately rushed there with my classmate, but then a huge wave crushed the ship, and the next thing I know I am on an Island Souta, the main character, is talented and very experienced in many things in survival Yuki, a Loner who will meet a smart girl, is very lucky for what he will see on the shore Haruki who is the school council president will lead an only girl group that is very talented in their craftmanship and also lucky for having the bamboo forest, Makoto a teacher, will lead his students, he who has the manpower, and every student and teacher follows him Now, who will conquer the island? Who will rule this deserted Island? Can they still be saved or are they stuck there forever?

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6 Chs

The tragic

"Hannah! Ashley! Jenny! Sophie! Where are you!?" "Souta We should..." A large wave suddenly hit the ship, and Souta immediately hugged Afi to protect her. "We should go to the evacuation center, There might be there by now" "Umn" They run towards the Deck

"Everyone, keep in line! don't panic we are all gonna make it alive" "Uwaaa, mother father" Students are crying one after another, Teachers are doing their best to calm them down and to ease the panic.

"Souta! We're here!" The others are at the emergency boat, Souta and Afi rushed towards them but again another large wave hit the ship, this time it gets worse the ship slowly falls, Souta and Afi try to get to the boat but the rope tears apart "Nooo!!!" Souta then woke up

Catching up to his breath, "Hah... hah... hah..." He looks around his surroundings "Where... Am I?" Souta stands up and walks around the shore, Shouting "Afi! Sophie! Hannah! Ashley! Jenny! Hah... there's no point in shouting here"

From Afar, he gets a glimpse of someone, "Hey!" As Souta runs toward that person, the closer he gets the more he can see it clearly "Huh...? Souta? Souta!" Hannah shouted, She waves her hands "Souta? is that him?" Ashley said, "Woah, Souta we're here!" Jenny said

When Souta got there Afi immediately cling to him, "I'm... Glad... you're... safe..." Sophie said with a weak voice, "I'm glad that everyone is safe" Hannah: "We manage to survive somehow"

Ashley: "How did you get separated from us? we were in the same boat when the wave hit us right?" "I don't know about that but, I'm sure that we are lucky to survive that tragedy" "Yeah..."

Let me introduce them,

Hannah an Atlethic and cheerful girl,

Ashley is a kind-hearted girl,

Sophie A smart girl who has a weak body she is also an introvert who loves reading books,

Jenny is a girl who loves to cook

lastly, Afi is kinda special, My family adopted her to be my friend and help me with anything I need, She rarely talks

Hannah: "Are we the only one here?" Souta: "I don't think so, The others also have boats with them so they might drift to this island" Jenny: "So are we stuck on this Deserted island?" Ashley: "Just like in Anime" "Stop thinking about Anime Ashley, We're stuck on this deserted island we don't know what's gonna happen to us"

Sophie: "We... should be fine... After all... we have Souta..." Hannah: "Hahaha, right, to think that we will be stuck on this deserted island with an Expert in survival" From this day we will survive this Deserted island with my childhood friends