
Chapter 16: If the Top Beam is Not Straight, the Bottom Beam Will Be Crooked

Hou Shilin and two others were summoned to the Student Affairs Office, and they were unaware of the situation.

As there had been many issues with the Hou Family lately, Hou Shilin's visit to look for Su Yang was rather rushed and unplanned. Moreover, not knowing Su Yang's personality, he did not dare to come unannounced and could only make this low-key visit, hoping to make a good impression.

To their surprise, no sooner had they inquired about Su Yang at the school than they were led to the Student Affairs Office. The three of them were puzzled but did not say much. After all, this was Su Yang's school, and they did not want to leave a bad impression on him!

After waiting for over ten minutes, Hou Shilin's uncle, Zhang Gaojian, couldn't bear it any longer and said, "What is this nonsense? What are we waiting for here? It's been so long; not to mention tea, there isn't even a chair. What are they doing?"

Hou Shilin was also quite annoyed, but thinking of Su Yang's tactics, he steadied his emotions.

"Uncle, don't worry, let's just be patient a little longer," Hou Shilin consoled.

"How do these school people even do their jobs!" Zhang Gaojian grumbled under his breath, his impression of the school plummeting.

Half an hour later, a deliberately fake cough came from the door, and Liu Xingchao swaggered in. He paid no attention to the three people inside, walked straight to the table, sat down, picked up the newspaper, crossed his legs, and began reading as though the three were invisible.

Zhang Gaojian flew into a rage, but fortunately, Hou Shilin knew his temper and hurriedly addressed the man before others could, "Friend, may I ask where Su Yang is right now?"

Only then did Liu Xingchao raise his head to glance at Hou Shilin and said, "What's your relationship with Su Yang?"

"I'm his friend," Hou Shilin replied with a low chuckle.

"Friend?" Liu Xingchao suddenly slammed the newspaper he was holding onto the table and cursed fiercely, "What the hell does a friend count for? I told him to call his parents, and he brings a friend? Is he trying to fool me or the school? Go tell Su Yang that if his parents don't come today, he shouldn't even think about stepping foot in this school!"

Hou Shilin was taken aback and began to wonder if Su Yang had gotten into some trouble at school.

"Uh, I am Su Yang's friend, but, this man here is Su Yang's uncle," Hou Shilin hurriedly pulled Zhang Gaojian forward, smiling, "We don't know what troubles Su Yang has caused. Could you please calm down and discuss this with us properly?"

Liu Xingchao immediately shouted in anger, "Discuss what? What's there to talk about? Su Yang doesn't give a damn about this school. How do you parents even educate your children? Let me tell you, a crooked stick will have a crooked shadow. I can tell none of you are good people by looking at you. What on earth do you teach your kids at home!"

"You..." Zhang Gaojian was furious and about to burst into a tirade when Hou Shilin quickly held him back.

"I am terribly sorry, but can you please tell us exactly what trouble Su Yang has caused?" Hou Shilin paused and said, "If possible, could we first see Su Yang?"

"It's come to this point, and you still don't know what he did?" Liu Xingchao yelled, "Come on, you want to know, right? Just in time, I'll call all the victims in, and you can ask them!"

Liu Xingchao clapped his hands, and a group of people walked in from the doorway, including Zhao Tao, Wang Xiong, Tan Yan, and Wu Bin.

Wu Bin was in a wheelchair, pushed in by someone. Wu Bin was not a student, and Su Yang had not been courteous to him; it was likely Wu Bin would not have many chances to get off that wheelchair in his remaining years.

Liu Xingchao loudly said, "Come, these are Su Yang's parents. Tell them how Su Yang bullied you at school!"

The group immediately began to speak all at once. Before this, Liu Xingchao had even specially gone to them to align their testimonies, and what they said was completely in their favor. From their account, it sounded as though Su Yang was a school tyrant who bullied the weak at will.

Hearing their statements, Hou Shilin's brow slowly furrowed. After their voices died down, he turned to Liu Xingchao and said, "So, you're telling me Su Yang beat all of these people by himself?"

Liu Xingchao instantly shouted in rage, "Are you *ucking blind? Can't you see clearly? They've been beaten to this state, do you even need to ask?"

Hou Shilin glanced over these people, nodding thoughtfully, "I see."

"You understand now? What are you, brain-dead?" Liu Xingchao cursed again; since he had arrived, his speech toward the three had been consistently foul.

Taking a deep breath, Hou Shilin asked, "Then may I inquire further about Su Yang's current whereabouts?"

Liu Xingchao cursed, "What the hell good does asking me do, didn't he go back to find you guys? I'm telling you, if this issue isn't handled properly, and Su Yang manages to attend this school, then I'll *ucking take his surname!"

Hou Shilin's brow furrowed as he stared at Liu Xingchao for a while before turning and saying, "Uncle, I'll leave the handling of this to you."

Zhang Gaojian was trembling with fury. He walked over to the table, glared at Liu Xingchao, and said, "Just you wait, I'll make a call!"

Liu Xingchao slammed the table, "What, pulling strings? I'm telling you, it won't work today no matter who comes. This matter must be resolved clearly!"

