
Survival with cheat of seduction

You were born with a golden spoon in your mouth and you didn't know any troubles in your life. If there was one thing you wanted to do, it was to lick your mother's breasts until your parents found you a bride who would fit the status of your rich family. You had friends, not very close, but still... You need to know your place when dealing with the son of the richest clan. And then it turned out that rich doesn't mean strong. That strength is in cruelty, in the ability to kill, humiliating. And your parents - and all your not very close friends and relatives earlier - died. The country was bathed in blood, and the last to be shed was your father's blood. Time to die, boy with a golden spoon in your mouth... Well, wait! Why is it time to die? You didn't even have time to live. Here's a cheat of seduction, a little seed in the form of excitement and thirst for adventure, memory loss, so that it doesn't hurt to remember that you didn't stick it to your mother, a kick in the ass and fly away. That's it! A new life full of love and fun. By the way, boy, you owe me one...

alextuss17 · Huyền huyễn
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6 Chs

The divine grace of heaven

After the first hour of work, Jun realized that swinging the hoe was fun, but stupid. It was much easier to lift the metal end of the chopper just a little to get it out of the ground, and then drive it back in using the weight of the tool itself.

An hour later, he came to the conclusion that weeding a field is interesting, but not enough to do it all his life. He still didn't know what the goats looked like, but he guessed that the result would disappoint him a little.

What he didn't anticipate being disappointed in was the rich bosom of a girl named Lucy. At the thought of bouncy hills in a white dress, Jun started working faster.

"Hey, buddy, what are you doing here?" Jun heard a voice say, and he turned to see four tall guys in leather clothes.

They came from the far end of the field from Lucy's house, and they seemed rather brazen.

"I'm weeding the field, can't you see?" Jun was surprised.

He wondered why these guys asked such a stupid question, but he didn't think much and just kept working. A second passed, the signals in his brain broke through a dangerous barrier, and Jun guessed to ask a counter question.

"And you?"

The boys laughed, as if he'd said something funny.

"Hahaha! And we are walking, as you can see." One of them, the tallest, said. "Did Lucy hire an employee?" He asked.

"Well, I messed up her haystack a bit, so I have to work it out." Jun shrugged.

"Do you like it?" Another shorter guy asked.

"Not really." Jun said, but he didn't drop the tool.

The boys looked at each other, and the tallest one spoke again.

"I don't know if you've heard, but they say there's treasure buried in these fields." He said in a conspiratorial tone. "Have you seen anything?"

"Oh." Jun nodded. "I've heard about it. Lucy said that a certain Lord wanted to take her field because he believed that there was a treasure hidden here. But I didn't see anything."

He shrugged again and continued weeding.

"That's right, kid." The tall guy chuckled. "Lord Hun Nya really wants to get his hands on this land, but Lucy is a stubborn goat."

"Oh, goat." Jun said, looking up from his work. "Who are goats? Is this something interesting? Are they worth paying attention to?"

The boys laughed again, and Jun realized that he had asked another stupid question.

"Hahaha, your goat Lucy is definitely worth a look, kid. But you don't look like you're going to have success."

"Yes. You're as ugly as a goat yourself." The guy who had been silent before agreed.

"And as fat as a curly ram." The third laughed.

Jun looked down at his body and sighed. They were right. Although Lucy saw him as a handsome young man with firm, if not fully formed muscles and a steely abs, in fact, Jun was born into a rich family. He might have forgotten about it, but his well-fed body still remembered the excess calories, sweets, and lack of movement. Was that why Jun liked working with his hands so much that he had never done it before?

Jun looked at the four in front of him and thought that he would also like to be so tall and strong.

He sighed and continued working with the hoe while the guys laughed and talked behind him.

The eagle in the sky flapped its broad wings, looking down at them, and threw some divine shit from the sky in its heart.

'How did I not think to add to the boy's intelligence?' The eagle thought as the divine shit fell on Jun's head. 'He won't get far that way.'

"Hahaha!" One of the big men whinnied as the bird shit landed on the boy's head. "Right on your head, ahaha!"

"What? What? What is it?" The others asked, and they laughed too, realizing what had happened. "Hahaha, kid, you're a loser!"

Jun nodded and plucked a bunch of weeds to clear his head.

"Bad luck." He laughed along with the others.

The divine shit got into the boy's hair and gave birth to the seed of not only excitement, but also intelligence. The eagle high in the sky nodded in satisfaction and circled the festive circle.

"You know." Jun said suddenly, as he removed the last of the bird shit from his head and turned to the four guys. "I actually saw something interesting."

The big men started and stared at him with greedy eyes.

"What did you see?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure I want to say this to you after you made fun of me." Jun replied with a sly smile.

"Hey, kid, don't joke like that." The shortest of the big men said, although he was still a head and a half taller than Jun. "If you've seen something and our Lord likes it, you'll be rewarded handsomely."

"Yes, yes, kid." Another big man said. "Your Lucy may be a generous hostess, but you know this field isn't worth it. She would surrender sooner or later, and the Lord would take over the land."

"And then it's better to be on the winning side." The third added. "Tell us what you saw."

Curiosity and excitement alone will not lead to good. And the eagle knew it. Jun also knew that they were ordinary servants, although they were tall. Divine shit helped Jun to think better, so the mind clashed in a dance with passion and gave the boy not clear, but still a plan.

"Take me to your Lord." He said, leaning against the hoe. "And I will tell him personally where I saw the traces of buried treasure."

Hey hey hey!

Hay hay hay!

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