
Chapter 1 : The Nightmares Will Stop

*Lexie’s POV*

I stand in front of Natasha's house, hesitating to ring the bell of the large countryside estate. My heart is racing, and my hands are shaking. I left everything behind in New York, desperate for a change of scenery and a break from my mounting problems. Natasha has always been my anchor, and I know she will understand.

I take a deep breath and decide to ring when I catch Natasha running towards me already, as she opens the gate, I am engulfed in a warm embrace. "Lexie, my love! I'm so glad you're here!" she exclaims, her blue eyes filled with concern.

"Thanks, Tash," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. I am still a bit nervous, but I am happy to be here with her.

"Come on in," she says, leading me into her estate.

A small golf cart comes to pick us up, I chuckle at the serious driver as he takes us to the main house and leaves us right in the front door. Grabbing my hand, Natasha drags me inside and does not stop until we are in the middle of a spacious living room. The walls are adorned with colorful paintings and photographs, and the furniture looks plush and inviting.

"Tell me everything, Lexie," Natasha says, settling onto the couch next to me. "What happened? Why did you leave New York?"

I take a deep breath, my stomach churning with anxiety. "It's complicated," I say. "There were too many pressures, too many secrets. I just couldn't take it anymore."

"Did something happen to your dad?" Natasha asks, her voice gentle.

I shake my head. "No, it's not that. It's just... everything. My art career isn't going anywhere, and my personal life is a mess. I needed to get away, to clear my head." I am not sure I want to tell her about Thomas’ abusive behavior, but I end up confiding in her. “Thomas broke my last designs, knowing I was going to apply for a scholarship for a Masters at the Art Institute in Paris. It was the last straw for me, I had to leave him too, Tash. He tried to hit me.”

Natasha gasps and her eyes widen. "Of course, I understand," she says, her hand reaching out to hold mine. "You're safe here, Lexie. You can stay as long as you want."

"Thank you, Tash," I say, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

"Let's get some wine and catch up," Natasha says, standing up. "My dad is out of town, so we have the house to ourselves."

As we walk to the kitchen, I can't help but remember Noland. Natasha's father was always a source of tension for me. I don’t know how it all started, but I always felt attracted to him, and I haven't seen him in years. What will he think of me now?

I follow Natasha through the house, my eyes tracing the intricate details of the decor. The vibrant colors and plush textures are a world away from the dimly lit, cramped apartment I left behind in New York.

"Isn't this place amazing?" Natasha says, her voice echoing off the high ceilings. "My dad designed it himself."

"Your dad is a genius," I say, admiring the clean lines of the furniture. "I can't believe we have this whole place to ourselves."

"Yep, just us girls," Natasha says with a smile. "And maybe a surprise guest."

"Who?" I ask, feeling a flutter in my stomach.

"Who else? Noland," Natasha says, her tone light but her eyes holding a hint of annoyance. I don’t know why she always felt like she had to play the role of a nice daughter to him, though it cost her a lot. She wanted to be more free than Noland allowed her, and if they are living together, that must be a bit tense.

"Great," I say, trying to keep my voice even. "I hope he won’t be mad that I came to crash during the summer."

"Of course he will be happy," Natasha says, placing a hand on my arm. "Don't worry about it, Lexie. We're here to have fun and forget our troubles."

"Right," I say, forcing a smile.

As we walk through the house, my mind wanders back to Noland. I remember how I used to have a crush on him when I was younger. He was always so confident and suave, and I was just a shy kid with frizzy hair and braces.

But now, as an adult, I have changed. As I look at a picture of him and Natasha, I can see the lines etched in his face, the weariness in his eyes. I wonder what he's been up to all these years.

"Lexie, are you okay?" Natasha asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry," I say, shaking my head. "Just lost in thought."

"About dad? Noland?" she asks, arching an eyebrow.

"No, of course not him." I say, feeling my cheeks flush.

Natasha looks at me suspiciously and I try to focus on the house in order to keep my thoughts away from betraying me. As we continue the tour, I try to focus on the details of the house.

"Lexie, are you sure you're okay?" Natasha asks, noticing my distraction.

"I'm fine," I say, trying to sound convincing. "Just a little overwhelmed by all of this."

"Hey, it's all good," Natasha says, giving me a reassuring smile. "We'll have fun, I promise."

"Thanks, Tash," I say, feeling grateful for her unwavering support.

As we make our way back to the living room, I can't help but feel a sense of calm. Natasha is right, we are here to have fun. She is going to help me forget things, so one thing is for sure: this vacation is going to be interesting.

