
Supreme Magus Journey.

' Sold by his father as a slave ' ' Sold to researchers who researched on him ' ' Sold to Magus Academy as a Errand slave ' Life has always been hard for Lux. But he never bow down in front of these hardships. And he will never bow down to any hardship or anyone. He will reach the peak of the Magus world and show them that he is the Supreme Mage.

HellBoyMC · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 - Princess Yvette

After getting the scroll, Lux thought of practicing this dual technique after some consideration.

After putting the scroll away he close his eyes and with a swing of his arm a crack in the space appear and he went into the crack.

After he open his eyes he was in his room. After putting the book away safely he check outside and found out that it was still nighttime and went to get some sleep.

After morning rays hit through the cracks in the worn out shed Lux opened his eyes. After becoming adept 2 star mage his body does not feel tired like it felt before.

He get dressed and after some consideration brought the book with him. It was early in the morning so there were less people around. After Lux was done with his duties the sun was already up.

When he was plan on going to practice ground, he saw many students gathered around the academy gate. After going towards the gate he stand some distance away from the students.

He could hear them whispering among themselves.

One of the female student said while scowling, "Look at those boys waiting like idiots at the gate".

The other female also whispered, " Yeah, it's not like the princess will look at them fools".

From their chat Lux found out that the princess of the kingdom Yvette Emerson is coming to the academy. Recently there was the talk of the princess coming to the academy.

Almost all the boys in the academy were there dressed neatly and hair combed properly trying their best to make the princess look at them.

Regarding the arrival of princess Lux has no interest but he still stood their watching everyone as the students were there so the practice grounds were empty.

After some time a luxurious carriage drawn by three horses stopped at the academy gate. At the drivers seat there was a old man with whiter hair combed back wearing typical butler clothes. The old man has an imposing presence. After the carriage stop at the gate the students split into two lines at the sides of the gate making way. The old man get down from his seat and open the door of carriage while bowing politely.

After the gate opened , a beauty with long wavy silver hair and skin pure white came out of the gate . She has deep blue like a ocean as if one looked into her eyes he will drown in them. She has pointy ears identifying her as an elf.

As she walk towards the gate she has a slight smile on her face and has a royal air about her.

She was like a beauty who can't be approached recklessly but only can be adored from the distance.

After entering through the gate she does not look at the students around her and walked straight to the academy. As she was about to enter the academy corridor her eyes fell on Lux and she slightly smiled at him and entered the corridor.

After noticing her smile Lux don't understand why she smiled after seeing him as he was dressed rather commonly.

Other students also saw this and they also couldn't understand her gesture.

The boys looked at Lux with venomous gazes filled with jealousy. Lux did not seemed to be affected by their gazed and was about to left when one of the boys shouted at him, "Oye slave you must be quite happy that princess looked at you".

Lux didn't turn around and was about to walk away when another boy said, " What? Think you are now someone who can now ignore us".

Lux still didn't turn around when one of the student saud, "You can't blame him since this slave never learned proper manners and etiquettes. I heard he killed his mother at the time of his birth. After that his father also sold him as a slave. I also heard after that he become a prostitute and pleases women and men both. Ha Ha Ha Ha. "

Hearing that Lux footsteps froze. The talk about Lux being a prostitute was something that boy know was not true yet he deliberately said that to berate him

All the students started laughing and the student continued, "Now I see that's why he was always lingering around Ms. Lieta. He plan to use his whoring technique to seduce her. Guess it's good he killed her mother at his birth or his mother would kill herself after seeing her whoring son. "

Lux who remained calm till now has a chiling aura in his eyes. His mother was the only person that he cared about though he never met her. He can hear abuses about him but talking about his mother was crossing his bottom line.

He never cultivate mana till yesterday but all these years of learning from watching and studying magic made him conprehend his mana fatser and more profoundly.

He channel his star energy through his body in his feet and reinforce them with wind element.

With a dash forward he reach the student that was taking shit about him. Just after he leaped forward he also reinforce his fist with lighting element and punched the boy in the face. The boy flew like a rocket and slammed in the academy's wall like a puppet

It all happened so fast that no know what happened as they were all laughing.

Watching the boy slammed into the wall with his front teeth broken teeth, slightly curved nose and standimg hair everyone become silent.

They cannot believe what they had seen.