
Re-enter the Game:Village Carnival 13

The path ahead gradually opened up, the bare ground devoid of any plants, only some scorched straw scattered in the air.

The back of the mountain was slowly losing its life.

Even though the locusts haven't been eating voraciously these past few days, the forest, whose ecological balance has been disrupted, is still deteriorating.

There's no food left.

Wen Nannan suddenly feels fortunate that she has a decent amount of supplies stored in her space.

Although it's now for two people instead of one, having Zhang Yuan around means there's someone to share the physical work, and they can take turns keeping watch at night, increasing their safety significantly.

"Nannan, we should have collected enough fuel, right?"

After ensuring that no one is around, Wen Nannan slowly covers the firewood with her fingers.

Moments later, several thick pieces of firewood vanish into thin air.

It's true that, besides food, the rest of her space is filled with fuel.

Zhang Yuan is also a new player who has just been through a game. He had only heard of a Spatial Item but never seen one.

Wen Nannan sees his obvious longing and throws the little broken bowl in her arms towards him, waving her hand and saying,

"This is the Spatial Item in this round. But the form of the Spatial Item seems to be different every round. In my last game, it was a bracelet. There's no commonality to refer to. It's all down to luck."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yuan's expression changes. He looks up at her and says in a tone of awe, "Big Sister, please accept my knees. You must be an old player, and you actually got a spatial item in your previous game. Is there anything missing on your thigh? See if I'm suitable?"

"Haha, Brother Yuan, you're so funny! I'm just like you. I've only gone through one game. I'm a newbie too. I don't know much. I'm just lucky. Study this broken bowl well. I hope you can find the Spatial Item first in the next game."

"Then I'll have to take a closer look at it, and take advantage of your good luck as well." Zhang Yuan says excitedly.


Day 17 of the game passed peacefully.

Day 18 of the game.

The locusts still haven't appeared.

Although the back of the mountain is now very resource-scarce, Wen Nannan has a hunch that this round's crisis is not over yet.

Or rather, the biggest challenge of this round hasn't come yet.

"Brother Yuan, get ready. It's time to burn the locusts."

Wen Nannan purses her lips, recalling in her mind the flammable materials she has collected over the past few days. It should be enough.

She has felt a strange sense of unease and nervousness since this morning. To avoid any unforeseen events, she decides to set out now.


On the summit.

The spirited Wen Nannan's face changes when she sees the endless swarm of locusts below the cliff.

The number of locusts has increased again.

The number of locusts clinging to the cliff edge has doubled, but that's only been three days.

Wen Nannan isn't even sure if she has enough fuel.

But she has to go through with it even if she doesn't.

Wen Nannan sighs deeply, just about to take the fuel out of her spatial item, but Zhang Yuan, who's been keeping watch nearby, stops her.

"Someone's coming."

Upon hearing this, Wen Nannan quickly puts away her spatial item.

The next moment, dozens of figures walk up to them.

It's the remaining townspeople of Fuguo Town.

They've all become much thinner, and some are sick, looking very weak. They cough violently with each step, unable to stop.

Everyone has a worried expression on their faces.

Their ancestral home, where they had lived for generations, inexplicably vanished. The townspeople are terrified and helpless, but there's nothing they can do.

Because they don't even know if they'll be able to survive this.

"Aunt Zhang, Grandpa Mayor?"

Wen Nannan asks tentatively, her voice unsure.

Aunt Zhang is so different from before.

She remembers how, on the first day of the game, Aunt Zhang warmly chatted with her, saying that Fuguo Town would never face a famine.

But now, she's silent and withdrawn, her eyes shrinking back as if she's a completely different person. When she sees Wen Nannan, she just purses her lips and doesn't dare to speak.

This cursed natural disaster.

It's the mayor who nods and steps forward.

"Nannan, what are you two planning to do?"

"Search for food everywhere."

Wen Nannan narrows her eyes, somewhat wary.

Although the mayor looks calm, his gaze towards Wen Nannan makes her feel uneasy.

After answering, Wen Nannan doesn't say anything else, making the atmosphere awkward.

The mayor coughs violently again. Although he's speaking to Wen Nannan, his eyes are fixed on Zhang Yuan beside her.

"Nannan, I know you're a good girl. You must have been misled into wanting to burn down the mountain. Come over to our side quickly. The uncles and aunties in town won't blame you."


Wen Nannan is truly dumbfounded.

The mayor's words contain too much information. She needs to digest it properly.

Misled by whom?

Wen Nannan is confused for a second. When she meets Zhang Yuan's delayed gaze, she immediately understands.

The next second, she bursts out laughing.

The mayor, standing directly opposite her, is extremely embarrassed and almost fails to maintain his serious expression.

"Grandpa Mayor, we don't plan to burn down the mountain. We plan to burn the locusts."