
New Mission

Michael was blindsided by the sudden mission. His last mission was the training mission which cannot even be considered as a real mission. He checked the mission Details.

[Mission 2: Defending A Emperor's Dignity

Objective: Your dignity has been trampled by a Casino Boss. An emperor cannot bow down to a mere mobster. Defend your dignity and take revenge.

Equipment provided: MK 32 EMP Grenade, Camouflage Potion, Heavy Duty Torch Cutter

Rewards: Varies based on Performance. ]

Michael was surprised after realizing that the mission provided equipment to help. Furthermore, the mission was very vague about revenge so it was up to him to decide what to do exactly. He checked the details of the items provided.

[MK 32 EMP Grenade: A grenade that will send an electromagnetic pulse that fries surveillance devices within 200 ft radius.

Camouflage Potion: A potion that allows you to blend into the background becoming invisible for one hour.

Heavy Duty Torch Cutter: Allows you to cut through reinforced materials like butter. One time use only.]

The EMP grenade was seriously cool. It could jam cameras and other sensors. It was probably top-secret military technology. However, Michael was even more interested in the potion; If it could really turn him invisible for an hour then it was simply magical.

"system can you be more specific in the mission description?" Michael wanted to get as many rewards as possible but the mission was not very detailed.

[System does not wish to restrict the host so it is up to you to decide how to enact your revenge. The system can only provide tools to help host become a Supreme Emperor; you must decide which path to walk.]

On one hand Michael was glad the system was not too restrictive, however, he wished it was more specific sometimes.

Michael headed back to find a new motel. He did not think Vincent was still tracking him but better safe than sorry. Everything valuable was in his inventory so he could easily move anytime. He checked in and pulled out some lobster from his inventory. After lunch, he decided to meditate for a while.

After meditation, his mind was finally cleared and his emotions were under control. He did not really care about the $100,000 and his hand was rapidly healing. However, he really cared for his first car, that blue box was the first achievement he had since his life changed.

He needed to figure out what to do to get revenge. He did not plan on killing Vincent; Death was too easy for that old man. Vincent was only a few years away from dying of old age, therefore Michael wanted a more meaningful punishment. He knew Vincent owned part of the casino. Since the issue was started because of money then that is exactly what he would take from Vincent.

Looking at the provided items he knew the system was hinting at robbing the casino. The casino will probably have insurance to cover theft but a successful heist would severely affect its reputation and Vincent's net worth would take a steep decline.

He remembered the partition that led to the vault. It was heavily guarded and he could not even see the vault from the outside. So he would need to acquire blueprints before fully planning out the heist.

Michael made some plans and decided to go to bed. The next day he drove to the city hall in his truck. All the records for the buildings in the city are public and can be seen at the City Hall. He did not think he would find details on the vault but it did not hurt to check.

Michael checked the records and noticed that the entire partition with the vault was not even in the blueprints. Looks like that is a secret addition; He was not surprised because he knew the casinos brought the city enormous tax revenues so they could get away with things like this.

Since he could not find the blueprints he would need to get the layout from an actual employee. He decided to spend some time observing the casino.

The week flew by quickly, Vegas was busy celebrating the New Years. Michael was going over the information he got from the past week. He spent the week observing the casino in a disguise. He memorized all the employees and even which shifts they worked.

He was very impressed by the security at the casino. There were cameras everywhere and guards at every entrance and exit. Vincent himself behaved like a machine. He would come in every day at exactly 11 am and follow the schedule his secretary gives him to the second. Mostly he greeted rich customers and talked to each of his managers. He leaves at exactly 7 PM after eating dinner at the restaurant with his trophy wife. He lived in a Mega Mansion located in the most prestigious gated community in the state.

Michael picked a couple of targets who would know information about the vault and could be persuaded to spill the beans. He checked the skill store for helpful skills and noticed one that could come in handy.

[ Congratulations you have purchased:

Basic Hypnosis (100,000 credits): Allows you to hypnotize weak-willed individuals. At the Basic tier, Victims could easily break out of Hypnosis if they are agitated. Needs eye contact to be activated.

Basic Lock Picking (100,000 credits): You learn lock-picking techniques much faster. Your fingers are much more sensitive allowing you to easily open common locks.

Deducting 200,000 credits: Remaining Credits: 530,000 ]

Michael planned on using hypnosis skill along with the persuasion skill to loosen the tongues of casino employees. Since he had his face modified with the disguise skill he was not worried about being discovered. His first target was Robert; The casino manager that set him up and the second in command of MGM Grand.

He discovered Robert's House and broke in waiting for him to come back from work. He had brought a lock picking set and combined with the skill it was too easy to break into homes. Robert was divorced and his kids lived with his Ex-Wife. Between the alimony and child support payments, Robert could barely afford a decent condo. After a while, Michael heard the garage door open and Robert's car driving in.

Michael was wearing a mask and waiting behind the door. As soon as Robert walked in Michael made eye contact and activated Hypnosis.

[Hypnosis failed]

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" Robert started to freak out reaching for his phone. Michael tried again and this time he got lucky.

[Hypnosis succeeded]

Robert's eyes lost focus like he was zoned out. Michael first started with basic questions like the daily profits at the casino and how money is transferred to the vault. He questioned Robert for nearly 20 mins; he noticed Robert seem to be waking up from the hypnosis so Michael immediately left.

The great thing about Hypnosis was that Robert did not even realize that he spilled all the secrets about MGM Grand to Michael. Michael went to his motel and organized all the information. He wanted to cross-check the information further so he spent the next week interrogating various casino employees with hypnosis secretly.

When he finally got all the information he needed, Michael was stunned. The vault had better security than military bases.

When money is brought to the vault it has to pass two guards who are guarding the door which is secured by a badge lock. After getting past the door there is an elevator at the end of the corridor. The elevator needs a retina scan to activate. The elevator brings the cash 30 ft underground where two more guards with Uzis are waiting. The vault is sitting at the end of the corridor. It is locked with a full hand bionic scan. The only people who are authorized to open it are the managers and of course our dear Vincent Benedict.

Underground tunneling is out of the question because there are sensors near the vault that will detect even a rat. Not to mention the Security room filled with experts who are watching the cameras 24/7.

Michael was depressed. The security is way too tight; even with the camouflage potion he needs to get past a badge locked door, a retina locked elevator and a Vault with full hand scan lock. The only good news was that the Nevada Gaming Commission regulates that a casino must hold enough cash to cover every bet being played for that day. That means on a normal day the MGM Grand has to have $120 million in the vault. On a concert night like January 15th, one week from today they would need to have at least $160 million.

He decided to still do it. Since Vincent tried to rob him, he will do the same back to Vincent.

January 15th arrived quickly, Michael spent most of the time planning out the heist. He was finally ready for his revenge.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I am reading your comments; do not worry Michael will not go soft. Thanks for reading.

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