
Going Down

Just before the sun rises, the soldiers of the Spring Breeze City in the Mountain Rock Village was already awake. They were now preparing to climb the Dark Beast Mountain to hunt some bandits. After they've asked the village chief about the area, they came to know that the Black Bandit Group has a base in this mountain side area.

The number of soldiers that the Spring Breeze City sent was a total of 50 soldiers and 2 captain which would lead the group. The soldiers all had a cultivation rank between Rank 5 Martial Apprentice to Rank 10 Martial Apprentice. While the two captain both had the same cultivation rank of Rank 6 Martial Warrior.

"Listen! We will depart in just several minutes! We will move just like what he had planned yesterday! The first group being led by Captain Meng would enter the mountain and take the lead! The second group being led by me will follow behind them while remaining a distance of 100 meters. Be sure to listen in every command of your leaders. At the same time, if we ever encounter an ambush be sure not to break the formation!" Captain Lin who would lead the second group shouted.


The soldiers were all lined up at the edge of the mountain. Some villagers who were awakened by the loud shout glanced at the group of soldiers with an irritated expression.

With the soldiers already prepared, Captain Lin walk towards Captain Meng and said, "Captain Meng the soldiers were already prepared. It is now time to make a move"

Captain Meng agreed and nodded his head, he look at his group and yelled, "When we enter the mountain, be sure to always be prepared and observe your surroundings! Aside from bandits, there are several types of magical beasts living in this mountain! We might get attack at any time! First group follow my lead!"

The first group then started to move forward and enter the mountain. Their armors makes noise as they move upwards the mountain. Just after they have entered the mountain, the second group moves and follow behind them while maintaining the said distance.


In the abandoned castle, Shen Yu with Sakazuki were waiting the ladies to finish their preparations. They would escort them down to their village.

"I think there would be a high chance that we will encounter the Vicious Silver Scaled Ape and other magical beasts on our way down" Shen Yu said as he look at Sakazuki beside him, "If that happens, you will deal with the Vicious Silver Scaled Ape while I take care of the others"

"Reassure Young Master, I can easily kill that monster" Sakazuki then asked, "Young Master, I just want to know why are we sending them in their village. Isn't it much more easier to kill them alongside with those bandits?"

"Well...what you've said is also good. But killing them won't give us anything, we might as well send them to their village and maybe we could get some benefits from that" he lazily replied to Sakazuki who fell silent after hearing him.

After several minutes, the ladies were already done in their preparation. Carrying several bags in their hands, they all went up in front of Shen Yu and said, "Young master, we're already finished our preparation"

"Alright, follow me" nodding his head, he then walk towards the exit with Sakazuki and the others following behind.


When they came out of the castle, the group of woman behind look at the terrifying scene in front of them. There were bloods everywhere and limbs scattered in the ground. Their faces turned pale as some even vomit on the spot. Clearly this is the outcome of what happened last night in the battle between the bandits and magical beasts.

Those who were unfortunate and didn't have a chance was directly killed or eaten by the magical beasts. While those who escaped in the woods, their chances of survival is also pretty low. They would have to depend on their luck if they can survive.

After calming down, the group continue with Shen Yu in front and Sakazuki at the rear. Shen Yu activated his byakugan, right now he could see targets up to 10 kilometers. He could see several magical beasts in the mountain clearly. With this, he can definitely spot anything that would try to approach them easily.

Because the distance of the abandoned castle to the Mountain Rock Village is several kilometers apart. Shen Yu estimated that they would arrive at the village when the sun is already down. Their journey down is not without any troubles, there are several magical beasts who tried to approach them but the two easily kill them.

Shen Yu knowing that he can gain system points by killing magical beasts. Felt quite satisfied as he is farming system points easily. The group of woman at first was scared when a magical beast appeared. But after several times, they got used to it and just ignores it. But now in their eyes, they way they look at the two was different. Whenever they look at them, there will be respect, admiration and desires in their eyes. Those who has desires were those who was brave enough. They would say some flattering words and act seductively only to be ignored.

Noticing that what they're doing is not working. They become slightly depressed and sigh heavily. They knew that what they're doing is inappropriate, but seeing someone this strong there would definitely be something rising in their hearts.

"There are a group of people that seemed to be soldiers fighting ahead of us. Their enemy is the rank 4 magical beast Vicious Silver Scaled Ape. Just by watching them, they will definitely be all killed in several minutes if they didn't retreat" Shen Yu stopped and slowly said. With his byakugan activated, the scene which were several kilometers away was displayed in his eyes like it was happening in front of him.

"Young master, should I take a move?" Sakazuki who was in the rear walks in front when he heard what Shen Yu said.

"Lets wait for a minute, we're still several kilometers away from them. Lets talk about this when we are near them" Shen Yu deactivated his byakugan and said. Sakazuki hearing him nodded and return to the rear of the group.