
Chapter 0055 Discussion

Everyone, grab some fruit and pastries, have a drink, and take a short break.

Song Zimo clapped his hands on the podium, while Zhang Lin shouted, "Brothers, quiet down! Quiet down!"

The shout worked. Everyone stopped talking and returned to their original positions.

It wasn't always like this, hardly anyone paid attention to Zhang Lin in the past. However, now he is deemed more important as he is associated with Yang Ping and Song Zimo.

"Shall we start the discussion?" Song Zimo softly asked Director Tian, mainly to show respect.

Director Tian nodded, and Song Zimo announced, "Now it's time for the discussion. Everyone can ask questions, and Doctor Yang will answer them. Don't be shy, ask freely. There's a prize for anyone who flusters him."

"What's the prize?" someone asked loudly.

"You won't have your active case files checked for a month," Song Zimo replied.

That prize had enough weight, even though it didn't beat not having to write case reports for a month.