
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Truyện tranh
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241 Chs

×Chapter 73×UnGodly Power

*Baki World*


*Timeskip 200 days in baki*


It has now been 200 days since Haile arrived in the baki world, he must say it was definitely fun, after promising to train Guhna they started right in the grassland outside her forest then ended up all over India, they traveled everywhere, from other forest and seeing other Tribes to even the palace of India seeing the royal family.

Everyone had been in deep training and everyone improved greatly, Haile naturally had the greatest growth even if the others doesn't know it, then surprisely next was Guhna, she has shock Kureha greatly, he was depressed for a few weeks.

Right now they were somewhere to the south of India, Haile doesn't even know where, he and Kureha was having a picnic while infront of them is Guhna fighting against a tiger.

."Hahaha I wonder what Doppo's expression would be, even he had to struggle to defeat a tiger now a little girl only 18 is man handling one and is probably stronger than him now."Haile said with a laugh as he ate a sandwich and drink some wine, a weird combination but he likes it.

Kureha was a little down looking at it, even though he could do the same thing now but he was almost 30 years old, no matter what it wouldn't look good to compare himself to her, but he did take some pride in the fact that he was partly responsible for her current strength.

Haile looked around and took a glance at everyone's Statistics to see the growth, he couldn't even remember what Kureha was at before.



TITLE:Heir To The Avianna Tribe, Leader of the Vemprena Female Warriors, Guardian Of The Gods, Haile's Warrior.

RACE:Human(40%),Savages(50%), God(10%)


MAGIC RESERVES:High, High Class(Sealed)

CLASS:Low, High Class




TECHNIQUES:Quick Draw Arrow, Hakuha, Quadruple Shot Arrow, Avianna Fighting,


NAME:Kureha Shinogi


TITLE:Super Doctor, Genius, Miracle Worker,




CLASS:Peak, Mid Class




TECHNIQUES:Hakuha, Cord-cut, Slap.


.'My my my, Kureha's statistics is looking a bit bare hahahaha.'Haile thought in his mind.

Kureha is very talented though, if the two had met earlier Kureha would have been an absolute beast if they spared everyday, to bad that Kureha opted to just working out and not actually improving his combat because of his bulshit proof of medical being stronger than martial arts.

If it weren't for that faze and he had actually studied martial arts along with medical, he would be a true monster in the world.


Guhna was running circles around the large tiger, within her hand was a bow and on her back an arrow holder and within the tiger was 3 arrows.

*Shh*! *Shh*!

Guhna shot 2 arrows at the Tiger but it dodged them easily even with injuries, Guhna threw the bow and arrows to the side and ran at the tiger.




She punched the tiger in the face making it slide across the dirt like a dirty rag as it rolled and it hit a tree knocking off its leaves.


The tiger got back up with difficulty and ran at Guhna who didn't even try to move out the way, she planted her feet firmly on the ground and raised her palm with a ruthlessness flashing in her eyes.


Guhna's palm connected with it's head and a Shockwave passed through it, the tigers head swoll up like it was filling with air and one of its eyeballs popped out, it feel to the ground roughly.

Guhna's ruthlessly looked at its corpse for a bit then that expression disappeared and she had a smile on her face now, she turn to her God with eyes wanting praise.

."My Lord how did I do, did I do good?."Guhna ask excitedly as she walked to them, her teacher and her God having a picnic.

Haile nodded his head as he stuff his mouth with cheese sandwiches, then he shallowed."Yes of course you did good, in fact you were awesome, you are now the strongest woman in this world, Congratulations Guhna, I'm proud of you."He said with a smile as he gave a Clap to that.

Kureha grumbled a bit under his breath but he shook his head and Clap as well, he was feeling proud of her also.

."Than-thank you my Lord, I promised I will protect you after all."Guhna said as she felt giddy at his praise, she pat her chest with pride.

Guhna went and sat down besides her Lord and eat with him, she move close to him till they were touching shoulders, she had to be close to her Lord at all times, she had already learnt of his weakness.

."Alright you two let us close this up, Haile aren't we supposed to be returning to the Avianna Tribe by now."Kureha said calmly, he is the one who is keeping track of everything, Haile just doesn't really care that much so he just zones out the information and forget.

Haile looked at Guhna while rubbing his chin."Mmm I wonder if your mother would have gotten the entire forest by now, I've given her almost half a year, what do you think Guhna."He asked her next to him.

."I suppose, my mother is not a push over, individually she is the strongest in the entire forest since Gohard had been killed, as long as she played her cards right then she should succeed."Guhna said after thinking about it for a little bit.

Haile nod his head."I guess, she will probably try roping in the weaker women's Tribe's first to build up her power of numbers, if she wants to be ruthless, she could use those woman as tools to seduce the men of the other Tribes vastly weakening them then taking out all the men and only having women."He said as he thought about some ideas, his brain worked fast coming up with multiple solutions.

."Yes my Lord, I think she will go that route, as keeping a man in the ranks might upset you, I believe my mother and I would both have the same thoughts in that situation."Guhna said casually like she didn't just say she would kill all the men for Haile.

