
Surviving in Another World

I was just sitting in a cafe full of people in the middle of the city when the sky outside suddenly becomes completely dark. Everyone started panicking before the sky becomes bright again in just a couple of seconds. As a fan hardcore fan of isekai light novel, I thought we got transported to different world or dimension. Turns out what? I was right! After the sky becomes bright, there's no building around the cafe, instead it's surrounded by trees. But where's the meeting with the god? Where's the superpowers and gifts we're supposed to choose? How can I survive world this without any of those?

AnnoSenpaii · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

SAW 26 - Duel(2)

"I am a first year, Martis, a loyal follower of prince Oscar de Gracias. Due to the disrespect you've shown to the prince yesterday, I challenge you to a formal duel!"

'What the fuck?!, it's so cringe...'

Just few seconds has passed since we arrived at the physical fitness field, someone stood in front of us and started shouting.

Even Adrian looked flabbergasted at the situation.

"I refuse!"

Kim Jaesuk answered straight away.

Martis, the prince's follower then smirker.

"Heh, you can't refuse an official duel declaration made by students from the same year! Whether you like it or not, you'll have to fight me"


I can see Kim Jaesuk is starting to get upset.

Just as he was about to say something, I moved in front of him and cut him off.


"Okay, when do you want to fight?"

I asked Martis, and he answered.



"Great, now follow me"

He said, I then turned around to face Kim Jaesuk who seemed upset.

"Why did you accept it?"

"Well, there's nothing that can be done right? You can't refuse either way... So just go there and give up straight away and it'll be over"


"But I just don't want to spend the rest of my academy life being looked down upon. So, at least go down with a fight will you..."

I said before following Martis.

Took a while before I heard Kim Jaesuk and Adrian to start walking.

Because Martis asked a duel with a lots of people around, news started to spread and there's a lot of people coming to watch, including even some of the seniors.

"Oh, it's the magic practice field!"

Arriving at a field, Adrian then exclaimed.

"Magic practice field?"

I asked.

"Yep, it's where me and Kim Jaesuk practiced our magic the day before yesterday. The space will be enveloped by a barrier so that no damage will be done outside"

"I see..."

Standing in the middle of the field, someone who looks like a teacher stood still as if waiting.

He then turned his head to our direction.

"You're the one who'll be fighting?"

He asked Martis.

"Yep, and the guy over there"

Martis answered while pointing at Kim Jaesuk's direction.

Nodding his head, the teacher then ask the duelist to stand opposite of each other and formed a barrier around them.

"I'll be a witness to this duel. It will be over the moment one side fainted or give up, anything is permitted as long as there's no permanent damage done to the other party"

Kim Jaesuk then turned his head to me, which I nodded to.

As if making up his mind, he took a deep breath and got into his position.

"Okay, are you both ready?"


Kim Jaesuk and Martis answered at the same time.

I looked around and see a lot of people came to watch, including prince Oscar.

Then I heard Martis' voice.

"Where's your weapon?"

"I don't need one"



"You'll regret this!!"

Martis then dashed forward while Kim Jaesuk hasn't even moved.

What I saw next amazed me.

Kim Jaesuk suddenly disappeared from view and appeared again right next to Martis who's currently dashing toward him.

He then kicked Martis' leg which made him fell and punched him straight to the ground which created a cracks.


What surprises me more is the fact that Martis is still able to stand up after that hit which I'm sure could've killed me on the spot.

But then I realised that Martis' not even standing properly anymore.

"You bastardd... unforgivable!!"

I don't know where did he get the energy from, but he's still able to get into position again.

He held his sword once more and started to enveloped it with mana, until it becomes long enough to cover his distance and Kim Jaesuk.

'Whoa, his mana can extend the sword that long?'

He then swung it with all his might, just to get blocked by Kim Jaesuk's bare hand.

Not bare hand, it's covered with mana as well.

"Yo- you... you can use body strengthening?!"

