
Supreme Magus Journey.

' Sold by his father as a slave ' ' Sold to researchers who researched on him ' ' Sold to Magus Academy as a Errand slave ' Life has always been hard for Lux. But he never bow down in front of these hardships. And he will never bow down to any hardship or anyone. He will reach the peak of the Magus world and show them that he is the Supreme Mage.

HellBoyMC · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 - Night out

Before going Yvette told Lux to wear something casual for the celebration.

After coming back to his room, Lux took a bath. Since he had some time before his date with Yvette, he decided to try his skill 'Skill Weaver' to make a new skill.

He decided to try and make a skill using 2 different elements.

He use dark magic since he had high affinity with it and decided to combine it with water magic.

After some time he began using skill weaver but he still was not able to fully prepare the spell .

After about an hour he was successful in making a skill.

He was surprised to find out that almost all of his mana is depleted.

He with some mana left decided to try this new spell.

He came out of his shed and found a barren ground with some trees nearly some place far from his shed.

After that he channel his mana and try the spell.

A black colour ink came out. The ink when it touched the nearby tree , the trees started to erode.

It can be said that the ink is poisonous.

Lux was overjoyed to see this spell. Though this spell is a bit grotesque it can still save him in some difficult situations.

After that he came back to his room and decided to check his status in the SMJ.

After entering the similar dark room he decided to check his status panel.

Name - Lux

Cultivation - Adept 3 star Mage , Rank 3 Apprentice Magic Swordsman

Age -14

Race - Human Hybrid [ Human(91%) ?????(9%) ]

Magic Spells - Lightning-bolt (rank 1) [ lightning type magic - throws sparks of lightning ], Blind (rank 1) [ dark type magic - blinds the enemy for the duration of 10 seconds ], Thunder-shock (rank 2) [ lightning type magic - shocks the enemy with lightning sparks and also has a chance for paralysis ], Spell Weaver (rank ????) [can allow the user to make a spell of its own. Can be used as long as user has required mana for the spell to be created ], ink (rank 2 (upgrade with user rank)) [form a pool of black ink water which can poison the enemy]

Equipment - Fate Slayer

Features locked -

Shop ( can be unlocked after reaching Adept 5 star mage )

Training Arena ( can be unlocked after reaching Grand Mage )

Smithy ( can be unlocked after reaching Grand magic swordsman )

When he saw that the spell is a rank 2 and will upgrade as he will rank up , he was surprised.

He thought that the skill weaver skill is mysterious.

After that he came back to his room, get cleaned up and dresses up in some causal clothes and decided to wait at the front gate for Yvette.

After waiting for 10 minutes Yvette came.

She looked quite attractive despite wearing her casual clothes.

"You look pretty",Lux said to her.

"My my, aren't you a charmer",Yvette said to him with a teasing smile.

"So where are we going?",Lux asked her.

"That's a surprise and before that we should change our appearances", she said.

"Well we can't let the princess be seen at this hour of the night with a commoner now can we", Lux said.

"My, are you unhappy of not being seen with the princess"

"I instead am happy to have the princess to myself for the evening without anyone knowing", Lux said to her with his face close to her with a smile.

Seeing his face up close Yvette blushed but she regain her composure and said to him,"Let's get going then".

Before that they change their appearance using Yvette light magic modification which is a rank one spell used by woman for mostly beautification.

They both look like any average teenagers.

They came to a pub in the city. This pub is where almost every person visit. From adventurers to common people can be seen here.

"Why we are celebrating at the pub", Lux asked her.

"I always want to feel life from a normal person perspective and a pub is a place where we can gather information."

"information? what information do you want?"Lux asked her.

"Let's talk while eating?" she said to him.

When they enter they saw the pub was fully packed with adventurers of all races.

Some were drinking while some were competing among themselves.

They sat down in the far corner. After ordering some food.

"So ?" Lux asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Since you know that the tension between the Shadowgate Kingdom and Holy Kingdom at the border increases a war can break out anytime. At that time we of Kingdom of Lucidonia will not be able to sit back as we cannot let any of the 2 kingdoms get more power and break the equilibrium. So because of that most of our forces are stationed at the borders. So the security in the city is somewhat lacking. Taking advantage of this a murderer is running rampant. He only kills beautiful girls after violating them. He is a sick bastard and need to be punished",Yvette said with clear hate in her eyes

"Yeah he need to be punished but still why you a princess is looking in this matter instead of the city gaurd or you can make this a quest for the adventurers to solve. What is your real motive?", Lux said

After stopping for a second he said," Let me guess among those girls who were murdered there was someone you know, right?'

"Yeah she was my personal maid. We have been together for 5 years. At one time she went late at night because I was stubborn and want something from the market. Most of the soldiers were busy at that time guarding the palace and other were busy escorting father who was in a meeting. So she went to the market late at night but she didn't return the whole night. After I woke up the next day I heard the news regarding a female maid dead nearby a alley in the city market. When we went there i saw her murdered brutally yet she didn't let go of the thing I asked her to bring. After some time I learnt that same types of murders are happening all over the city. No one is able to catch the criminal. So I decided to solve it myself. As because of me she died. I cannot forgive myself" as she was telling this tears began forming in her eyes.

"Let's catch that piece of shit then. The thing I hate the most is seeing women getting abused. And I also hate seeing a beauty in tears" as he said that he placed his hand on Yvette face and lifted it up by her chin to meet his eyes.

Yvette with her eyes clouded with tears looked at him and thought that this man look so handsome at that time. She wiped her tears and composed herself and said with a smile" I am counting on you now partner"

"You can count on me",Lux said with a smile.

Seeing that smile Yvette feel some sort of sensation in her heart

As they were talking they heard sound of glass breaking.

"Sorry customer it's my fault my hand slipped", the waitress bowed to a bulky looking man.

"What! you ruined my clothes how are you going to compensate me?huh?"the bulky looking man said.

"I will pay for it. How much is it", the waitress said.

"This coat is made from level 2 beast skin. With your salary you cannot pay for it. But we can think of some other way", as he said that the man was checking her body form up and down with a lascivious look.

The waitress was stunned and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I saw that it was not that waitress fault that other man beside the bulky man made her lose her balance"

"But what can we do they both are adventurers. That bulky guy is a rank 5 apprentice magic swordsman and the guy beside him is a rank 4 magic swordsman"

Seeing the waitress Yvette stood up and went to the bulky man.

"How much money is it" she asked the man.

"What Missy, you want to pay in her stead. Though your face is quite average you have a nice figure, you can pay in her stead or you both can pay me" the man was quite drunk and said with a lascivious look.

"Woh stop there man that Missy can be quite scary when angered",Lux said from behind .

"Huh who the hell are y---" the man had not finished taking when he was thrown to the nearby wall and slammed into it.

The man after hitting the wall spurted blood from his mouth and nose and fainted.

Seeing this everyone was surprised Yvette had taken care of that man before anyone can take action.

The man beside the bulky man stood up and sneaked behind her to attack her.

But he was stopped by Lux who grabbed him by his hand.

"This is not elegant to attack a lady from behind. Wait a minute that sounded so wrong. Well you got what i mean right." Lux said and using his rank 3 apprentice magic swordman physique and coating it with his abundant mana he apply force on that man's hand. Crack crack sounds began resounding in the pub.

"Wh- who are you", the bulky man's friend said with a pained expression.

"I am vengeance", Lux said and punched the man in the face and send him flying in the direction of his friend. He too fainted.