Natasha guides me to a different wing of the manor, and she doesn’t let my hand go. “I want to show you this area.”

The moment I step into the room she mentions, I'm struck by the elegance of the design. The spacious living room is adorned with plush couches, intricate paintings, and a fireplace that exudes warmth. Natasha leads me through the huge room, pointing out details of the architecture that I appreciate more than most.

"Isn't it stunning?" Natasha says, beaming with pride. "Dad designed everything. He's a genius."

"Your father?" I ask, surprised at the revelation.

"Yep," Natasha says. "He was always a real estate developer, and now he's responsible for some of the most iconic buildings in Santa Barbara. This house is his masterpiece."

I can't help but admire Noland's vision and skill. The way the light floods the rooms, the way the furniture complements the space, it all feels like a work of art. Natasha is absolutely right, this room and the whole house so far has been a true work of art. I am only sad that we don’t stay longer as she pulls me away to keep the tour going.

A few minutes later, we reach the kitchen, where Natasha starts preparing drinks.

"Would you like some wine, Lexie?" she asks.

"Sure," I say, feeling a wave of nerves wash over me. We are alone, but any moment Noland can come and, will he be ok with me crashing over?

But my worries are soon pushed aside when I hear the sound of the front door opening. My heart beats fast as Natasha turns around and gasps.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" she asks, sounding surprised.

"Thought I'd pop in and say hello," Noland replies, walking into the kitchen with an easy grace.

I freeze the moment I see him. It's been years since we last saw each other, but he looks just as striking as ever. His brown and gray hair is styled perfectly, and his blue eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief. My heart races as I try to compose myself.

"Lexie, what a pleasant surprise," Noland says, turning his attention to me. "It's been a while."

"Hi, Mister Noland," I say, trying to sound casual. "It has, hasn't it?"

"Good to see you again," he says, giving me a small smile.

"Likewise," I reply, feeling my cheeks flush.

Natasha looks back and forth between us. "You are both acting so formal,"

"Formal? This is how I speak," Noland says, his tone light. "Are you both getting yourselves ready for the Summer?"

"Uh-huh," Natasha says, sounding strange. Did something happen between them? "Well, I'm going to go make a call. Wait for me here Lexie, okay?"

I nod at her with a smile, but as soon as Natasha leaves the room, the air between us seems to vibrate with tension. Noland leans against the kitchen counter, his eyes fixed on me.

"So, how have you been?" he asks, breaking the silence.

"Fine," I say, quickly realizing how lame that sounds. "I've been busy with work and all that."

"Still pursuing your art, I assume?" he asks, arching an eyebrow. He remembers what I like!

"Trying to," I say, feeling a sense of disappointment wash over me. "It's been tough lately."

"I'm sure it has," he says, nodding in understanding. "But don't give up, Lexie. You have a talent that shouldn't be wasted."

"Thank you, Mister Noland," I say, feeling grateful for his words. "I appreciate that."

"Of course," he says, taking a step closer to me. "You know, I've always admired your creativity."

"Really?" I ask, surprised at the compliment. Did he really think about me? My heart is beating faster and faster.

"Absolutely," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper. "There's something about the way you see the world that's… enchanting."

I feel my heart skip a beat at his words. Is he flirting with me? Or am I reading too much into this?

"Thank you, Mister Noland," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "That means a lot coming from you."

"Believe me, Lexie," he says, his eyes locking onto mine. "I mean every word."

And just like that, the tension between us intensifies, leaving me with a heady mix of desire and uncertainty. Is it wrong to feel this way about Natasha's father? I step back, feeling a sudden heat rush through me. He looks every bit as imposing and captivating as I remembered. I can feel his magnetic pull intensify with every passing moment. The air around us seems to sizzle with unresolved tension.

Years ago, when I was about 15, I remember when I slept over at their home in Miami, and there was a big storm. I couldn’t sleep, I was very nervous and pacing in their living room. He found me there, and walked me to the guess room. He laid next to me and helped me, calming me from the storm outside, but creating a new storm of feelings inside me.

All these memories come back to me, and my heart races as he steps closer to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Make yourself at home, Lexie," he says, his voice dripping with an unspoken promise. "I will make sure you enjoy your stay while you are here."

I feel a heady mix of desire and uncertainty wash over me as he turns away, leaving me alone in the room. What is happening between us? Could there be something more than just attraction? Or am I reading too much into this? As I sink into the plush couch, my thoughts swirl with questions and possibilities, leaving me with a sense of anticipation that I haven't felt in a long time.