
Surviving in HOTD

In a world where the dead rise and the living become prey, one student will discover what it takes to survive the apocalypse. Meet Kai Sato, a mysterious transfer student with a dark past and a desperate will to live. When a sudden outbreak turns his new school into a blood-soaked nightmare, Kenji must rely on his wits, his makeshift weapons, and a few unlikely allies to fight his way out of the horror-filled halls of Fujimi Academy. But escape is only the beginning. As Kai and his companions venture into the city, they find themselves in a landscape of unimaginable terror, where the undead roam the streets and society teeters on the brink of collapse. Faced with gut-wrenching choices and heart-stopping twists, Kai must confront the darkness within himself if he hopes to protect the ones he's come to care for. Because in a world gone mad, the line between hero and monster blurs. And Kai will discover that sometimes, the only way to hold onto your humanity...is to embrace the savagery within. The end of the world is here. Do you have what it takes to make it through the first day?

Tonkotsu · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Healing Hands, DEAD Lands

(A/N: Hey guys! Tonkotsu here I made an update to the first two chapters of the story as I was not in my writing groove and was highkey yapping in it. I made it clear why Kai is so prepared for the apocalypse too hinting on Kai being a Regressor more actively. 

Anyways, lets get into the next chapter!)

I stood back, giving Saya and her mother space for their emotional reunion. After a long moment, Saya's mother pulled back, cupping her daughter's face in her hands. "Let me look at you," she murmured, her eyes roving over Saya's features as if trying to memorize every detail. "My brave, brilliant girl."

Saya managed a watery smile, leaning into her mother's touch. It was a side of her I only saw the day the outbreak occurred when she clung to me - soft, vulnerable, stripped of all her usual prickly armor.

Saya's mother turned to the rest of us, her expression warming. "Thank you," she said simply. "For bringing my daughter back to me. For keeping her safe."

I shook my head. "We kept each other safe. Saya... without her plans I don't know where we would be."

Saya ducked her head, a pleased flush rising to her cheeks. Her mother's eyes sharpened, flicking between us with a knowing glint.

Before she could comment, one of the firefighters approached, his posture military-crisp. "Takagi-sama," he said, bowing deeply. "We should get moving. The area is still unsecure."

Saya's mother nodded, her demeanor shifting into one of cool authority. "Of course. Let's get our guests back to the estate."

She turned, leading the way down the alley. As we followed, I fell into step beside Saya, bumping her shoulder gently with mine.

"You okay?" I asked softly.

She let out a shaky breath, scrubbing a hand over her face. "Yeah. I just... I can't believe it. That she's here, that she's alive. It's like a dream."

I nodded, understanding all too well the feeling of having your world tilt on its axis. "She seems like a total badass. Must be where you get it from."

Saya snorted, but I could see the corners of her mouth twitching. "You have no idea. Growing up, all the other kids were afraid of her. Hell, most of the adults were too."

I grinned, trying to picture a pint-sized Saya terrorizing her playmates. Somehow, it wasn't difficult to imagine.

We emerged from the alley onto a wide, tree-lined street. And there, rising up before us like a fortress... was the Takagi estate.

It was massive, sprawling, the high walls lined with barbed wire and studded with watchtowers. Guards patrolled the perimeter, their swords glinting in the sun.

As we approached the gate, Saya's mother waved a hand. Instantly, the guards snapped to attention, the heavy metal doors swinging open with a well-oiled hush.

"Welcome," she said, a note of pride in her voice, "to our home."

We stepped inside, and it was like entering another world. The grounds were immaculate, the gardens lush and well-tended. People milled about, going about their business with a sense of purpose and order that was jarring after the chaos of the outside.

"Holy shit," Takashi breathed. "It's like the apocalypse never happened here."

Saya's mother smiled, but there was a hardness to it, a glint of steel. "We've worked very hard to maintain a sense of normalcy. Structure. It's the key to survival in times like these."

As she spoke, her eyes drifted to Saya, something like regret flickering in their depths. "I only wish we could have extended that safety beyond these walls. Brought you home sooner."

Saya shook her head, her hand finding her mother's, giving it a squeeze. "You're doing it now. That's what matters."

Her mother held her gaze, a wordless communication passing between them. Then she nodded, straightening her spine. "Well then. Let's get you all settled. I'm sure you could use a rest and a hot meal."

At the mention of food, Kohta's stomach gave an embarrassingly loud rumble.

Saya's mother chuckled at this. "I think we can scrounge something up to satisfy even the most famished of heroes. But first, let's get you all cleaned up."

Shizuka brightened at the mention of that, bouncing on her toes. "Oh, I would kill for a hot shower!"

Saya's mother's lips twitched, amusement softening her features. "Saya, why don't you show your friends to the guest wing? I'll have some options sent up."

Saya nodded, a proud tilt to her chin as she turned to us. "Follow me. And try not to gawk too much. It's unbecoming."

As she led us into the house, I couldn't help but marvel. High ceilings, polished wood, plush carpets... it was like something out of a movie.

But more than that, it was the little things that caught my eye. The family photos lining the walls, showing a gap-toothed Saya in pigtails. The clutter of books and papers on a side table, so obviously hers. The faint scent of lemon.

Her steps were lighter as she led us deeper into the house, her voice taking on a note of shy pride as she pointed out rooms and features.

Shizuka sidled up to her, a bright smile on her face. "Hey, Saya? Is there a place I could borrow to give Kai and Rei a quick medical once-over? I want to make sure they didn't sustain any injuries from that little stunt with the humvee."

