
Survival World Game

Bilhões de seres de diferentes raças competindo em um jogo de sobrevivência para obter a chance de se tornar um Deus. Acompanhe Theo em seu caminho para sobreviver a esse horrível jogo em que ele se encontra. Amigos serão feitos, inimigos mais ainda. Será ele capaz de se tornar um deus? Algumas escolhas serão feitas pelos leitores através de enquetes.

MykeDutra_95 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs


Alika's classes are always very effective, she started by teaching me that to use spells from elements other than those with the highest affinity, it would take much more mana to cast the most basic spells. And she also explained to me how to know my level of affinity. Casting the most basic life spell and observing how much mana it would expend were the spells I learned to take the test.

Water Ball, which generates a small amount of water, usually enough to drink or fill a small bucket.

Blaze, generates a small flame of fire to illuminate or facilitate the lighting of a fire.

Breeze, a light gust of wind, can be used to cool off in the heat, dry clothes, or even blow out candles.

Sand Ball, creates a small ball of sand, which is used to put out bonfires without making smoke, it can also be used to fill plant pots with sand.

The mana cost percentage is directly linked to the affinity percentage, and they are:

0 – 25% = 100% affinity.

25 – 45% = 75% affinity.

45 – 50% = 50% affinity.

50 – 75% = 25% affinity.

75 – 100% = 0% affinity.

My affinities with the elements are as follows, from highest to lowest:

Earth = 100%

Water = 75%

Air = 50%

Fire = 25%

Other more advanced elements include gravity, Ice, Sound and Lightning. These are elements that are born with affinity or obtained through maximizing knowledge about the base element. Earth=Gravity, Water=Ice, Air=Sound and Fire=Lightning.

After knowing my affinities more clearly, I decided that learning about the water element would be faster and would bring me more benefits in the short term. When I was more powerful and had a lot of mana points, it would be easier to deal with the large use of spells with lower affinity. So the training was focused on learning the Water Spear magic, in the next few days, I would also learn many other everyday magics that facilitate survival and even the construction of a village or city.

When it got dark, and we stopped training, I finally saw Copper awake and jumping around the camp happily, I called him, and he ran into my hug and then sat on my shoulder and never left. We all had dinner together, and then I decided to do something that I had forgotten to do and almost didn't remember.

I approached the mausoleum and pulled up its information, then realized that nothing had changed despite leveling up. I was intrigued and then I looked at the building itself, it had clearly changed so I wasn't imagining things, it had actually upgraded its level and yet no improvements were made.

For its next upgrade, 400 energy stones were needed, it was doubling the previous requirement and not adding 100 with each upgrade as I thought. That would be a problem, it was no longer so easy or simple to get these stones. Theo then ordered Amethyst to give him an update on the situation of unknown beings tomorrow morning, saying whether or not it was possible to attack them and leave without any losses.

She headed out towards the village of these beings to find her ghost partner and get all the details. He came once a day and stayed for an hour to recover his energy, then he went back to watching them. And each time he arrived at the camp, he made a general report to Amethyst about the changes to the village. But now Theo needed to be sure of victory, so he could make a plan of attack and then get more resources to improve his camp.

Theo then retired and after a bath with Copper, the two lay down to sleep, and it didn't take long for them to fall asleep.

During that night in a small village a few kilometers away, the two ghosts had a discussion about the next steps to take. After discussing for a long time, the Scout told Amethyst that the right plan could, indeed, succeed in the attack without any deaths on his lord's side.

This was how they carefully planned, a flawless plan that would be put into practice as soon as their lord gave the order. It would not be a direct attack, but rather several small attacks on the hunters who came out every day. Eliminating a good part of the fighters before their lord came to carry out the final attack and completely destroy the village, or even conquer it.

When morning arrived, Theo woke up, and the first thing he noticed was that his dear friend was now a little bigger, at least 10 cm taller, and would definitely also be heavier. Since he could see some muscles here and there.

The second thing that caught his attention was that Amethyst had already returned from her mission, she greeted him and said that after her preparations she would give the report. As she accompanied Theo almost all day every day, she knew her lord's quirks and how he liked to wash before actually starting the day's business.

After washing up, he gave her permission to speak as they headed to the mausoleum, Theo hoped to get lucky and get another elite unit as his Skeleton Knight. Amethyst informed him of the plan she had created with the Scout, and he accepted it, as it would reduce the danger by more than 50% at the time of the main attack. She gave him the order to implement the plan and take the lower level warriors to help them level up.

Recruiting Theo really got lucky, despite not getting an elite unit he got a new Ghost Killer and his first zombie profession.

[Zombie Miner]

[Level: 1 0/100]

[Skill: Mining]

This skill was similar to the Lumberjack, allowing him to increase his working speed and also a small chance of yielding him more stones when mining. Theo quickly created a group with 3 strong skeletons and the miner zombie as well as Alika to exterminate the mine spiders he found. The skeletons would stay there to protect the zombie and whenever he had a large amount of resources, Theo would visit them to collect everything and put them in the warehouse.

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