

'Alright let's do this' from what I learned from all those fantasy novels I've read I just need a good visualization of what I want to creat. Now think fire, fire starts with a spark, needs oxygen to survive, and a fuel to keep it going. Emits light.

I feel the warmth in my hand and open my eyes. "YES!" I exclaim. Haha now I just need to melt the tin and I'm done.

I put the fire up against the lock, after a few minutes it starts to cave in just enough for me to break it off. Haha I'm free at last! I open the cage and bolt for the exit that I always wished to be able to go through when I first arrived.

Up the stairs and through the door, down a hallway. I start to slow down and come to a walking pace. I have no idea where I'm going but I can smell blood. I get to an open area in the building and see a lot of people laying there dead covered in a pool of blood.

I must be heartless because I felt no empathy for them I start to wonder up the stairs which appeared to be the second floor. I look in the rooms and there are just a few lifeless people in each one.

I think I might faint because of this much blood I walk in a room that has nobody in sight and look around. I see a mirror out of curiosity I step in from of it. I had scars on my arms and legs that were still healing, my whole body covered in dirt, I was wearing what looked like a potato sack for clothes and had messy black hair with a blue tint and also layered in dirt. But my eyes were beautiful, ice cold blue eyes with a tint of silver. Imagine glaring at someone with these eyes.

Ughh I stare at myself "I need a bath. Or some way to clean myself" wasn't there like a spell that those fantasy novels used... like. What was it? Purify! That's it haha! I just need to use water magic and clean myself up. I close my eyes and hope to be clean and clearly state "purify" I open my eyes and look in the mirror to see flashes of light going all over my body cleaning me.

'So satisfying' I thought. But that moment didn't last long I hear someone enter the room and turn around. A man with a lean build black eyes and ash grey hair walk in, and grabs me! "WAIT!" I yell but he doesn't care he just starts walking out the door. I struggle as much as possible but that doesn't work he still has a tight hold on me. In the end I just gave up and let him carry me like a potato sack.

After a few minutes we were outside.

He basically threw me on the ground and I watch as I see people with blonde hair and green eyes kneeling in front of the man with pitch black hair and blood red eyes. I continue to look at the blonde haired people and get this head splitting headache but I hold it in not wanting to make a seen and thank the pain tolerance skill because without it I'd be yelling on the floor.

A memory comes into my mind, this blonde women's with fair skin is whipping the living crap out of me until I was laying on the floor withering in pain. Just when I think it's over a boy who looks to be 18 years old whom also has blond hair starts beating me to the brink of death. And a man who looks to be in his early 40s standing next to a girl with blonde hair and looks like she's 16 laughing hysterically.

They finally leave and I'm left to fend for myself wishing they would let me go.

The headache dissipates and leaves me questioning why I was even in that families hands in the first place.

After a few minutes of silence guards come out of the house and report that there's no one else left in the house to the man with black hair and red eyes. 'Im guessing he's the one in charge and probably the duke that the dirty blond dude was yelling for'