Martis looked very surprised and started screaming.


He swung his sword once more, but this time Kim Jaesuk didn't give him the time and dashed forward with a fast movement and punched his face, throwing him away until he got stopped by the barrier.

The teacher then walked forward checking Martis' condition before shaking his head.

"That's enough, Kim Jaesuk WIN!"

He said that before gesturing someone to come and put Martis away.

Walking out of the field, Kim Jaesuk smiled at me and Adrian.

"How's that?"

I smiled back at him,

"That was a good one"

"That's amazing!"

Adrian exclaimed and start praising Kim Jaesuk which made him embarrassed.

I turned my head to look at prince Oscar's direction, and his face looks crumped.

It's clear that he's very angry and will probably vent it at Martis.

'Poor guy, not that it's my problem though...'

I stopped thinking at that point and realised that almost everyone is staring at us right now.

"Hey, did you see that? He can use body strengthening..."

"He's even able to overpowered someone from the noble class"

"Do you think more nobles will come to take revenge?"

The murmuring around me got me thinking that more people will probably come, and it might not just be Kim Jaesuk's problem anymore, since both me and Adrian are always with him.

'We need to get stronger...'

With that in mind, I started to create a plan for both me and Adrian to train together.


After the duel, the situation calmed down a bit, even though it won't last for long, probably.

Rumour will spread that a commoner that joined the academy just few days ago beat a noble whom a prince's follower in just few exchanges.

There's no way those arrogant nobles will accept that, so they will definitely come looking for trouble soon.

We arrived at the place where the physical fitness class is being held, although we're late.

We're not the only one who's late though, as most of the students were watching Kim Jaesuk's duel earlier.

And the teacher who was overseeing the duel is the physical fitness instructor itself, who arrived even late than us.

"Okay class, I'm your instructor for this semester's physical fitness session. The name's Alex, nice to meet you all"

He introduced himself, which surprises me because we have the same name.

"I was late because of a duel which happen between a student of this class and another one from a noble class"

After saying that, he glanced at Kim Jaesuk's direction for a while before looking away.

"Anyway, let's not discuss about that and let's begin class! Call me instructor by the way..."

"Yes instructor!"

After that, we begin the class which is basically PE class back on earth.

We ran around the field, did a set of exercises such as sit up, push up, pull up, and others.

Both me and Kim Jaesuk's used to it, so we didn't really feel tired or anything, but that's not the case for Adrian and the other student.

Of course, there are some student who seems fine as well.

"Ouch, that damn instructor... My thigh hurts like hell..."

Adrian complained.

I then laughed at his comment.

"Hahaha, I told you to at least train yourself physically back in the village... look at you now"

"Dude, who would've though PE exist here as well... I just wanna go back and read a book man..."

We continued to bicker around for a while, until the teacher called Kim Jaesuk to talk privately.

Their conversation looked serious, so I tried to listen but wasn't able to even though I enhanced my hearing.

After that attempt, I gave up and decided to ask him after he's done talking.

"So, what's happening?"

I asked as he approached my way.

"Ah, the instructor just warned us to be careful of the nobles' class..."

"Oh about that? Yeah they will probably come back"

"You knew?"

"It's common troupe man, one of the noble lost making them lost face, there's no way they're gonna let this go without taking revenge.

They will definitely have someone strong beat the crap out of us in front of everyone to show their dominance, especially since we're just commoner..."


Kim Jaesuk seemed upset and showed me and Adrian apologetic looks before saying,

"Sorry guys, I got you involved in this..."

"What are y-"

"What are you talking about dude, we're in this together okay?"

I was about to say something before Adrian cut me off to reassure Kim Jaesuk.

Taken aback by that, I smiled slightly as I realise that our relationship is still as strong as ever.

"C'mon guys, we can do this together... we're gonna beat those who come our way..."

I said while putting my arm around their shoulder.

Kim Jaesuk then smiled and said,

"Thanks guys..."