Haile had a confused look on his face as he looked to Kureha who had a scared look on his face as if slowly realized he was a man also.

."Anyway let's go i-i think we should get there by morning if we run fast."Kureha said as he got up from the blanket and started packing up the stuff.

Haile got up and stretched his back he smiled as he looked at the horizon relaxed waiting for the others to be done which they were quickly.

Guhna had an extremely large bag on her back twice her own body size and weight but she held it like it was nothing at all almost like it wasn't even there, in there was all of Haile and her own stuff.

."Alright I'm done Haile should we get going, if we go through this for we should end up on the grassland by my calculation then the other forest will be there, the two are split but close."Kureha said as he put a bag on his back as well and jump up and down as a little warm up.

Haile nodded his head, he covered his eyes from the sun."How about we play a game, the first to reach the forest will get a gift from me."He said to them then he turn around and his smile froze.

."Huh, where they go."Haile looked around but didn't see anyone, he scratched his head in confusion, he looked into the forest and a smile creeped on his face, he bend his knees and turned his body to the forest.


Haile pushed off and disappeared into the forest leaving behind a crater under where his feet was planted.

In an instant he saw both Guhna and Kureha running neck and neck together at there fastest, he smiled and sped up a bit casually jogging up to them.

."You two really want to get that gift huh, well you do know I am in on this gift as well so if I win you get nothing so you better speed it up."Haile shouted in motivation but he was moving faster than sound so he had to shout it so they could hear it.

Both Kureha and Guhna looked back in surprise and instantly sped up at his words as they clenched they teeth moving with even more speed.

Haile smile they were all moving at break neck speed, he paced himself behind them so he can observe them, they dodged the trees expertly like even if they face quadruple in the way they squeeze through between them without losing even a bit of momentum.

They sometimes used the trees as leverage to give a little boost, the one in the lead now is Guhna, she has both an advantage of speed and better air resistance plus as she is smaller she can move between the trees easier.


*13 hours later*

In just 13 hours of running they have finally arrived at the grasslands, they managed to turn a 15 hour boring trip into a 13 hour fun adventure.

."Hahahahaha I won I won I won!."Guhna jumped in celebration as she had won the gift from her Lord, she wiped the sweat from her face but she for some reason still felt a great amount of energy still within her, she feels like she could go again.

Meanwhile Kureha is on the ground dying as he hyperventilate, sweat coated his body as his body spasm and he groan in muscle pains, he was completely drained, he had wanted to give up an hour back but he gain some motivation from embarrassment that Guhna was still going.

."Hahaha yes Guhna wins the gift."Haile smiled as he casually stood there like he was there all the time, he didn't have a Drip of sweat on his body his breathing wasn't rushed or anything its like he didn't move at all.

Haile looked at Guhna with a smile, she was kinda cheating, even though she didn't know it, he had put some of his divine energy into her body and refined it into her own, but only a bit, now she is 10% God.

He found out he could do that with a stay thought after he was going through his statistics, he had kinda forgot about his Refine ability after he refined himself to full divinty.

He experimented on Guhna and it just worked out well, she gained new power and an overall increase in everything, alls well and ends well.

."So Guhna tell me what you want, is it as much power as I can give, do you want me to give this entire country to you, or do you want to be Queen of the world itself."Haile ask her with his hand behind his backs as he looked her in the eyes.

Guhna's beautiful silver eyes looked into his golden one that seemed so deeply divine, she kneeled on the ground."My Lord, for this gift I hope you can touch me on my head with your divine hand once again."She said as she remembered the experience she had the first time.

."Huh...a head pat.....?"Haile raised an eyebrow honestly baffled, what the, he thought she would've said at least to marry him or be his girlfriend or something, or even just a kiss, but what, a head pat, what in the world was this girl thinking, sacrifice a wish of anything he could do for a pat on the head.

Guhna nodded her head with a red face blushing."Yes my Lord, like the first one you gave me, it just felt so Pleasurable I've been thinking about it everyday, all this time I've been trying so hard hoping that you will pat my head but nothing, I even tried putting your hand on my head when you slept but nothing happened, so now that I've got the chance that is what I want!."She said, she had a tinge of desperation in her voice as she looked to the ground.

Haile and Kureha share a glance and had the same thoughts.'This girl is crazy, oh shit.'They thought at the same time as they linked minds together.

."We-well, I guess they were no rules or any restrictions, are you sure that is what you want?."Haile asked again to give her a chance, who in there right my would choose a head pat over ruling the world, it made no sense.

Guhna nodded her head shyly."Yes Lord, that is what I wish, I want something more but as your Guardian I will not overstep my boundaries."She said dutifully.

."....Well...ok then."Haile was honestly weirded out a bit but as he promised he couldn't take it back, he understood what she want, he had used Joyfull Touch on her, he walked forward and patted her head lightly.

