
Fall of Ye Fang

"Lei Tianming! The actions of your lei family this time is really wicked. Although I already see that this would happen, I didn't expect that your ambitions is really high that you would make a move this early" standing in front of many Ye family soldiers, the City Lord Ye Fang shouted with a resentful expression.

"Ha ha ha! Ye Fang! All I could say is that your Ye family will be replaced by my Lei family as the ruling family in this city. You can only blame yourself for being naive and unlucky!" in front of Ye Fang and the Ye family soldiers, Lei Tianming who was the patriarch of the Lei family retorted with sinister and fierce expression.

'This time my Lei family will undergo a huge rise in Spring Breeze City. What Ye family? After I'm done with them I will then point my sword towards the Crystal Pavilion and become the only ruler of Spring Breeze City' Lei Tiangming thought inside his head. In his mind, he could already see the future that the Lei family was heading to.

City Lord Ye who was standing in front of their mansion was feeling restless and anxious. Lei Tianming and his forces had an advantage against the Ye family not only in numbers, but also in cultivation realm.

He didn't expect that Lei Tianming would be a Rank 7 Martial Grandmaster, while he was only a Rank 6 Martial Grandmaster. If his wife Xue Hua didn't left after the auction, with her high cultivation she could easily defeat Lei Tianming in the battle.

"Lei Tianming don't push your luck too much. My Ye family still had a relationship with the Shen Family in the Imperial Capital. It seems that you forgot that my little sister is the mistress of the Shen Patriarch. If the ye family is destroyed in the hands of your Lei family. The Shen family will definitely destroy your Lei family in revenge!" not knowing what to do. City Lord Ye could only threaten the Lei family using the connection of the Ye and Shen family.

Hearing Ye Fang's words, Lei Tianming suddenly burst into a loud laughter. From his expression, it looks like he just heard the funniest joke.

Ye Fang was surprised when he saw Lei Tianming's sudden burst of laughter. Inside his heart, he felt that there is something wrong going on.

"Ye Fang you really know how to tell jokes! You even threaten me with your connection with the Shen Family. Do you still even know the word shame?" Lei Tianming's face suddenly turned cold and indifferent and said, "Ye Fang...oh...Ye Fang. Do you think I don't know the secret between you and your little sister? Do you think the Shen family will help you if they knew about this, about your connection with Shen Lin?"

When City Lord Ye heard Lei Tianming's words, the blood on his face was suddenly drained. His whole body suddenly felt cold as sweat continuously came out and drench his clothes. His eyes showed fear and panic as he repeatedly think on how Lei Tianming came to know this secret. If Lei Tianming really tell this secret to the Shen family, not only him but the whole Ye family will completely destroyed.

Seeing the changing expression in Ye Fang's face, a sense of achievement well up in Lei Tianming's heart. He sneered, "What will you do now, City Lord Ye? Well you must be wondering why I know all of this right? Since you will die anyway, I will tell you. Do you really think that you are the only one who had a backing from the Imperial Capital?"

"Y...you mean your Lei family has connection in the Imperial Capital?" Ye Fang shakingly asked. The surprises he experience today is giving him an extremely hopeless feeling. His face looks like he aged a couple of years older and his aura greatly diminished.

Lei Tianming smiled and nodded his head admitting that he had connections in the Imperial Capital. With a proud face he announced loudly, "My daughter Lei Shuan had been secretly engaged to the Jin family in the Imperial Capital. With their help, we accidentally uncover this precious secret of yours. At first I didn't dare to believe it, but seeing your reactions right now. I am sure that it was true"

Giving Ye Fang a disdainful look he continues, "Ye Fang I didn't expect that your guts is really high and doesn't know the word shame. But don't you worry, after your Ye family is finished. The Shen family will be the next to be destroyed"

In every words that Lei Tianming speak, Ye Fang's face was turning grave each time. Murderous intent flashed through his eyes as he give a glance to Lei Tianming who was staring at him with disdain in his eyes. He only had one thing in his mind, and that is to silence Lei Tianming.

"Kill this bastards of the Lei family!"

Even knowing that his Ye family was at clear disadvantage, he made up his mind to attack. At least, even if it is low there is still a chance of winning this battle.

"Lei family, kill this shameful Ye family!"

With that, the people of both Ye and Lei family clashed one another into a death battle. Ye Fang and Lei Tianming was fighting against each other fiercely.

Holding both of their swords, their swords clashed each other multiple time as exchanged attacks. But just after several attacks, Ye Fang's disadvantage of being one rank lower was c;ear;y shown. He was breathing heavily and his Qi was slightly disorganized.

In front of him, Lei Tianming with his body covered in lightning has a sneer on his face. Channeling his Qi into his sword he jumped forward dazzling in lightnings.

"Old Ye, take this attack of mine. Lightning Seizing Sword Dance!"

Lei Tianming's figure burst into lightning and moves into an extremely fast speed. Each sword strike he release were fast and destructive. Not giving Ye Fang a chance to counter attack.

Ye Fang's pupil constricted as he tried to focus on his opponents movements. He felt his scalp goes numb while the bright light minimizes his vision. After successfully blocking the first wave of Lei Tianming's attack. His defense crumbled and cuts after cuts appeared on his body. His sword cracks and suddenly broke into two pieces making his already pale face even whiter.

"Old Ye, die for me!" seeing the broken sword, Lei Tianming took this opportunity to unleash his barrage of attacks.

"Turtle Shell Skin!" Ye Fang activated a defensive technique in order to survive the attacks, but he still underestimated Lei Tianming's skill.

"Cloud Piercing Lightning!"

A sharp sword covered in lightning thundered towards Ye Fang. The defensive technique that Ye Fang release was instantly destroyed and his body was pierced by the bright sword.


Ye Fang spit a mouthful of blood as he stared wide open toward Lei Tianming's sword which was piercing his body. He felt the power on his body was slowly disappearing and with a 'thud' sound, he kneel to the ground. The City Lord Ye Fang, was defeated in his battle against the Patriarch of the Lei Family, Lei Tianming.

My readers, some of you might be wondering if there would be a harem in this fanfic, or if there's gonna be any romance at all. Honestly, I don't know. I'm still in the process of improving my story so it would be hard for now.

But, if there would be any romance at all. I will try my best to make their character progress along side with the story. Not like see woman, love woman.

I'm not trying to offend anyone with this, so I apologize in advance.

Thank you for reading this...

Cpt_LickMecreators' thoughts