

"Wahahahahaha! Those villages was really our gold mine. Who would have thought that we would loot this many from them!" a man with a scar face laugh wildly.

"Brothers not only that! We also take some beautiful woman from them. We brothers won't be able to sleep tonight. We will play with those woman!" with a loud laugh, another man shouted while holding a glass of wine.

This group of people was a band of mountain bandits. They are the notorious Black Bandit Group that terrorizes the nearby villages in the Dark Beast Mountain. The bandit group now take the abandoned castle in the mountain as their base. Although they will be attacked by magical beast from time to time. They still didn't leave the castle as it is a good base for them.

In the center of the room were the bandits were having a celebration. A tall muscular man was sitting while being surrounded by several beautiful woman. He was called 'Dual Blade Chen' and he was the leader of this bandit group.

"Come...come...come! Feed this daddy here!" with his hands roaming around the slender bodies of those woman surrounding him, he happily accept the foods they offer to him.

"Leader Chen, who would you like to accompany you tonight? We sisters are all eager to receive you" one of the woman with a sexy body said seductively as she sways her hips in his legs.

Feeling the warm body of the woman around him, Dual Blade Chen felt that he was very lucky. He was just an ordinary villager in the past. But because he had some talent in cultivating, he started to practice. After many years and now he was already 30 years old, his realm is Rank 8 Martial Warrior. Although it was only in the second realm of cultivation. With his strength, he could be a guard captain in a city.

Practicing martial arts is not easy, one must work hard and must persevere all the time. But not only that, you will still need some resources, luck and some talent in it. Those who have all of this will definitely become successful in cultivation. Martial Art real is divided in many realms, Martial Apprentice, Martial Warrior, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial General and so on.

"Leader Chen! Leader Chen!"

While everyone is having a good time. A man came running inside while shouting loudly. His face looks terrified and cold sweat covers his forehead.

"What is it! If you have something to say, just say it quickly!" one man which holds a relatively high rank in the group said clearly dissatisfied because his fun just got interrupted by the loud shouting.

Everyone in the room looks at the man with a frown in their faces. Noticing the looks that everyone is giving to him, the man hurriedly said, "Beast! Magical beast are attacking! Their number is quite many!"


"What did you say?!"

Clearly surprised by the report, everyone put down their wine and food and stand up to look at the situation.

"Come lets see what this magical beasts can do!" Dual Blade Chen is already holding his two swords. His expression was cold and clearly hated the magical beasts for ruining his time.

The woman in the room quickly retreated inside a room not daring enough to come out. In their minds, they were just powerless woman. They don't have any fighting abilities. If they come out, there is a high chance that they will be killed by magical beasts. So hiding is their only best chance for survival.

Outside the castle, the bandits were fighting against the magical beasts. It was a bloody battle as several members of the bandit group is already killed or devoured by the magical beasts.

"Move quickly! Kill this beasts and eat their meat!" rampaging in the front is Dual Blade Chen. His two swords is already covered in blood as he battle against the magical beasts. Luckily for them, the magical beasts this time is only between rank 1 or rank 2. If they encounter a rank 3 magical beast, they would have to retreat the area.

Hiding in the nearby trees were Shen Yu and Sakazuki. Earlier when Shen Yu saw that the castle was occupied by this bandit group, he created a plan. The plan was to lead this several magical beasts towards this castle and let them fight the bandit group. But this is not all, there is another surprise that was coming towards the castle. And that is:


A loud roar echoed in the area as the trees started to shake. Suddenly, a huge 15 meters tall ape arrived at the scene. The name of this magical beast is 'Vicious Silver Scaled Ape' and it was a Rank 4 magical beast.

"W...what is this monster!"

"W...why is it in this place. R...run we can't kill that monster!"

"V...Vicious Silver Scaled Ape! What is a Rank 4 magical beast doing here!"

Witnessing the arrival of the magical beast that they don't hope to defeat. Many bandits lost their will to fight and immediately run to escape. For them, fighting against this monster is just the same as committing suicide. Throwing their weapons to the ground, the bandits scattered in different directions.

"Fvck! This beast won't just suddenly appear here! This is far from its territory, there must be something to this!" Dual Blade Chen was also running away with some of his bandit members. He was gritting his teeth as he cursed again and again.

"L...leader you mean that there must be someone manipulating behind the scenes?" one bandit asked.

"Yes, there is a chance that this is intended by someone!" Dual Blade Chen continues, "If I found out who it is! I will peel his skin and break his bones one by one!"

"Oh! So you want to peel my skin and break my bones"

"Who!?" hearing the voice that suddenly came, Dual Blade Chen and the other four with him were all alerted. In front of them they saw a tall muscular man biting a cigarette in his mouth. His clothes is different but it carries a some type of aura around him.

"I want to see how you would peel my skin and break my bones" the man is Sakazuki. Stepping forward, his fist turned into bright magma as some of it drops to the ground creating a sizzling sound. With an indifferent voice he shouted.

"Hell Hound!"