Saya blinked, then shrugged. "Sure. There's a guest room just down the hall that should work. It's got a couple of beds, so you can check them both at the same time."

Shizuka clapped her hands, bouncing on her toes. "Perfect! Lead the way!"

Saya rolled her eyes but obliged, guiding us to a spacious bedroom. Two large beds dominated the space, separated by a curtain. Cabinets lined the walls, likely stocked with medical supplies.

"There you go," Saya said, waving a hand. "Holler if you need anything else."

Saeko stepped forward and her hand found mine, giving it a brief but firm squeeze. "Take care of yourself," she murmured, her voice low. "I expect a full recovery."

"Don't worry," I grinned. "I'll be good as new in no time."

Takashi clapped Rei on the shoulder, his smile reassuring. "I'll check in on you after the tour," he promised. "Bring you up to speed on all the cool stuff you missed."

Rei gave him a slight smile but didn't respond. When they finally left, Shizuka went into nurse mode.

"Rei, you take that bed. Kai, you're with me." Shizuka's tone brooked no argument.

As Rei settled herself, I hobbled over to the other bed, gingerly rolling up my pant leg. The ankle was a mess, swollen to nearly twice its normal size.

Shizuka tisked, kneeling to examine the injury. Her fingers were gentle but firm as she probed the tender flesh. "You're lucky it's not broken," she murmured. "But this is a nasty sprain. You're going to need to stay off it for a while."

"Define 'a while'."

She shot me a look. "Until I say otherwise. I mean it, Kai. No heroics, no pushing yourself. You won't do anyone any good if you cripple yourself."

"Okay," I said softly. "I'll be good. I promise."

Shizuka's expression softened. She patted my knee, her touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary. "Good. Because we need you, Kai. All of you, whole and healthy."

She rose, turning to rummage in one of the cabinets. She came back with a roll of bandages and a tube of something that smelled medicinal.

"This will help with the swelling and the pain," she explained, uncapping the tube. She squirted a generous dollop into her palm and began massaging it into my ankle.

A groan escaped my lips at the sensation, pain and pleasure twining together. Shizuka's eyes darkened, her massage taking on a new intent.

"Feel good?" Shizuka purred, her hands up to my thigh. "You know, as your doctor, it's my job to make sure you're relaxed. Stress can be so detrimental to the healing process..."

But before she could go any further, Rei cleared her throat. Loudly. "Hey, Nurse Nympho. Some of us are still waiting for our check-up, you know."

Shizuka blinked, as if coming out of a daze. A pretty blush stained her cheeks as she withdrew her hands, giggling. "Oops! Sorry, Rei. I guess I got a little carried away."

She bustled over to Rei's bed, all business once more. But as she passed me, she leaned in close, her breath hot against my ear. "To be continued," she whispered, punctuating her words with a nibble on my earlobe.

Damn, that woman knew exactly how to wind me up.

I watched as Shizuka examined Rei, her hands gentle as she checked for injuries. Despite her earlier conversation with me, she was the picture of professionalism now, her focus entirely on her patient.

"Any pain here?" she asked, pressing lightly on Rei's ribs. "Any difficulty breathing?"

Rei shook her head, though I could see the tension in her jaw. "No, I'm fine. Just a few bruises."

Shizuka hummed, not entirely convinced. "I'd feel better if we wrapped these, just to be safe. Bruised ribs can be tricky - it's easy to aggravate them without realizing."

Rei started to protest, but a stern look from Shizuka silenced her. Sighing, she lifted her shirt, allowing the nurse to wind a bandage around her torso.

My musings were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I sat up, expecting to see Saya or one of the Takagi house staff. Instead, I was greeted by a sight that never failed to steal my breath.

Saeko stood in the doorway, her dark hair falling in a silken curtain around her shoulders. She'd changed out of her battle-worn clothes into a simple yukata, the deep blue fabric a striking contrast against her pale skin.

"Kai." She breathed my name like a prayer. "I came to check on you. How are you feeling?"

I couldn't help the grin that tugged at my lips. "Like I just went ten rounds with a horde of the undead. So, you know, pretty much par for the course."

She moved into the room, her steps soft on the plush carpet. As she neared my bed, I caught the faint scent of jasmine, clean and sweet.

"Well, I'm glad to see Shizuka has been taking good care of you," she murmured, her gaze flicking to my bandaged ankle.

"Ah, yeah. You know Shizuka. Always thorough."

Saeko hummed, a non-committal sound. Then she held out a hand to me, her expression softening. "Come. Let me show you to your room. You should rest that leg, give it a chance to heal."

I took her hand without hesitation, allowing her to help me to my feet. As she led me from the room, I couldn't resist throwing a parting quip over my shoulder. "Try not to miss me too much, ladies. I know I'm irreplaceable, but do try to carry on."

Rei's snort of laughter and Shizuka's indignant "Kai!" followed me out into the hall, bringing a grin to my face.

Saeko glanced at me sidelong as we walked. "You're terrible," she informed me, but the way her fingers tightened around mine took any sting from the words.

"Part of my charm," I agreed easily. "Keeps life interesting."

We continued down the hall in companionable silence, the only sound the soft shuffle of our feet on the hardwood. Eventually, we came to a halt outside a final door, the dark wood gleaming in the soft light. Saeko turned to me, something unreadable in her expression. "And this," she said softly, "is our room."

"Our room," I repeated. "I like the sound of that."

"Me too," she murmured. Then, stepping closer, she slid her arms around my neck, her body molding to mine like it was made to fit there. "Welcome home, Kai."

End of Volume 1