
Supreme Magus Journey.

' Sold by his father as a slave ' ' Sold to researchers who researched on him ' ' Sold to Magus Academy as a Errand slave ' Life has always been hard for Lux. But he never bow down in front of these hardships. And he will never bow down to any hardship or anyone. He will reach the peak of the Magus world and show them that he is the Supreme Mage.

HellBoyMC · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 - Grand Magic Swordsman

After dealing with the man Lux turned towards Yvette who was speaking to the maid.

The maid bowed and thanked Yvette repeatedly.

Before Lux could say anything some more adventurers came and asked," Who knocked those two out ?"

"Did you know those two are the members of our adventure group, 'The Iron Fang'," said one of the adventurers.

Before anyone could say anything a person said to them pointing towards Lux and Yvette," It was those two."

"So you two are responsible for this. I will give you ten seconds . Kneel down and apologize right now or face the consequences."

There were around 8 men in the group with 3 mages and 5 magic swordsmen.

The most powerful in the group was a adept 7 star mage .

Yvette whose rank was also 7 star adept mage can handle him but with 7 more people almost around adept 4 and 5 star can make things difficult for them.

Lux stared at them and was ready to fight with them.

Before anyone could do anything a voice called," Oh! You Iron Fang group are quite bold to think that you can cause ruckus at my pub"

A middle aged man came from the upper floor of the pub . The man has grey hair and a grey beard.

"It was their fault for beating our people", the mage with 8 star adept rank said.

He was arrogant and proud as there were not many people who can be his match in the capital right now.

Most of the people above adept star mage and apprentice magic swordsman are at the border.

"Their fault? I also saw from above that your men were harassing my employee. If these two hadn't beaten them ,I would have killed them for their behaviour. You should be thankful to these two because your men are alive thanks to them", the middle aged man said.

"You! Do you know who 'The iron fang' adventurers group is !" , one of the adventurers said.

"I know clearly who,you pathetic worms are. Just because there are not many powerful people in the capital for some time, you worms can think you can do anything here."

As the middle aged man said those words, he released his pressure.

The whole pub became pin drop silent.

The pressure released by the middle aged man spread throughout the whole pub but most of it was aimed at the iron fang group.

They felt like they were on a battlefield with thousands of corpses around them . The battlefield was soaked with blood and they feel like they are going to be next.

"Grand Magic Swordsman!", one of the men in the pub exclaimed.

Hearing that everyone was shocked. They knew that the pub owner was powerful but didn't know his real cultivation base.

The Iron Fang group who bore the brunt of the pressure were sweating like crazy.

"Now before you have the same ending as these two you people should get the hell out of my pub", the middle aged said to them.

The iron fang group took those two fainted with them and left the pub under everyone's gaze.

'We will deal with you once our leader comes back. Just wait you bastard', the 8 star adept mage thought with anger fuming in his mind.

Back at the pub Lux and Yvette saw the whole scene.

Lux was shocked to know that the owner of this not so impressive looking pub is so strong.

"Thank you! you two for helping this little girl", the middle aged man said to them.

"I am not a little girl", the maid said while pouting.

Seeing this everyone in the pub started smiling as the whole event before has never happened.

"I can see that you two are concealing your appearances. As for the reason I will not ask as everyone has their circumstances. You two can eat whatever you want here without any charge tonight.", he said to Lux and Yvette in a low voice as only those two can hear him.

"I expect nothing less from the former caption of royal knights , Sir Lucius", Yvette said to him .

The middle aged man whom Yvette called Lucius froze as his expression became one of caution.

"Who are you?", he asked.

"No need to be cautious Sir Lucius. But before that we should go somewhere more private", Yvette said to him.

He nodded and asked them to follow him to his room on the upper floor of the pub.

When they entered his room he again asked," who are you two?"

"Come now Sir Lucius surely you haven't forgotten about me now ", Yvette said while reverting her appearance to the original one.

"Princess Yvette!!", Lucius exclaimed and bowed down to her.

"I apologise for the poor conduct before".

"You don't need to apologise, Sir Lucius as it was my own decision to help that girl".

"What are you here for princesses?".

"My friend and I were just roaming around the capital for some fun but i didn't imagine that i would meet the famed Captain of Royal Knights here."

"What happened to you? I heard that you died in the previous battle"

"It's a long story . Maybe we should talk about that later sometime"

Seeing his expression Yvette understood that he was not willing to talk about it, so she just nooded at his statement and thought that she would make him tell the truth some other day.

"So who might this person be?", Lucius said pointing towards Lux.

Lux had also reverted back to his original appearance.

Seeing his appearance Lucius had to admit that he was a good looking guy.

"He is Lux, my friend and training partner at the academy", Yvette said proudly.

"Training partner? I don't mean any disrespect but isn't his level too low for him to be your training partner princess"

Hearing this Lux doesn't feel any anger or disrespect as he himself knows that he is quite weak right now.

But Yvette said," Don't make any hasty judgement about him. He only started practicing magic just a few days ago and clearly you can see his talent"

"And as for being my partner, I was the one who pestered him for that"

Hearing Yvette words Lucius was taken aback. He could not believe that the princess herself would ask someone to became her training partner.

But after seeing Lux appearance and seeing he was the same age as the princess , a knowing smile appeared on his face as he muttered," Oh youth"

"Well we should go now Sir Lucius it was a pleasure to see you again", Yvette said to him.

"It's good to see you again to princess and it's Luke now not Lucius"

"Well bye for now Uncle Luke", Yvette said while exiting the room.

Lux also followed her and before he could exit the room Lucius said to him," Take care of her she could be quite stubborn sometimes."

Lux turned around to look at him and he nooded at his words.

With that both Lux and Yvette returned to the academy .

"I apologise Lux. This dinner was supposed to be our celebration for partnering up but I ruined it with my sob story and acting back there", Yvette said to him with an apologetic look.

"You don't have to apologise, it was a fun night for me. I haven't been outside much so it was really fun and exciting for me and it was all thanks to you", Lux said to her with a smile.

Hearing his words Yvette face bloomed into a smile as she said," You always act mature so I forgot sometimes that you are still a kid"

"Like you are one to talk", he said and both start laughing.

"Well it's been a fun night. Good night and see you again tomorrow", Yvette bid him farewell and left.

Lux also bid her good night and left for his room.

After coming to his room he remembered the pressure he felt back then from Lucius and that made him remember again that he was still weak right now.

If he doesn't want to be looked down again he should get strong as soon as possible.

With that thought he took out SMJ and start practicing.