
Threat Level Maximum

"Cecelia...is that you?" Novi muttered through her breaths. Both Nova and Novi were staring at Red...Nova was her sister who looked identical to Red.

"Yeah... you're my mom? And you're...Nova?" Red asked. The paused state of the people around her vibrated through the Arkians especially. Shike and the others were happy to see a reunion. 

While Nova was turned around, Faith slammed a Black Saber into her chest and picked her up by the back of her neck.

"You think you get a happy reunion after you slaughtered Ellie? Cutting her throat under the disguise of Queen Ultima? You think I don't know about you? You think you deserve a happy ending? What about what you did to Kire with Genesis? Huh? What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Faith asked Nova.

I could see her skin flush and Faith pried her mouth open, grabbing a tight grip on Nova's tongue while ripping it out of her throat.

"No! Here it is! I found it!" Faith said with a smile. She kicked Nova to the ground and shot Black Strands out of her hand toward Novi's kneecap, shattering it from the impact.

"Watch and learn, Eternia family. I'll show you a fraction of the damage you caused." Faith said. With a smile, she raised a hand behind her opposite shoulder.

"I won't let you!" Netsu screamed out. He held his hands up, blocking Nova's body from being hit with Faith's open hand.

"Oh, I like you already. Tell you what, I'll keep her alive if you can survive this hit. Take it like a man, why don't ya?" Faith said. Another wicked smile came up and I slowly started to move Novi and Red back from the conflict. When I put my hands around Novi, a Black Saber settled into her stomach, trapping her to the floor. "You don't move until I permit it." She added.

I didn't move Novi out of fear of hurting her. Red was lost in her own emotions, staring at her Mom while she struggled under the Saber.

"One!" Faith charged her hand back, waiting to strike Netsu directly in the face.

"Two!" Her smile grew wider.

"THREE!" She screamed.

Her hand came right toward his face and she struck it with the most powerful force I'd ever seen. Shards of his skull shot out of the opposite side of his head. His teeth were blown out completely, and his right eyeball, absorbing the hit, exploded underneath the pressure. His face was mangled, and he had severe brain damage. 

He let out a constant hum as he tried to speak, proving his livelihood to Faith. She smiled, bending down to meet his eye line with that wicked smile. She was too far gone.

"Wow, I'm genuinely impressed. You ate that hit like I ate that guy's brain! Your name is...Netsu?" Faith asked. She placed her hand on the top of his mangled head and smiled.

"Yeah, I like that." She said, sending Black Strands through the top of his skull until it exploded.

Brains scattered all across the field, coating Faith's face in a layer of pink that almost made me sick.

Nova was stunned, watching Netsu's body fall to the ground and twitch a few more times sent tears into her eyes.

"Oh, what's the matter? You don't feel that pressure? Do you want me to admit your sins in front of your beloved sister and mother? Would you like to discuss the time you used Mizu to justify killing Orion's wife? What about the time you manipulated Kire and killed his wife and unborn child? What about the time when you killed Ellie when Sky wanted to be your friend? What about all those innocent people you slaughtered just to get to the top? Is there any guilt even in your brain, you filthy Eternia?" Faith asked her. Faith waited for an answer, specifically staring at her mutilated mouth spurting blood onto the floor.

"You did all of that stuff...?" Red finally managed to ask, looking at her sister.

"She sure did. Do you want to explain the chain effect of what you did too? Sending Orion into that spiral? I mean, if you're the one who made him a villain, I guess you could even pin the death of your beloved friend Domin onto this filthy whore lying on the ground, couldn't you?" Faith asked. She stared right at me while she explained the entire thing, not even blinking while we maintained uncomfortable eye contact.

She...was the source...?

After a long time of standing around, Finlis and Arthur appeared on opposite ends of Faith, grabbing her arms and pulling in opposite directions.

"Come on, you can't be serious, right? I can't believe she was afraid of you." Faith muttered...no... that wasn't her. Obsidia was taking over now.

Shike noticed her word choice and jumped behind Faith, planting a foot into her back and kicking her forward. She was launched into the ground and turned her head right back toward me.

"GONE!" She snapped her fingers and fear encapsulated my body as I ducked under her strike, watching a cliff vanish into dust and dirt right behind my head.

Holy shit...

"RUN! I'LL DEFEND!" Shike screamed out. He crossed his hands and stopped a Black Saber from piercing the rest of us and cutting us in half. I moved with Red and Novi as fast as possible, carrying them behind a cliff where we wouldn't be disturbed.

As we all sat behind the cliff, dreading the silence present, Obsidia appeared directly in front of me with her green eyes piercing my soul.

"You move when I say you can." She told me.

I blinked and the cliff I was hiding behind was now in front of me, collapsing into nothing but dirt and dust. In addition to everybody being moved into the central area with the parents, we had two new allies as well.

Mizu and Khalil.