
Supreme Monarch

After being reincarnated in a world called Neron, and destined to be an Average Joe, a common D-Rank Adventurer. Tyler quickly learns the cruelty of life, after being used as a pawn in a selfish and ruthless war, he ended up being captured by the very thing he was fighting against, demons, without any hesitation he was bombarded along with the demons. Caught in the destruction of the demon king, he was unable to save himself and fell to his death. Fate, however, had other ideas, it wasn't done with him yet. After being reawakened in a new era, in the center of the demon territory, he finds himself caught in a rapidly growing and dangerous situation. Swept in his newfound strength, and caught in the greed of his formal self. What will he do next? Will he return to the people who used and betrayed him, will join the enemy against the human race, or will he forge a new path as the one above all. The Suoreme Monarch. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support the Author. PayPal: animetagz@gmail.com Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/QGQJm6XHCf Read other works on, Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Animetagz You can also follow me on Instagram: @Animetagz.

AnimeTagz · Kỳ huyễn
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461 Chs

C288. Closest Companions

 After only a few minutes spent soaking in the purifier bath prepared for him by Erin, Tyler no longer felt the strange numbness he had felt before as his entire body nor felt perfectly refreshed to the point that he was getting a little too relaxed. 

It was a strange feeling so he decided it was best to exit the bath immediately but was pulled back by Rain who locked her arm around his with a blissful smile on her face. 

 "Hey, It's about time we get out don't you think?"

 "Don't wanna... I want to stay like this as long as possible."


 Tyler let out a tired sigh as Rain pouted cutely still holding on to his arm as they sat at the edge of the bath. Shifting his gaze from her alluring figure, he glanced at the quiet Liz next to him.

 She had a slightly melancholic look in her eyes as she hugged her legs while staring blankly into the water. It was clear she had something troubling on her mind which made Tyler a little curious.