

Spring Breeze City

The situation in the city in the couple of days that had passed was a rather chaotic one. With the three controlling forces of the city gone, those people who wanted to take advantage of the situation all rise up. All of them wanted to take control of the city making the situation even more worst than before.

But in just a couple of days, all of them disappears and a new force known as the Dark Mountain Organization. This new rising force was the one who destroyed two of the ruling forces before in this city, the Lei Family and the Crystal Pavilion. Because of them, the chaos were easily suppressed and the lives of the people living in the city continues.

Although the people living in the city are somewhat skeptical about the new force. They didn't do anything as there is really nothing big of a change in the city rather than the changes of its ruler.

The guards inside the city which belongs previously to the Ye Family has now following the orders from their new superior known as Sakazuki. Also, with the help of a previous acquaintance, Captain Lin and the soldiers that they've saved in the Dark Beast Mountain, the soldiers who has some doubts at first gain to trust the new force in the city.

Then, the previous Ye Family mansion were now the new base of the organization after doing some changes to it. The members of the 11th Division, were stationed inside the mansion while also keeping an eye to the movements outside the city. Aside from the 11th Division, there is a new group of people working under the name of the leader of the Dark Mountain Organization, Shen Yu.

This new group of people were rarely seen be the common people as they were watching and guarding the whole city secretly. They were the ones who eliminate any potential threat to the city while keeping the people in the dark. The people only knew one thing about them, and that is they were called 'ninjas' by the powerful general, Lady Esdeath.

One could say that among Shen Yu's summon, Esdeath and Yachiru were the ones very known and popular in the whole city. Yachiru was known for her cheerful and energetic personality. She would also appear in the stores inside the city which sells anything sweets. Adding to the fact that she was small like a kid, many people likes her very much.

Esdeath's popularity on the other hand were not very good to the common people. She was known as the Ice Queen because of her personality. In this few days that had passed, her beauty was overshadowed by what she had done to the people who wanted to go against them. She would gather the people they've captured and personally lead them to the center of the city for execution.

While the execution was undergoing, the people who came to witness the scene can only see one expression on her extremely beautiful face. And that is an expression that gives them chills down to their spines.

But even with that, there were still some people who look up to Esdeath. And those people had some certain hobbies inside their heart that we should not discuss any further.


In a certain Inn inside the city, a beautiful lady wearing a purple dress was quickly walking back and forth inside the small room. If Shen Yu was here, he would recognize this woman as the auctioneer on the auction that the Crystal Pavilion held, Mei Jiao.

With the Crystal Pavilion destroyed and all of its important members dead, she was left alone in this city. Her plans right now was to get out of the city without making any suspicious movement and return to the Crystal Palace in the Heavenly Martial Dynasty to report the events here. She knew that the mission they were doing in multiple years of staying here was now finished. And that if she didn't left this city quickly, she might be the next to die.

She knew that the people working under the new force will eventually discover her. So she had very little time left before leaving the city.

While she was thinking of ways to come out of the city, unbeknownst to her there were someone watching her from the distance. A trace of smile appeared to the man's face seeing the restless figure inside the room. After that, he just disappears without any trace.


The next day, five figures were fast approaching towards the city gate. All five of them were riding a horse, and each of the people riding them could be considered powerful just base from the air around them.

When the five arrived at the city gate, the guards opened the gate and checked their identification before letting them in.

This group of five people were disciples from White Moon Sect, and the one leading them was Huang Lihua the eldest princess of the empire. With her leading, the guards respectfully greeted them before letting them enter the city.

"You three, gather the supplies we needed for our travel back to the sect. I will follow junior sister and see if I can help her for the things she needed to do" the handsome man with them said to the other three member of the group. This man is a core disciple of the sect, and his grandfather was a Great Elder of the White Moon Sect. Because of this, the other three acted respectfully towards him and never disobey his words.

After the three left, Fang Chen smiled handsomely towards Huang Lihua and said, "Junior sister, let me help you in your things this time"

Huang Lihua knew that she could do nothing about this so she just let him be. But deep inside, she was vigilant towards Fang Chen's action this time. At first she wanted to refuse him going with her, but knowing his personality, it would only create trouble for them.

"Senior brother, thank you for agreeing to come here in this city" after saying that, Huang Lihua walks away going to the direction of the previous Ye Family mansion.

Watching Huang Lihua's beautiful figure walking away, a thought enters Fang Chen's mind, 'If only the Azure Dragon Sect didn't step in, I would claim this beautiful woman for myself. Unfortunately, that is impossible to happen'

Quickly following behind Huang Lihua, Fang Chen's mind was full of delusional thoughts about her.

When the two arrived at the mansion, they were greeted by a group of guards guarding the entrance. But the two of they felt something wrong, and that is they had this feeling that they were being watched from every direction. They heightened their senses to feel the surroundings more clearly and to know who were observing them, but even with that, they still couldn't find anyone.

"I am Huang Lihua, the eldest princess of the Sacred Sun Empire. I heard that there is a young man named Shen Yu staying at this place. Can you tell him that I've come, and would it be alright for him to meet me" presenting her identification to the guard, she said while looking at the mansion with an expectant gaze.

The guard who receives her inspect her identification card, and after confirming that it was really the eldest princess. The guard quickly said, "Your highness, please wait for a while. I will inform the general about your arrival"

With the guard quickly running inside the mansion, a questioned appear inside Huang Lihua's mind. 'A general?'

While she was thinking, Fang Chen who was behind her couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with the actions of the guards towards Huang Lihua and decided to shout towards the other guard in the gate, "Hey you, didn't you know who we are! How dare you people make us wait here, you didn't even invite your own princess inside and decided to let her wait here!"

The guard who was being shouted at by Fang Chen just glanced at him one time and decided not to bother with him.

Seeing that the guard just ignored him, Fang Chen was really angry. He decided to teach them a lesson, so he took out a slim sword and prepared to attack. But before he can do it, a cold voice sounded in front of him.

"Senior brother, please don't act recklessly. This is my things right here, you don't need to this" unexpected for him, the one who speak was Huang Lihua who still had her face looking forward. She didn't even glance at him when she said those words.

As the things were getting heat up, the previous guard came out from the mansion and reported, "The general said that the Young Master is still resting. If you want, you can wait for a while and meet up with the general first"

"You guys are really not giving us face!" knowing that they would wait again, Fang Chen who was already angry, gets even more angrier and the look on his eyes could already kill someone. Who is he, who are they? They came from a high level sect, but who would have thought that they would be made to wait just to meet a person from a small city on a small empire.

"Senior brother that's enough!" Huang Lihua shouted as she silence Fang Chen with her voice. She then turn to the guards and said while smiling, "I apologize for his behavior, please lead the way"

Fang Chen look towards the guard full with killing intent. At this time, he could explode in every moment.

They were escorted inside the mansion and was led to a room. When they entered the room, they were both shocked to see who was inside.

Inside the room was an extremely beautiful woman staring both at them with her cold piercing eyes. In terms of beauty, this woman could be considered as an equal for Huang Lihua. it is just the two of them releases different types of air around them.