
Seedlings Sprout

Under a pink blossom tree rested a young man. He was currently playing around with a panel right in front of him. Next to him laid a red little furry creature, sweetly dreaming about tasty fruits -- a pile of colourful fruits and berries next to it. Alexander had just left the heavenly domain when Lily had sensed the sweet and seductive aroma of different kinds of fruit. Not wanting to upset his little trusty companion, he decided that they could take a little break and let Lily have a tasty snack. The mountain range now had a massive forest surrounding it, plenty of fruit trees, and berry bushes.

'Well. I guess this will be enough food for the humans.'

He was currently checking on the new mission that Ella had given him--It was to create humanity, but some requirements still needed to be achieved. The first one being that he had to create a cultivation system for humans to train in. Now he had read "some" novels in his past life, but naming things like ranks was not his forte. Quite some time had passed before he was finished with the naming process. Now at first, he was intrigued about how the human system would work. After all, it didn't function like his own. Asking Ella, he soon got the response to it.

[ Since humans are made by using the host's energy, they will have the ability to use it to cultivate. ]

The second requirement for human creation was to find a suitable place for them to live. While standing at the mountain top, he got himself an idea. Why not just make a large cave into the mountainside and let them live there. Since there was only one side that needed protection then, it was an obvious place to start. Rubbing lily's forehead a bit, he woke her up and headed down the mountain. He had reached a full understanding of the mystic realm now. The difference was immense -- both physically and in the energy reserve. He went from 50 energy all the way to 150, and if the past him had the strength to crush a mountain with a fist. Then the new Alexander could crush a mountain range with simply just a finger flick.

The mountain range resembled an S from a birds-eye view -- and he was standing in one of those valleys facing the mountainside. He punched towards the mountain. The stone wall felt like butter as he made a huge dent form on the mountainside. It looked as if a meteor had crashed into its side--forming a cave. Now with the preparations done, he opened the creation window and saw a new tab.

[ Human creation ]

Human Creation: 20 energy each.


The sheer amount of customisation that could be done was astonishing. Some dials changed a person's sensitivity to the energy surrounding them. He could also give them knowledge such as language and the ability to use fire and simple tools. There was one thing he worried about though, would the DNA of the humans all be the same? He wouldn't want his creations to pull another Charles the second.

"Ella, is the DNA all the same for every human?"

[ No, even though you are creating them all at the same time, the humans all have unique DNA helixes.]

'Pffwww, I don't want them to become inbreed.'

Soon seven humans appeared in front of him, four males and three females. These new creatures spooked Lily that was resting on Alexander's shoulders.


Petting her head calmed her down. They were humans just like him. But could he really still be called human? He was strong as hell now. Immortal even, how could he be classified as human when he was basically a god. He didn't have the weakness of death as they had. So as he saw it, he was no longer human.

"Don't worry, they are called 'humans' Lily. And will not be any harm to you."

Hearing that they were harmless was soothing. She did notice something about them though. It was the same thing she sensed from the other creatures that her master had made. They were simply far too weak.

Eyes quickly met as they appeared in this new world. It was a weird feeling. They possessed knowledge that seemed to come from nowhere. They knew how to start a fire, and use tools. And also what language was used to communicate with each other. But inside their bodies was a warm feeling, like a current of energy that passed through their bloodstream. You could tell that it wasn't blood, but what was it then? Well, let us worry about that later. A large room appeared in front of them. Made out of a solid material that couldn't be broken with your hands. Going inside it felt like the right thing to do. Nodding to each other, they all started walking inside it. He was standing there with Lily watching the humans walk inside the cave. It was weird, it seemed like they hadn't noticed him at all?

"Hey Ella, how come they can't see me."

[ Since you have successfully created humanity, you are now invisible to them by default. This can be turned off by willing it.]

" I see. "

Rubbing Lily's head, he watched as the humans started to make the cave their home. Seeing as his job here was done, he contemplated going back. After all, a hundred-year nap would speed it all up. But before he could go back the system gave him a notification.

[ Host has completed the mission: "Seed of mankind" and met the requirement for the energy level "Saint" ]

[Rewards: Weather control, Religion Creation: One above All]

He stood there. Watching the panel in front of him, petting Lily a little bit more with a smile on his lips.

'This will be fun'

Hello KT here. Yes, I have returned from the underworld to bring you yet another chapter. I'm very sorry for the long wait you all had to endure. 

But here is Chapter 7 for you. Hope you all enjoy it. Although I wasn't as happy with this chapter as past ones since I feel like I could write this chapter a lot better. Anyway have a good time and I'll see you all next time. 

- There was a piece of slight miss information from the last chapter, when I said cherry tree I meant cherry blossoms. 

KT_Lightcreators' thoughts