
Survival of the Second World

Year 2045, the world was going as normal, until a sudden phenomenon threw the entire world to chaos. Human were tasked to entertain the Gods ruling over this phenomenon called Second World. Humans are thrown into a world of full anarchy, and the slightest mistake could kill thousands of humans. Among the humans, a college student by the name of Cassius Lee is tasked to survive the Second World, but he is the first victim of many to realize the devastation this Second World would bring to humanity. The only way forward is to either kill all humans, or to prove to the Gods that Humans are worth living. May Cassius find hope in this apocalyptic future.

Alternative_Otaku · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Bloody Night

Cassius continued to sleep, as the events continued. Cassius's slime moved up to Cassius, as it tried to wake up Cassius. The Slime then moved it's body on Cassius's face and started suffocating Cassius. Cassius then stood up as he coughed up the slime in his mouth.

"God! I thought I was going to die." Said Cassius to himself as he looked at his slime. "Ali! What were you trying to…"

Cassius then looked to the side and saw that none of the corpses remained. Cassius looked at his slime and realized the tint of red on it. Cassius then picked it up and placed it on the hood.

"So you were hungry… Okay…" Said Cassius as he wanted to avoid thinking further into what his slime just did.

Cassius felt his body and realized that he was fully recovered. He looked at his stats and saw that his health was full and so was his mana. Cassius pulled his phone out and saw it was 10 pm.

(I was out for 7 hours. What happened? Last thing I remembered was that I decided to get a skill.)

Cassius found his skills and saw the new one. The skill wasn't useful to him, but could prove handy to improve his slime. Cassius picked up his staff and started walking out of the Restroom and saw the numerous amount of Zombies roaming the halls.

"This time, I think I should start practicing throwing." Said Cassius as he saw the Zombies limping towards him.

Cassius threw his staff at the Zombie horde, and rushed at the zombies and started punching them. His speed plus his strength were a dangerous combo for the zombies. He punched his way through all of them and get back his staff, but sees horde of zombies crowding around a lecture room entrance.

"HOLD THE ENTRANCE!!!" Shouted someone from behind the lecture room.

Cassius picked his staff and began killing the Zombies and clearing out the zombies crowding around the room.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them!" Shouted Cassius as he stabbed another Zombie.

"Wait Mr. Lee?" Asked an elderly voice.

"Mrs. Rodgers?" Asked Cassius as he stabbed another.

"Start clearing out the door so we can let him in." Said Mrs. Rodgers as behind the door stuff was being moved around. "Just tell us when to let you in."

Cassius continued to stab through multiple zombies and after minutes of fighting he finally cleared them all. Cassius panted as he was tired of his over usage of speed and strength.

"Alright, that's the last of them." Said Cassius.

The door was then opened as the students inside and Mrs. Rodgers saw the scene of the hundreds of Zombie corpses. Cassius slowly walked inside as they cleared a path for him, as he only managed to make it a few steps in before falling to the floor.

"I'm tired." Said Cassius as he wiped the sweat off his face.

Students blocked the entrance again as everyone stared at Cassius.

"That's him. Right. Mr. Good looking." Said one female student.

"Strength and good looks. He is a catch." Said another female student.

Cassius ignored the girls as he looked at the guys who were all at the front in case another horde of Zombies approach.

"Mr. Lee, I was surprised to hear your voice. I thought you would have been one of those students that have been going around killing people." Said Mrs. Rodgers.

"It was Dallas and his gang! He got ridiculously strong and nearly opened the doors. We were lucky that they left." Said one of the students.

"Dallas huh?" Repeated Cassius as he looked down. "Yeah those four aren't going to be causing anyone trouble anymore."

The male students looked at him strangely as they pondered on what he said. Cassius didn't explain any further as the guys understood what he had done.

"Look, just let me sleep here for the night and I'll be gone in the morning." Said Cassius.

"Mr. Lee, please stay for your own good. We have to wait for the military to…" Said Mrs. Rodgers until she was cut off by Cassius.

"The military isn't coming… No one is…" Said Cassius. "Have none of you seen the notifications. Everyone in this college is trapped by the red wall."

"Red wall?" Repeated one of the students.

"I failed to leave the college, before the wall came down. Dallas isn't the only person killing. I was nearly killed the first minute the wall came down." Said Cassius as he recalled the morning. "I was tackled to the ground… the guy didn't stop throwing his punches, I began panicking and then I… I stabbed him. I didn't want to die, so I killed him…"

The students all looked more nervous, as Cassius opened the shop and purchased himself a cool water and began drinking. The students were surprised at the floating screen. Cassius looked at their expressions and realized that this entire class had not paid attention to all the messages the Gods had been giving them.

"I hid… but then… I realized that there was no point in hiding…" Said Cassius as he noted the students grabbing something each. "What's the point! I'll eventually get killed If I remain a coward! Kill or be killed! I feared dying to those Zombies in the beginning too, but I learned that they weren't the biggest threat…"

Cassius then grew a smile as he saw a message appear in front of his eyes.


[Win a 1v40] [The Gods sense hostility coming from the other players in the room.]

[Reward: +4 Stats]

[Time left: 1:29:59]


"Funny… I was taking a break from trying to clear the hallway clear of those Zombies, but instead Dallas and his group attacked me after I was already tired too!" Exclaimed Cassius as a student slammed a chair against his face.

The chair broke, but Cassius stared at the student as he only took 1 health from Cassius. Cassius's smile only grew as he stood up.

"This event is not suppose to be survival, but entertainment! I UNDERSTAND NOW!!! YOU SEE US CONSTANTLY TEAR EACH OTHER APART THROUGH WORDS THROUGH ACTIONS AND THROUGH MENTAL TORTURE!!! HUMANS ARE THE ROOT OF EVIL!!!" Shouted Cassius as he caught a chair thrown at him.

Cassius looked at the guys as his hands started twitching.


"And it's none of you."

Screams of horror started to echo through the night as one by one Cassius slaughtered them all. The Gods watched with joy as they watch Cassius overwhelm everyone. As Cassius got on top of one student a message.


[Player has received 100 Fame from Thanatos]

[Twist his arm off before you kill him and you'll receive an extra 1000 Fame.]


Cassius complied and followed the God's commands. Suddenly the Gods started cheering as more and more messages began appearing for Cassius to in act their will.Cassius saw a message over each student with specific requests and as a ruthless mercenary would do accepted any request for a price.

One hour had gone, the scream had all silenced. The lecture room now became a scarlet field with all the blood staining all surfaces as the only noise heard were the sounds of death breathing. The one covered in the most red was death himself, the mercenary of the Gods, the Jester there to entertain, Cassius Lee. Sleeping soundly as he accepted himself into the Second World.