Zhang Gaojian ignored him, grabbed the phone on the table, and dialed a number. As soon as the call connected, Zhang Gaojian immediately burst into a tirade, "Dong Hui, you *ucking get down here now!"

Leu Xingchao was originally standing with his hands akimbo, feeling superior and pleased with himself. Hearing these words, his legs involuntarily buckled, and he nearly collapsed to the ground.

"Dong... Dong Hui..." Leu Xingchao was stupefied—wasn't that the name of their principal? How could this person talk to the Principal like that? No, this couldn't be the Principal; it must be someone with the same name.

Leu Xingchao sneakily glanced at the number displayed on the phone and his eyes instantly went dark, because that was indeed the Principal's number, and moreover, it was Principal Dong Hui's private number, which not many people knew. Those who knew this number must be very close to Dong Hui. Were these people that close to Dong Hui?

However, seeing Tan Yan sitting in the room, Leu Xingchao breathed a sigh of relief. With Tan Yan here, he wasn't afraid of someone being close to the Principal!

"Oh, you know the Principal, eh?" Leu Xingchao looked Zhang Gaojian up and down and said, "What, you want to use the Principal to pressure me?"

"Shut your mouth. I don't want to talk to you!" Zhang Gaojian said irritably—he naturally had a short temper. If it weren't for Hou Shilin holding him back, he probably would have exploded already.

Leu Xingchao was furious and said, "Fine, you're tough. I'll see how you deal with this later. I'm telling you, with so many people injured, this incident has to be handled by the rules no matter who comes!"

"That's right, it indeed has to be handled by the rules!" Hou Shilin said with a fake smile, "If anyone doesn't follow the rules, I absolutely won't let them off!"

Leu Xingchao couldn't discern the meaning behind Hou Shilin's words, but with Tan Yan here, he felt extremely at ease.

Before long, a pudgy figure hurried into the office of political education—it was the principal of Number Seven Middle School, Dong Hui.

"Principal Dong!" Leu Xingchao hurriedly went up to him, ready to burst into complaints.

"Oh my!" Dong Hui didn't pay him any mind. He shouted once and then ran directly to Zhang Gaojian, grasped his hand, and repeatedly said, "Director Zhang, what brings you here? I thought it sounded like you earlier, but I didn't dare to be sure. I didn't expect it to really be you!"

Leu Xingchao was a bit baffled. Director Zhang? Which Director Zhang?

Zhang Gaojian, looking quite displeased, said, "Dong Hui, your school has really grown some guts. My nephew and I have been here for so long and couldn't even find a place to sit? Not to mention being lectured for half an hour, we were also cursed at repeatedly. Dong Hui, are these the kind of people you train?"

Dong Hui was confused and scanned the room. His gaze fell on Leu Xingchao and he couldn't help but become furious: "Leu Xingchao, what's going on?"

"Pri... Principal Dong, I... I..." Leu Xingchao's lips trembled, "It's not, they... their nephew bullied... bullied Tan Yan, and injured so many students, I... I was just following the rules, I... I..."

"Shut up!" Dong Hui felt like he was about to vomit blood and angrily said, "Do you know who he is? Let me tell you, this is Director Zhang Gaojian from our city's education bureau!"

"Deputy Director, Deputy Director!" Zhang Gaojian humbly gestured with his hand.

Leu Xingchao was instantly stunned; he finally realized which Director Zhang this was.

Zhang Gaojian, Deputy Director of the City Education Bureau, but also known as the actual power-holding Director because his authority and prestige in the bureau were even above the actual Director. In Nanluo's education circle, he was known to all and feared by all. Offending Zhang Gaojian in the education field was no different from seeking death!

"But... but they bullied Tan Yan…" Leu Xingchao said with a quivering voice, still making a last-ditch struggle, hoping to resolve the issue with Tan Yan's family background.

"Is that so?" Hou Shilin said with a cold smile, "I believe in Su Yang. He wouldn't bully anyone."

"What's your belief worth!" Leu Xingchao retorted angrily.

"Oh, that's right, Principal Dong, I forgot to introduce him to you." Zhang Gaojian said with a smile, "This here is my nephew, Hou Shilin. You must have heard of him—Hou Xiaoyi's son, nephew of Hou Xiaolian and Hou Xiaozhi, grandson of Hou Xiangde!"

Dong Hui's expression immediately froze upon hearing these names, each one was legendary.

There was no need to mention Hou Xiangde, a figure who, even if one went to the Capital City, could rub shoulders with the most influential people.

Hou Xiaolian was also a figure with real power in the province. Hou Xiaozhi, although not involved in politics, was among the most outstanding businessmen in Nanluo. Even the big shots of Luo City underground deferred to him.

And even if it was only Hou Xiaoyi, the City Office Director, that was undoubtedly a significant figure.

The family background of Hou Shilin—how could it be compared to that of Tan Yan?

If Hou Shilin supported Su Yang, what was Tan Yan worth?

With a "thump," Leu Xingchao's legs gave out, and he slumped to the ground.