
Surrogate Wives For Billionaire

Her sister ran away with another man on her wedding day, forcing Danera Gillard to replace her twin sister in marriage to Zayn Wilde, a successful but heartless young billionaire and businessman. "Don't get your hopes up in this marriage; you're just a substitute until I find Doriane," Zayn whispered in a cold voice in Danera's ear. "I understand," Danera said softly and hoarsely while planning how to escape. Then, her twin sister returned and wanted her husband and marriage. Doriane and the Gillard family trapped Danera in a scandalous affair that earned her the scorn of everyone. "You want my husband? Fine, take him back! He's a bastard of a husband." Danera swapped places with her twin sister and ran from the authoritarian Zayn Wilde with a baby in her belly. Five years later, she returned with a cute little boy and avenged her twin brother and the Gillard family. .... "Sir, the young lady is back." The secretary reported to Zayn in a hotel room. Doriane leaned spoilt on Zayn's arm and stroked his chest. "Young Madame? Honey, you haven't divorced my sister yet?" "Not yet. Since she's back, I'll divorce her soon." Zayn replied coldly and indifferently while taking a sip from his glass of vodka. "But sir, the young madam returned with a little boy who looks much like you." Zayn immediately pushed Doriane and stood up. "Hurry up and get the child and do a DNA test." "What about Young Madame?" "We're not getting a divorce!"

Missy_Elf · Thành thị
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29 Chs

Are You Trying to Tease Me?

Danera looked down at her dress and shrugged. "I don't know, I'm just wearing what the maid gave me."

"Don't wear other people's clothes. Buy all the clothes you like. If you don't have a dress to go out in, use Doriane's clothes in my closet. She always has a new dress almost every day."

Danera bit her lower lip rather sourly at Zayn's words and returned the black credit card. "That's not necessary. I already have a black credit card from Grandma. I'll buy clothes with Grandma's money."

"Grandma is your grandma, and I'm your husband. Are you trying to embarrass me by telling everyone that I didn't give you money?" Zayn gave her a sharp look and continued his sentence. "Don't argue, use this card to buy clothes, jewelry and whatever else you need. Don't embarrass me like yesterday."

Danera pursed her lips at his last sentence and took the man's black credit card. "Thank you. Please stop at the shopping centre later," Danera pleaded with Sir Harry.

"Why are you going there?"

"As you said, I had to buy pretty dresses so as not to embarrass you. I went to your apartment with nothing," Danera retorted in a mocking tone.

Zayn didn't say anything else, so they left Wilde's place.

They stopped at one of the biggest and most popular malls in the Capital. Zayn left immediately after dropping Danera off.

Danera stared at the luxury limousine driving away and pursed her lips. Staring at the credit card in her hand, Danera remembered Doriane who always showed off Zayn's black credit card in front of her and felt unhappy in her heart.

Did Zayn treat her the same as Doriane?

Is this his habit?

"Well, I won't hesitate to spend your money. Don't regret it later." Danera clenched the black credit card with a fiery look and turned to enter the mall.


Danera stretched her body that was sore from hours of sitting and drawing. She massaged her neck and gazed at the drawings in her sketchbook with a satisfied look.

Fortunately, the sketchbook from college hadn't been lost, and she had brought it with her from her room at the Gillard residence. Danera only needed to add a few colours and draw more modern fashions in her clothing sketches to be accepted. She couldn't wait to work in the field she loved so much.

Danera licked her dry lips and reached for the glass of water beside her. Unfortunately, the glass was empty. She stood up and walked out of the room.

The living room was very quiet. Only the dim yellow lights in each corner of the living room were lit, making the room appear dimly lit. Danera glanced at the clock on the wall that showed eleven o'clock and turned to Zayn's room. Zayn's room looked quiet and dark. It looked like he hadn't come home yet.

Without turning on the lights in the living room, Danera walked into the kitchen stopping in front of the refrigerator. She took a bottle of cold bottled water from the fridge and gulped directly from the bottle.

