
Supreme of Campione

This is a story about a boy who was banished out of his original dimension without any memories about himself or anything. A story to find his true self and his origin in a world ruled by the Campione and Heretic Gods. A world where the strong could choose their fate while the weak disappeared without knowing anything, All he wants is to find his origin. Not to come back, but to understand about himself. (The story takes place six years before the plot) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I don't own the characters and anime inside the novel. They belong to their original authors except for my OC. English isn't my first language and this is my first novel so I hope you could tolerate more. The release schedule isn't determined yet as I'm still thinking about the plot. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is a harem novel (a huge one at that) and R18 so don't read it if it isn't your cup of tea. (Semi wish fulfillment) I just hope I don't make this into a pokemon catching game with the harem part cause it sucks. I don't really like a hero-type MC so don't expect me to do that. I expect more of an anti-hero that will do anything to get what he wants. Comment for ideas and review for suggestions and critics. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The cover is not mine. I found it on Pinterest.

AsuraEmperors · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: Two Goddesses

The next day.

Arne was lying on his bed in his mansion. Actually, you can't say that this place was a mansion. This was more like a castle. His castle was a bit far away from the bustling city. You know where? Yes. It was on an artificial island on the sea.

This castle was made with the money he got from the plundering of the rich people in Dubai. This castle was made from scratch and was finished just three days ago. The same day as Arne went to Jerusalem.

The castle was similar to Mont Saint-Michel in France but a little bit bigger and wider. You could find any facilities there. Any field for sports he likes, mini airport and harbor, hundreds of bedrooms, and many more.

Arne was holding a Nintendo Switch in his hand and was playing Pokemon. Astrid was lying beside him while watching his face with a wide smile as if she was savoring his handsome face in her mind. When he was playing, Arne suddenly gained enlightenment.

"If I were to gather all of the girls of destiny and give them Draupnir, wouldn't I become more powerful?"

He was thinking about that because the Pokemon game has the same mechanism as his ring. Capture girls = more powers…

"That's true."

Astrid, who was lying beside him, replied.

"Just kidding."

Arne chuckled and continued to play the game. He felt that it was foolish to capture girls just for that.

"How about the two Goddesses' condition?"

After thinking about girls, Arne suddenly remembered about the two Goddesses he saved before. They were being healed in the Healing Chamber ever since one week ago.

"They woke up this morning."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Arne looked at Astrid with a blank face when he heard her answer. Why didn't this girl remind him about them when they woke up? If not for this conversation, he might forget about them and would only remember them when he visited Asgard again.

"You didn't ask."

Astrid answered with a pure smile. So pure that Arne became too lazy to retort.



Astrid giggled when she saw Arne's speechless face. She felt happy that she could win against Arne.

'What a devilish girl.'

Arne couldn't help but think when he saw her laughing. He shook his head and didn't mind about it anymore. He already got her answer in the end.

"Let's go."

He woke up from his bed and went to change his clothes.


Astrid was curious when she heard Arne say that. She wanted to know where he would bring her. Is he going to take her on a date? Astrid couldn't help but fantasize about how their date would be.

"To Asgard."


Astrid felt that her hope was crushed by him as soon as she fantasized about their date. She could only sigh and went to change into the clothes that Arne had bought for her yesterday.

- - - - -

Healing Chamber, Asgard.

There were two beautiful girls inside the green chamber that were currently being healed. Their wounds have disappeared from their body and the internal injuries have all been healed. They don't have any clothes on top of their body.

The first girl was a beautiful girl with long and wavy blonde hair and a pair of light golden eyes. Her looks gave off the feeling of a brave warrior. Her body was lean with toned muscles and was curvy with a pair of big breasts. Her beautiful legs were very heavenly.

The other girl was also beautiful with long purple hair and a pair of dark blue eyes. Her skin was a bit pale but wasn't like a sick person. Her looks gave off the feeling of coldness. Her body wasn't curvy and as busty as Freya but delicate and slender.

They were the two Heretic Gods that Arne saved when they were on the brink of their death.

Suddenly, at the same time, their eyebrows trembled and they slowly opened their eyes.

"Where… am I?"

Freya, the blonde Goddess said in confusion right after she opened her eyes.


Hel also had the same question but she didn't say it. Her eyebrows frowned when she heard Freya's voice. She stood up from the chamber and glared at Freya.


