
Surrounded By Main Characters, I Was the Real Main Character All Along

The Qilin's Descendant that stops the destruction of the world at the hands of the Four Evil Omens with the Four Sacred Beast Guardians. The Vampire Princess that prevents the Blood Lord from a war with the humans. The Onmyoji Genius who stops the evil demons from invading the world. I am none of these people. I am the friend character of these three protagonists and this is my story.

DXHaseoXD · Thành thị
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311 Chs

Forced marriage

The four Apostles of Darkness had disturbed looks the entire time that we followed behind Yan Ling that I finally couldn't take it anymore.

Yan Ling also stopped when she saw me stop since she had also seen the looks that were on their faces.

After stopping, I didn't say anything as I just stared at the four of them.

The four of them didn't realize that we had stopped at first, but then they slowly came back to their senses and noticed that I was looking at them.

Yuri asked, "My lord, is there a problem?"

I narrowed my eyes to look at the four of them before saying, "There's something wrong with the four of you. Spit it out now and I won't be as angry at you for hiding these secrets from me."

The four of them immediately revealed awkward looks when they heard this.

There was a moment where they pretended like they didn't know what I was talking about, but they could see that I wasn't being fooled by this.