
Surviving in Another World

I was just sitting in a cafe full of people in the middle of the city when the sky outside suddenly becomes completely dark. Everyone started panicking before the sky becomes bright again in just a couple of seconds. As a fan hardcore fan of isekai light novel, I thought we got transported to different world or dimension. Turns out what? I was right! After the sky becomes bright, there's no building around the cafe, instead it's surrounded by trees. But where's the meeting with the god? Where's the superpowers and gifts we're supposed to choose? How can I survive world this without any of those?

AnnoSenpaii · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

SAW 27 - Adrian's summon(1)

The class ended without anything interesting happening.

Both Kim Jaesuk and Adrian went somewhere while I too, decided to go do my daily thing early.

Now that my daily exercise is covered by the class, I didn't go to the gym, but rather to the field where I usually practice my spears.

Just as I was about to start practicing, Kim Jaesuk approached me with Adrian.

"Hey Alex..."


"Come with us"


"Just come..."

After saying that, he put his arm over my shoulder and we walked to the staff office building.

Walking down the hall, we arrived in front of a door with strange marking on top of it.

Opening the door, there's nothing inside.

"This is a 'fighting field' created with a talisman"

Adrian explained,

"Did you see the mark on top of the door? That's a talisman which separate the space between this room and the hall, so whatever happen inside this room, as long as your power is weaker than the power planted on the talisman, it won't go out of this room"

"I see... so who's power is placed on the talisman?"

"The headmistress..."


We asked around few days ago about the power level of the teacher in this academy, but apparently the whole teacher grouping together can't beat the headmistress alone.

Headmistress Alice is a summoner who's contracted with a lot of high ranking beast, but rumour says that she has other power as well which makes her one of the strongest people in the continent.

"So, why did you brought me here?"

I asked.

"We'll be train here together..."


"I asked one of the teacher to teach us privately and she agreed..."

"Who did you ask?"

When I asked that, the door opened and someone came in.

"How are you doing boys?!"

I looked at the door and to my surprise, it's headmistress Alice.

I then pulled Kim Jaesuk closer and whispered,

"Why'd you get the headmistress to teach us?"

"Why, not how?"

"We've had enough attention already, and if people find out that the headmistress is training us personally, we'll get a lot of trouble..."

"I don't see the problem, though?"

"Dude, don't you know how famous the headmistress is? She won't even teach the prince and princess of the empire, what do you think people will think if they know she's teaching us?"

"I- I see..."


Shaking my head, since the headmistress is here there's no way we're getting out of this.

"Okay enough whispering boys, and don't worry, no one's gonna know..."

She said as she overheard our whispers.

I wasn't surprised because I have no intention of hiding that anyway.

"What kind of training are we doing?"

"You will be sparring against Jaesuk, and I'll be teaching Adrian summoning magic"

"Sparring with Jaesuk? it's not different than what we usually do right?"

"It will be different"

After saying that, she chanted a spell and magic circles appeared right in front of her.

A creature came out of it.

It was the bird which we saw after testing our aptitudes.

The bird looked around before screaming at the headmistress.


"Now now, calm down and listen.."


"That guy over there..."

Pointing at Kim Jaesuk, headmistress then smiled slightly before saying,

"He has double S ranks aptitudes..."

"I DON'T CA- what?"

"He has two S ranks aptitudes"

"What the... for real?"




The bird then flew around circling Kim Jaesuk before floating in front of his face.

"Hmm, you're in great body shape, have good stamina, and can use body strengthening already...

You have basically covered all the basics, just need experiences... eh?"

The bird glanced at me and exclaimed in surprise.



It took a deep look at me before saying,

"Nothing... you're using the spear?"

"Umm... yes?"

"Okay, I'll teach you how to use it for a bit before you guys start sparring"

It then started to tell me about the spear, which most of it I already know.

After basically telling me what I already knew, it told me to start sparring with Kim Jaesuk.

I looked around and saw that the headmistress is currently teaching Adrian something, and then I focused back on my own training.

"Okay, activate body strengthening before you start..."

"Eh? won't it be dangerous?"

I asked in surprise, which the bird replied

"That's why I'm here"


'So cool damn!!'


Both me and Kim Jaesuk then used body strengthening and start to fight each other.

To my surprise, I'm holding out pretty well against Kim Jaesuk.

'Am I actually pretty damn strong?'

I asked in my mind.


The bird suddenly shouted.

It glared at Kim Jaesuk before saying,

"Why are you holding back?"


"Do you think we're playing around?"

Hearing that, I got surprised and angry.

Because the fact that Kim Jaesuk held back against me is the greatest insult he could do to me.

"I didn't-"

Before he finished his sentence, I pulled his collar and shouted,

"Don't joke with me!!"

He got surprised at my outburst, and I continued.

"How far are you going to underestimate me?"

"I don't want to hurt you..."

That sentence triggered something inside me and I punched him in the face which throw him away.

He drop his weapon in front of my feet.

"Ugh... what was that for?"

He got up while rubbing his face.

I uses body strengthening again and kicked his sword to him.

"Pick up your sword..."


"Or I'll beat the shit out of you"

I dashed forward and swung my spear at him.

He got up straight away and evaded it before backing away.

"Oy that's dangerous!"


Ignoring his words, I continued to attack him madly.


As if can't evade anymore, he finally starts to counter attack me.

"Don't blame me for this!"

He then started to swung his sword at me, which I deflect using my spear.

He looked surprised at how good I'm with the spear.

I then thrust my spear at his stomach, which he blocked with his sword.

"Cough cough..."

He flew away and starts coughing up blood.


He then dashed at me and starts to get aggressive.

Scratch starts appearing on my body, but I ignored it and keep on clashing with him.

I then gathered my mana on my spear to launch an attack, which he did the same.


Just as our attack was about to connect, the bird appeared in the middle shouted.

That shout has enough power to push both me and Kim Jaesuk away and canceled both our attacks.

I tried getting up, but wasn't able to and my vision turned dark.


Both me and Alex got pushed back by the bird's powerful shout.

Getting up, I saw the bird attending to fainted Alex.

I then started to walk toward their way.

"How is he?"

"He just exhausted his mana, he'll be fine after resting for a bit"

"I see..."

"If the last attack connect, you know how bad that will be right?"


The bird then uses magic and Alex starts to float away.

"Where are you bringing him?"

"To the infirmary, he need to rest"

After saying that, it glared at me.

"Now, do you know what you just have done?"


"Sigh... do you even have any idea why he got mad?"

"I just-"

"Just what? You don't want to hurt him is that it?"


"You guys are friend right?"


"Do you know what makes a friend, friend?"


"It's equality"

"What does that have to do-"

"Oh it sure does...

Do you realise that you are way above him in every aspect? Be it talent, fighting prowess, and even magic power... you're way league above him"


"You might not realise, but from what I saw earlier, he's been feeling inferior for some time"

"But he's not that kind of guy!"

"Well, but it happens. The moment you said that you don't want to hurt him, that's you drawing a line between you and him.

You literally said told him that he's weaker than you, so you won't take him seriously"

It then sighed for a bit before turned to look at Adrian and headmistress.

"Looks like they're almost done..."

Turning my head to their direction, I saw mana Adrian surrounded by mana.

Then a moment after, magic circles starts forming in front of him and a creature came out.