
Supreme Magus Journey.

' Sold by his father as a slave ' ' Sold to researchers who researched on him ' ' Sold to Magus Academy as a Errand slave ' Life has always been hard for Lux. But he never bow down in front of these hardships. And he will never bow down to any hardship or anyone. He will reach the peak of the Magus world and show them that he is the Supreme Mage.

HellBoyMC · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


After picking the book Lux feel some kind of strange feeling from the book.

He does not understand what that feeling was but he was sure that he had felt this feeling before. But when was that he doesn't remember.

Putting those thoughts in the back of his head he again search around the place to find some clue as to what that book was doing there

He then went to his room and lie down on his bed. He then took out the book and then again saw the words written at the front of the book


He open the book and as soon as the book open Lux is blinded by the bright white light emitted by the book. The light envelope him and the whole room.

When he open his eyes he saw that he wasn't in his room. He saw that the he was standing in something like space with different stars swirling around him.

Then he thought about the book ' SUPREME MAGUS JOURNEY' and feel that he was inside the book and all these starts around him contains vast mana (magical power). [AN: When talking about mana from star I will sometime write start energy which is mana contained in the star]

Ther cultivation for those who tries to harness magic power starts from these ranks :adept stage mage - grand mage - Archmage - Wizard - Grand Sorcerer.

These are the stages known to everyone on the Magus Continent.

Each rank have 9 stages from 1 star to 9 stars. Mages have to cultivate mana from these stars to advance through each step.

As the rank get higher cultivating these star energy also becomes difficult.

As Lux was observing these stars knowledge about mana and how to cultivate it starts to flow in his mind. He clutches his head and begin sweating.

As he was only a adept 1 star mage he is not able to comprehend all the knowledge. But he was able to understand the basics of mana and was also able to understand how to cultivate star energy.

He begin meditating. His body begin to sweat and all the impurities inside his body begin cleansing. His pale skinny body changed to a healthy body with little muscles. His height also begin to grow. After few hours he open his eyes and he was a adept 2 star mage stage. After having all the impurities cleansed Lux feel the mana surging through his whole body.

Next he want to know which element he has high affinity with.

There were seven elements for any mage to be profund in. These were - Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light and Dark.

Most of the people in Shadowgate Kingdom are profund in Dark element and people in Holy Kingdom mostly have hight light element affinity.

As for Lux to his surprise he can cast all elemental magics. Though his affinity with Lightning and Dark magic is somewhat higher than other elements.

Lux was just going to leave this place when his eyes fell on a scroll which is gliding through the space.

He grab that scroll and saw that it was a cultivation technique.

This technique can help him to improve his affinity with all the elements and will also be helpful in cultivating star energy.

But the problem was that this technique was a Duel cultivation technique.