Freya was surprised when she saw Hel and was getting ready to fight until she saw Hel.

"Pft… why are you naked?"

She snorted and laughed a bit when she saw her naked body.

"You're the same."

Hel coldly answered her, not minding her words.


Freya suddenly looked down at her body and only realized that she was also naked. She didn't realize because there was no wind that touched her skin in the room…

"Humph! Let's finish our fight."

Freya was about to use her power to attack Hel when she realized that nothing happened. It was like she had no power at all. Hel was also the same as Freya. She couldn't use her power at all.

"Why can't I use my power?!"

Freya was dumbfounded and stunned when she couldn't use her power.

This was the other power of Draupnir. It could seal the power of the wearer as long as Arne wanted to. They also couldn't fight against each other if they both wore the ring.



Freya and Hel didn't know what to do or what to say. They both felt very awkward because of the event just now. Should they fight like a cat? Scratching and pulling each other's hair? No way! That's not very Goddess-like…

"Humph! Forget it. I will overlook it this time."

Freya snorted and roamed over the room. She knew that this was Asgard because she has been here before. Then, she suddenly remembered what happened before she passed out.

"Where is the God Slayer?"

Freya glanced at Hel and asked.

"? Don't know."

How could Hel know? She also woke up just now…

Then, the two of them didn't talk anymore. The atmosphere went silent and pretty awkward. Both of them were always fighting and hadn't talked that much before.

Because they didn't know what to do, they went back to sleep while waiting for someone to come.

Six hours later.


When they were sleeping, they were woken up by a sound. When they opened their eyes, they saw a portal appear in the Healing Chamber. They stood up and stared at the portal, waiting for the one who opened it to come.

"So you both have woken up?"

They suddenly heard someone talking to them. The voice wasn't like what a mature person has. It was like a child. They didn't answer and only looked at the portal and not long after, they saw a boy and a girl walking out of it. They both look a bit similar so that if other people saw them, they might think that both of them were siblings.

"You're the God Slayer."

Freya didn't dare to move a bit because she remembered how the God Slayer defeated and killed Surtur, the Giant of Ragnarok. She only frowned a bit and Hel was the same. She didn't talk too much but her actions pretty much reflected what was on her mind.

"Good to meet you again. Freya and Hel. Don't you think you should thank me first?"

Arne glanced at Freya and Hel a little bit cold. This was the facade he put in front of strangers. Acting cold and domineering. He wanted to get used to this facade so that he didn't slip and tore it.

"Thank you?"

Freya frowned when she heard what Arne said. She was a Goddess. Why should she thank him? She was about to use her power but she remembered that she couldn't use it.

"Ah… your power is being sealed by the ring. You can't use them without my permission. And… if you attacked me, the curse from the ring might activate, you know? I won't advise it because the curse was… terrible?"

Arne immediately said when he saw Freya wanted to use her power to attack him. It's not like he didn't want the curse to activate. He really wanted it. But, the curse can only be cured by Arne himself and Arne couldn't use his powers to make the curse disappear.

The curse was something like… aphrodisiac? It would induce lust and increase the sensitivities of the girl that was cursed by Draupnir. The aphrodisiac would increase when the target keeps resisting the master. This curse would activate if the servant wanted to betray and harm the master. It can only be cured with the master's help. That means… oral sex. Arne was too lazy to help them if the curse was activated. It's not like he didn't want to… he can't feel any lust and he felt that it would be his loss…


Freya immediately backed down when she heard that the ring contained a curse. She didn't even want to know what the curse was because the word "curse" itself meant that it wouldn't be good.

"Why aren't you talking?"

Arne glanced at Hel who didn't talk at all and he was curious if the girl was mute or something.

"...I don't know what to say. You have won against me and bound me with you. Why should I resist? I have lost."

Hel answered Arne with a blank face. For her, she has admitted defeat. She had lost against Arne and she knew how powerful Arne was. It was foolish of her if she tried to resist and fight against him. She won't win at all. She also didn't mind going back to the Realm of Immortality. After all, the Heretic Gods manifested in the mortal world to run away from there. She didn't want to go back to the lonely Niflheim. It was too cold and silent there.


Freya was surprised by Hel's answer. She wanted to retort against her words but after she thought about it again… Hel was right. They lost and they couldn't win against Arne. He was stronger than them.

