
Supreme Uzumaki | NARUTO FANFİC

A person who has founded many clans before has now been reborn into the Uzumaki clan and is coming to conquer the entire naruto world.

NaneLimonCuk · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Konoha, Talking to Mito(II)

Give me power stones

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Mito sighed and spoke: "You don't know what love can make a person do, child."

"I know that love can't bring someone from Uzushigakure to here, Grandma Mito." I said.

Mito looked at me calmly while Tsunade glared angrily. I turned my face towards Tsunade, and she turned her head away.

I extended my arm towards Mito and said, "Bite it. I can give you up to 20 years for now. I'll try to extend it later because I don't want my grandma to be upset."

"I've already passed the point where a bite can heal me." Mito said.

"You're questioning too much. Just bite. I'll help you purify your chakra later, and you'll be better." I said.

She looked at me for a while and then bit my arm without further questioning. As my chakra was drained, Mito's body gradually improved, and her wrinkles smoothed out.

After a while, I pulled my arm back and waited for Mito to open her eyes. She opened her eyes and asked, "How can you have such chakra?"

"It's been like this since I awakened this kekkei genkai. How it happened doesn't concern either of us. The important thing is for you to get better." I said as I healed the mark on my arm. "Now I'm going to purify your chakra and try to restore your aging to its original state, so be careful." I said, moving behind Mito.

I placed my hands on Mito's back and started examining her chakra without waiting for permission. Kurama's malevolent chakra was too mixed with Mito's, but it's nothing I can't handle. After all, I've been dealing with chakra for years. I haven't even solved half the mysteries of this energy yet; it's truly impressive.

Even if I can't mix all the energy in her chakra with her original chakra, I can do it by taking some of Kurama's chakra into myself. I took a deep breath and began the chakra mixing process.

First, I took some of Kurama's disturbing chakra mixed with Mito's chakra into myself and then ensured the remaining part merged with Mito's chakra. As this happened, I released more of Kurama's chakra into Mito's chakra.

This process took a few hours, but there was still some Kurama chakra left in my body that I couldn't transfer to Mito's chakra. Now, I'll mix this chakra with my own to increase its strength.

After mixing Kurama's chakra with my own, I opened my eyes and saw Mito and Tsunade looking at me in shock. "What are you staring at?" I asked.

"Your hair and the mark on your forehead." Mito said.

I took out one of the kunai my father gave me and looked at myself.

My previously short hair had now reached my shoulders, and there was a moon-shaped mark on my forehead.

This mark was the advanced form of the Yin Seal, the 'Tsuki No In (Moon Seal)', which my grandmother and I developed. We enhanced the Yin Seal and made it dozens of times stronger than its original form.

While storing the excess chakra in my body, it must have automatically transferred to the seal and formed it. This is nice; at least I avoided a long process. My long hair looks really beautiful and majestic; I really like it.

I examined myself for a bit, then stood up. "What is that mark, Toji?" Mito asked.

"This is the advanced form of the 'Byakugou no In (Yin Seal)' called 'Tsuki No In (Moon Seal)'. It can store more chakra and provide more abilities to the person." I said.

"I see, that's really good." Mito said.

"I want a room to rest. Do you have one for me?" I asked.

"Tsunade, show him to his room." Mito said.

Tsunade stood up and spoke as she left the room, "Follow me."

I followed her, and after walking for a while, we reached a room. She opened the door and showed the inside, saying, "You will stay here from now on. Is there any problem?" she asked.

"Is there a place where I can train?" I asked.

"You can do it in the garden. There is a protection seal there." Tsunade said.

After Tsunade stopped talking, I entered the room, nodded to her, and closed the door behind me.



I left my room in the morning to have breakfast and headed towards the dining room when I heard a sound from the back garden. I went towards the back garden.

When I reached the garden, I saw Toji, who had extremely well-defined muscles for his age and was shirtless. He was practicing a technique, fighting the air as if there was a real person in front of him. Each strike made the dance look even more beautiful.

Oh my god, I want to be part of this dance. How can a taijutsu technique look so beautiful?



I turned my head and saw that Toji was still here. Why is this girl still here, staring at me in shock? I stopped and went in front of her, looking into her eyes, realizing she was still in a daze. I snapped my fingers, and she came to her senses. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I-I was heading to the dining room for breakfast. Then I saw you training and got lost in watching you." she said, stuttering and turning redder with each word.

"It's rude to watch other people's techniques." I said.

"S-sorry." Tsunade said, turning as red as my hair.

I chuckled, ruffled Tsunade's hair, and went to my room to take a bath. After bathing, I went to the dining room to eat and saw that they were waiting for me. Tsunade turned red again when she saw me.

I sat down at the table and saw the food prepared for me. It was well-prepared. It couldn't compare to the chakra-enhanced food in Uzushigakure, but it was still a decent meal. "Itadakimasu." I said and started eating.

After finishing the meal, my face still didn't show satisfaction. Seeing this, Tsunade spoke: "We prepared the best dishes, so why do you still look so displeased?" she said angrily.

"If you spent just one day in Uzushigakure, you'd hate it here. I've lived my life there. Even the poorest person in Uzushigakure eats better meals than these." I said.

"How is that possible? These dishes were prepared by the best chefs among the five countries. Even other Kages would sacrifice a lot for their food, and you don't like it?" Tsunade said.

"In Uzushigakure, we grow fruits and vegetables using chakra. The animals are fed with chakra-infused plants and feed. Therefore, both the meat and the fruits and vegetables are much tastier than normal." I said.

"That's why the food made by the chefs you consider the best doesn't even come close to the taste of the worst meal in my village." I said.

Hearing these words, Tsunade asked in shock: "How can you inject chakra into plants and animals? That should be impossible."

"We are the land of seals, and we can make anything possible with seals. These seals are considered basic level in my village." I said.

"Don't think too much about these things, Tsunade. What Toji says may sound like fantasy to you, but Uzushigakure is unlike any of the five villages. It's the most advanced village." Mito said.

"But Grandma, how is this possible? When all other villages have already acknowledged Konoha as the best village, how can Uzushigakure be better than Konoha?" Tsunade said.

"Not everything is as it seems, Tsunade. What other people say may just be embellishments and can later be reversed, or it may be because hidden powers haven't been revealed." Mito said.

"Grandma, Uzushigakure is not a secret place. So how can other villages declare Konoha the strongest when you say Uzushigakure is better?" Tsunade said.

"Uzushigakure may seem open to people, but no one other than Uzumakis has entered or left. Uzushigakure is actually a very closed village, and the only shinobi who have left Uzushigakure are me and Toji." Mito said.

"So you're telling me Uzushigakure is the strongest?" Tsunade said.

"You will learn all this later. So for now, stop questioning and continue eating your meal." Mito said.