Suddenly, she felt movement behind her. Danera almost spurted water from her mouth when an arm suddenly hugged her from behind.

"Who?!" Danera shrieked and struggled.

"Shush ...." a hoarse voice whispered in her ear and hugged Danera's body tightly.

Danera's heart was pounding and tense. "Mr. Zayn ...." She looked back and moved uncomfortably. She pushed Zayn away and released his embrace, but he hugged her even tighter.

What was wrong with that man again? Is he drunk?

"Hmm, why do you smell so good ...." Zayn rested his chin on her shoulder and sniffed around her slender neck. Zayn's wet aunt slowly rose and nibbled on her earlobe.

Danera got goosebumps. Her mouth unconsciously moaned softly, feeling ticklish. Danera immediately covered her mouth and struggled to release Zayn's embrace.

"Mr. Zayn, are you drunk again? Please let me go."

Zayn didn't answer. His hand stroked Danera's stomach before slowly slipping into her pyjama shirt and creeping up.

Danera blushed and hurriedly restrained his naughty hands angrily.

"Mr. Zayn! What are you doing? Let go of me!" She struggled.

Zayn did not let go despite Danera's struggles. He turned her body to face him and pressed her against the refrigerator.

Danera blinked at Zayn's face. The light from the yellow lamp showed that his handsome face was slightly flushed. Zayn is wearing only a crumpled white shirt with three buttons undone, exposing his collarbone and well-muscled chest. He looks hot and wild.

His face comes closer until their noses touch. The man's warm, alcohol-scented breath hit Danera's face. The blue eyes, like ice on a normal day, look sad but intense as if staring at Danera.

Danera's cheeks heated up. Her heart was pounding so hard that she was worried Zayn would hear it. She held Zayn's chest from pressing against her and turned her blushing face away.

"You drunk again?" Danera pushed hard on the man's chest. She felt too tight and pounding because of their closeness. "Mr. Zayn, don't drink too much alcohol because it's not good-" Before Danera could finish her sentence, her lips were suddenly silenced in a hot kiss.

Her eyes widened, and her heart beat faster. She put her hands on Zayn's chest and wanted to push him away.

Zayn caught her tiny hand and pressed it against the side of her head. His mouth pressed against her tiny lips. He kissed sensually and rubbed his hips against her body.

Danera flushed, feeling the bulge pressing against her stomach.

"Tu-Master Zayn .... please stop ...." She drew in a shaky breath, her hands clenched tightly. She squirmed, wanting to escape the confinement of the man's body.

Although she wanted intimacy with the man she loved, Zayn was drunk now. Danera had to remind herself of her position to him. There was no way Zayn would touch her like this when he sobered up.

She turned her head, causing their kiss to break.

Zayn was breathing heavily; he hissed hoarsely, looking at Danera emotionlessly.

"You're drunk now. Please stop this. You'll hate this once you sober up tomorrow," Danera said, trying to catch her breath and still-beating heart. She didn't look at Zayn.

"What if I want this? Hmm..." Zayn's fingers combed through her brown hair, his lips whispering hoarsely in her ear.

Danera held her breath sharply and turned to look at the man. "I'm not Doriane."

"I know, but I still want you," Zayn said hoarsely. His fingers touched Danera's swollen, wet little lips.

He didn't know why he wanted her so badly. When he saw her standing in front of the fridge wearing only a tight white t-shirt and super-short pants that exposed all of her smooth thighs, he was so aroused. He didn't understand why it was so easy to get horny for her. Maybe ever since he tasted her tiny lips and seductive soft body in the shower, he had been craving her?

Zayn might be drunk, but he was still sober. Even without the aphrodisiac, he wanted her, and the desire in his body was burning.

His gaze dropped down to gaze at the curve of her breasts beneath her white T-shirt. The buds were very prominent. He was sure Danera was not wearing a bra under her tight white T-shirt.

"Are you trying to tease me?" He hissed, reaching out to pinch the erect bud beneath the thin fabric of her t-shirt.