Guhna's face turned intoxicated and her body trembled as she felt tremendous pleasure, her eyes rolled up into her head as she felt her body relax, she fell to the ground.

Haile looked down at her as she convulsed on the ground, he looked at his hands and nodded, he truly had divine hands now, he played her nervous system like a violin.

For a few minutes she layed there on the ground with silava dripping from her mouth, she got up soon after with a satisfied smile on her face."Thank you my Lord, I loved it, I probably should have asked for unlimited amounts, or maybe everytime I gain an achievement."She said disappointed in herself, she wanted immediate pleasure and forgot about the future.

."Anyway let's go check on your mother, I hope she is finished with my work, I have worked hard these pass days trying to build up that tribe phew I'm beat."Haile said as he "wiped" some sweat from his forehead as if he had a long day of work.

Kureha shook his head and began walking into the forest followed by Guhna then Haile tagged along at the back with a casual smile on his face.

Soon after all the complicated twist and turns they arrived at the Tribe they pull across the last bit of bush and Kureha and Guhna collectedly Gasp while Haile just looked on casually.

The Avianna Tribe before them was complete different, first thing the clearing of the Tribe was much bigger, it was at least 20 times the size, then they were wooden house like structure all around the Avianna Tribe.

The next thing was the people, they were alot of unfamiliar people, they were only a little bit of people before, now they were hundreds of people, plus they were all women working.

But the most shocking thing was that they are dozens of statues all over the Tribe depicting Haile in different positions some even naked and women were bowing down to it when they passed.

Kureha was looking around in wonder so was Guhna who was the most shocked everything changed so much in so little time but she also sighed in relief that her mother succeeded.

."Well this is a treat isn't it, I'm impressed."Haile said as he looked around, he looked at the naked statue of him and laughed a bit.

."Who goes there!!!."

They were seen by some women who had bows in there hands they came up to them ready to fire but instantly recognized who Guhna was so they immediately drew conclusion and looked to Haile with bright eyes and know him as well.


They knelt on the ground screaming out in excitement to the others who looked over and zoomed they vision instantly seeing Haile.

Most of them were confused but they took glances at the statues and had realizations they all knelt down to the ground, they didn't dare keep on there feet.

Someone went and get the queen who quickly arrived in a panicked excitement as even though she succeeded she didn't know if he would be satisfied, she ran over to him and knelt down also.

."Most exalted God welcome back, I have completed the mission you have entrusted to me in your great name, please take a look."Queen Valerie said with some excitement and apprehension as she looked up at him and motioned to the tribe.

Haile nodded his head satisfied."You have satisfied me Queen, give me a vague report of everything that has happened."He said, he doesn't feel like listening to a long story just the short one will do.

."Yes God, I had first invaded the weaker Tribes first gathered them to my side with you as the focal point, I ordered them to worship you, when they refused I killed them all, then I slowly climbed till I could fight the strongest tribe, I killed the leader of that tribe and anyone who refused to worship you, all the main Tribes are no more only Avianna remain as ruler of the forest, everyone here now has promised to follow you forever all 1000."Queen Valerie said with pride in her voice as she looked at her great God standing before her.

Haile smiled brightly."You have done well Queen, you have gained a great achievement in my name, in 3 years time you will be allowed to join my Pantheon of God's, work hard, the same goes for all of you, satisfy me."He said letting them grace in his presence.

They went on to look at every single one and of the women individually so he can remember there faces and names.

Haile is now sitting on a stone Throne in a high cave watching the houses below, he smile and looked at his statistics.

NAME:Haile Supreme


TITLE:Supreme General, Traverser, God, Dragon Tamer

RACE:TrueGod(New Born)!

DIVINITY:Pure Divine (Attribute:Life Energy, Death Energy, Dragon Energy, Holy Power, Demonic Energy, Ancient Energy)

MAGIC RESERVES:Peak,Super Class(Supression :Normal Human)

CLASS:Peak, Super Class(Supression: Low, Mid Class)


SACRED GEARS/WEAPONS:(Supreme Wing Artificial Sacred Gear:Satan Class)10×

ABILITIES:Refine, Absorb energy, Infinity:Foundation 0.1%ABILITIES:full exhausted energy regenerates in 19.9 minutes and make magic power 10% stronger), Light Power:Light Weapon, Sword Birth Ability New!, Thor's Divine Lightning New! Flesh Desolving Flame New! Self Supression New !, God's Back New!

TECHNIQUES:Hakuha, Aiki, Adrenaline strike, No inch punch, Cord-cut, 12 Meridian shock, 11 Pressure Death points, Joyfull Touch, Painfull Touch, Pleasurable Touch, Unconscious touch, Disconnection.

MAGIC SPELLS: Concentration magic, Supreme General God Fist, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Magic Summoning, Magic Teleportation, Magic Sealing, Strengthening Magic, Defensive Magic, Security System magic, hypnosis magic, blood manipulation magic, Enchanted, Disguise between seals, Elemental magic

World Travel(Search Bar_Baki The Grappler_)

Time Dilation 100-1 +- +-)