
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Operation : Passing the Blame

"Why are we here in this place again?" The thief asked as he was surprised about the mission they had just heard from their Team Leader. The others were also stunned and speechless.

"*sigh*, I know this is too much to hear but our mission is to prevent the Eagle Lord asking for help from the Hawk Sky Lord, Erene Stormcloud. But before you decide to pull out, I assure you the mission is within our strength capabilities." The swordsman looked at his teammates who were quite hesitant when they heard the mission.

"I trust your judgement Harold, you're reputaion of a 100% mission success rate means that you have confidence in finishing this one. But this also means the rewards are great too if the mission includes angering the Eagle Lord." the Thief said.

"That's right, the rewards are plenty enough for all of us to retire early. That's why I have all called you specifically for this cause you are the ones I trust enough and competent enough to finish the job. I even brought enough food that'll last us for months" Harold sighed in relief seeing his teammates calm down and showed his storage pouch that was filled to the brim.

"Then what is this blazing mission were bout to do lad for ya to call us in the middle of this freezing winter? My beard would fall of if we spend any more time here" Turli asked as he counted all the bombs he had brought with him.

"We are going to kidnap the child of the Erene, the hawk child that she concieved with Fargor Bladewind. We could balckmail the Hawk Lord into not agreeing for the call of reinforcement." Harold explained. Everybody was surprised but they are professional adventurers and it is easy for them to keep calm in the situation.

"But if we fail to capture the young Hawk then wouldn't that push Sky Lord Erene into joining hands with the Eagle Lord?" asked the Archer.

"That's why we shall wear this!" Harold then brought out thinly colored clothes that were Red and black of color.

"That's the color of those Slavers! Great Idea! Even if we fail and the two of them team up they would target the slavers first cause they will think we would be there to enslave the child! Brilliant!" The Paladin laughed when he realized the whole plan.

"Correct, the Beast Lords were disgusted already of their cowardly actions and this would ensure the Slavers to be the one in the blame. Having the Eagle Lord and his allies attack them along with Hawk Lord being one of the most influencial of the Conservative Beast Faction attack the Slavers would damage both sides greatly." Harold smiled as the plan was his in the begining. He was quite a patriotic person and doing this would help their own Faction greatly.

"Uhmm, aren't we doing something despicable?" The priestess raised her hand timidly as she aske what was bothering her.

"Don't worry Rhean, we are not gonna hurt the young Hawk and this is better for our countries that those slavers be taught a lesson for using the real despicable means in this war. We're going to help these beast when they attack those slavers anyways so just think of this as a necessary means okay?" Harold was patient towards this young priestess as she had show great talent in blessing magic that he called her to join this expedition.

"Let's just all go along the plan first, the Eagle Lord and the Hawk Lord would surely go somewhere a little far from here for a discussion. This leaves the Young Hawk alone in the nest, we'll go there steathily first and once we capture the young hawk, we will rush outside on the shortest path into the poisonous swamps which is the territory of the Cobra Lord.

He is known to loathe the Eagle Lord greatly but was not part of the Dragon Lord Faction cause he too hates him. He's a very proud Beast Lord and wouldn't care much in creatures wandering around his swamp. We can use the miasma of that place as our cover so the Sky Lords wouldn't be able to find us. Then we'll pass through the mist mountains, the territories of the Goat Lord and the Yak Lord.

Their members of the pacifist Faction but are quite hostile against the Hawk Lord and the Eagle Lord, which seems to have been an old feud. Then we'll go through territories of the down and enslaved Beast Lords, even though it is in turmoil cause the beast there are fighting over supremacy. We could use that as cover to reach the scalding Calderas, the territory of the Dragon Lord."

"Wait wait wait!! So we kidnap the hawk then we bring it deeper in the continent? Are we going to put the blame on the Dragon Lord?" The Healer Elf asked confused of why they were going deeper.

"First of all Ashea, we can't erase any sign we kidnapped the Hawk so the two Sky lords would definetely go towards the settlements and we would get discovered easily that way. Second if we go deeper and farther we could use the tracks we leave to confuse the two sky lords when they find our tracks go to the scalding Caldera. Lastly once we find an open space we could use this!" Harold pulled out a scroll that's emitting strong magical vibes from his bag.

"A mass teleportation scroll!! Lad this thing could cost an arm and a leg!!! The rewards is surely large enough for ya to get this thing here!" Turli jumped excitedly seeing the magic scroll that could only be mage by a Archmage that focused on formations

"Yes, and with this our tracks would vanish and the cold blizzards would erase it all entirely." Harold smiled as he felt his plans were ingenious and brilliant.

"Now let's prepare, it is estimated the Eagle Lord would arrive there in a weeks time as he is currently preoccupied by some things our countries put in the way of the Eagle Lord. We can reach there in about three days so we have four days to plan the details out from start to finish. Brendel you make sure you always protect Rhean as she is one of the most important asset we have right now." Harold looked at the Orc Shield bearer.

Brendel nodded as she moved closer the timid priestess that shivered as the cold winds brush past her.