"Well… that was not as I expected."

Arne was dumbfounded when he heard Hel's answer. He thought that Heretic Gods were too prideful that they rather die than to serve and be bound with a mortal…

"Ha… this was Asgard, right?"

Freya couldn't help but sigh. She was defeated.

"Yes. This is what I got from Odin."

Arne truthfully answered Freya. He felt that he didn't need to lie about this kind of trivial thing.

"I also got Vanaheim and Jotunheim, you know."

After Arne said that, Freya and Hel twitched. They know what Arne meant. He got Vanaheim from a Vanir. Other than her, who else was the Vanir on that battlefield? Yes. That was Frey. Her twin brother. She wanted to take revenge for her twin brother but she suddenly remembered who killed him. She could only sigh and accepted what had happened. In the end, he was only her brother. Although she liked him as a family, it was just that.

This Freya was different from the Freya in a certain dungeon anime. This Freya manifested not from the God of Love and Sex but the God of War and Love. The leader of the Valkyrie. So, her personality wasn't flirtatious, and was very brave and courageous. She still has the divinity of God of Sex, but it wasn't dominant. You could think that this Freya was Freya in her youth.

On the other hand, Hel didn't feel angry at Arne. She hated her father. Her father didn't support them and her brother. He was a scum. He tossed her to Niflheim and her snake brother to Midgard. Her oldest brother was also being chained in Niflheim. As for her father? They only looked at them from far away.

She was always thinking since they were exiled from Asgard. Why? Why did they do that to them? Then, she only has one conclusion. They were afraid of them. Yes. The Gods were afraid of them because they were too strong for them. But, she only hated her father. Deep down, she was lonely. She wants a friend to accompany her forever…

"Well, let's go."

Arne didn't want to stay any longer in Asgard. Because this place was too quiet. Well, if there were more people in here, he might stay longer. But, those who could enter his «Dimensional World» were the people who wore the «Draupnir».


Freya was curious and was a bit skeptical about where Arne wanted to bring them.

"Back to Midgard."

Well, there was no better place than home.

- - - - -


The portal opened in Arne's room in his mansion/castle(?). The best place in this place was of course! The bed.

"Both of you choose a room for yourself. One room for each person."

Arne immediately directed them. After all, both of them would become his companions. He couldn't treat them badly.



Freya and Hel nodded their heads and went out of Arne's room. This castle wasn't that luxurious if it was compared to their residences. But, Freya felt that this place wasn't that dark and cold while Hel felt that this place was warm and wasn't quiet at all.

'This might not be that bad.'

'This might not be that bad.'

Both of them said in their heart.

"Ah… let me remind you. The curse will also activate if you disobey my order."

Arne just remembered about this thing. He didn't want them to suddenly activate the curse when they were in a battle. But Arne didn't know that for that condition, there was a loophole. They could disobey his order if it was for Arne's life.

- - - - -

Three hours later.

*Knock* *Knock*


When Arne was lying on his bed and continued to play the game, he heard that his bedroom door was knocked and there was a sound coming from outside. It was a girl's voice. Quite stern but soft.


"Master. There is someone that wants to meet you."

When Arne directed the voice, a girl came into the room. She has short raven hair styled in a bob haircut and a pair of golden eyes. There were crow wings-like hair accessories covering the back and sides of her head. Her demeanor and the atmosphere she radiated were like a serious and stern-like assistant. Her body was a bit curvy and she was a bit busty. She looks around 16 years old.

"Hm… golden eyes should be… Huginn, right?"

Arne tried to remember who the girl in front of him was. After all, she has a twin and what differentiates them were their eyes. Huginn has golden eyes while Muninn has purple eyes.


"So, who wants to meet me?"


Huginn didn't answer him directly and immediately moved aside to let someone in. Arne was curious about who came into his castle directly. The people from the Magic Associations won't dare to go near the scope of his castle.


Arne heard a girl's voice. The voice was very soothing and soft. But, her tone was a bit awkward like a shy person. Then, what came into Arne's view was a girl with a nun outfit. Her skin was a bit tan.


When Arne saw her, he was stunned and was very confused about how this girl came into his castle.

- - - - -

(A/N: If you like my story, comment, vote, review, and add it to your library 😁. You can also give me some story ideas that weren't in canon.)