
Seeding a shadow

" what should i do now with you ? " felix asked with smile looking at snow under his leg 

" Felix phoenix what are you doing in my class ? " a load voice from the beginning of the class reached everyone's ear 

" you finally decided to step up ? " felix said with sarcasm in his voice 

"who do you think you are talking to ? i am this classes teacher and your teacher , student felix leave your classmate and accept the punishment , don't make things worse for yourself " it was no one except Utah from yesterday 

" who do i think i am ? that is just what i want to ask you who do you think you are ? both ways you know what is this as a teacher ? " felix showed his bracelet that was glowing with red light 

which in its turn changed the look in Utah face " you bastard you are willing to go this far ? " 

" i am willing to go even more " felix smiled gently 

what felix did was one of his secret rights as a top 3 students in every year 

the childish and classic ' call the dean ' 

every top 3 students can use this right once to call the dean to give them justice 

if the student appear to be innocent he will be given this right again 

but now ? everything was staged by felix there is no way for snow or Utah or the big man behind them who tried to manipulate him to from the ever beginning 

and as felix expected an old man with white hair and a white long beard appeared in the middle of the class 

but in contrast to the very aggressive mood of the room he was calm and smiley 

" good youth , i know what happened here leave your classmate first "

felix did what the dean asked him to do directly , he may be able of playing silly tricks on the teachers but not on the dean 

standing in front of the dean felix realized it in a glance 

the dean is just like him he have a road !! and it is much better than him!!

felix cant say how but he know it , it is just like 2 people now that they are the same type of people from the first meeting you cant explain it but you know it.

" teacher Utah after the class you can visit me you and the vice dean " after that he looked at snow and said 

" Snow Lionheart attacking a classmate outside an official fight down to the rules there is 2 results , the first is to be expelled and the second is to give a compensation to the victim "

" so student Felix do you accept any compensation from Snow Lionheart ? " 

" what can he offer ? "

" I .. I will give you 15000AP that i have " 

" what do you think i am begging you or what ? " 

"W.. what do you want then ? " 

" your quota to watch the mythical wall for the next 3 months and 30000AP but because i am a good classmate i will let you give me 10000AP each month for 3 months "

this time it was the deans time to be surprised as he was thinking ' brutal but i love it ' 

" I cant do that , i wont this is too much " 

" idiot then i will let you get expelled both ways the mythical wall chance will find its way for me " 

" he is correct once you get expelled as the 2nd he will be number 1 automatically and get it " the dean said with a smile in his face

" Ok you will give it you , but remember that Felix i will take it back and let you pay for it "

" don't get it wrong you are not giving it to me , i am taking it from you and about letting me pay ? i will be happy if that happened i am waiting" 

" now everything is done teacher Utah give your class first you are 10 minutes late already " after saying that the dean disappeared in thin air 

but when everyone thought he left felix heard his voice directly into his head 

" if you want to know what is the next step visit me "

felix knew immediately that he meant the next step in the road and for felix that was as important as breaking the gene lock even more important 

because he asked Elder Ren before about it and he said that he does not know anything about the road 

even when felix explained it Ren was super confused because he never encountered such thing 

but also felix knew that the dean wont lit it slide , the fact that he used his name to gain support and of course the attempt to destroy a great talent like snow lionheart 

even felix knows that maybe the only innocent person in the whole scenario is snow from the ever beginning everyone used him for their own sake , the vice dean , Utah , Sera , Felix everyone and in the end he was the only one to lose anything.

quickly Utah finished her lecture , she did not really explained anything maybe she was thinking in the problem that is waiting her after that 

after she finished the question an another teacher came directly after her 

this time it was a new teacher at least for felix , it was a blond short Asian women with black eyes making a new combo between blonds and Asians 

" Hi everyone my name is ling Liyuan you can call me teacher Ling , i will be your martial class teacher , I will teach you in this class how to be stronger , all of you are the elite between the elites of our human race so you cant have the same strength as others in the same realm, and here i will teach you how to do it before i continue any questions ? "

a girl in the first row raised her hand to ask 

" your name rank and question" 

" Hong je rank 7 , my question is why should we be stronger in the same realm and waste time ? while we can just use that time to reach higher realm and be stronger eventually so when the others in our age be in the first step we will be in step 10 " 

" Very valid question , there is more than ideology taken to answer this question but i cant give you all the answers for free so why don't we hear your classmates ideas about this, i want to hear everyone so start from rank 30 till 1 and again name rank and answer " 

" Rank 30 perssi , i don't think i have a good answer for this question but it must be related to building a wide base to reach higher level and that is why we build good base from a younger age so a stronger base result in stronger person "