
Supreme Bloodline Genes In The Apocalypse

Going shopping when the world was about to be hit by an apocalypse might not be the smartest thing but how else was he supposed to prepare for the said apocalypse? And that was how Lucas was transmigrated into another world, far different from Earth. A world where the Bloodline of your ancestors will determine your standing. They are called the Rashakas. Fortunately for him, he got lucky here but when the flood of memories of the new body came, Lucas wasn't so sure. Because he was now in the body of a coward Rashaka. If he wants to survive, he must build his reputation, save himself and his new mother from the schemes of the Elders, and most importantly of all build a new reputation for himself. To do all this he must apply for one of the most brutal places in the new world, 'The Academy' a place where the Scion of the Great Clans come together to shed blood without consequences. And the reward for the Academy? It just might be the glorious honor of bringing the apocalypse to Earth. Follow Lucas ( now Kyrexiel) as he tries to save a broken Great Clan and build a new thing for himself.

DukeWriter · Kỳ huyễn
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108 Chs

Old misty

Kyrexiel narrowed his eyes, he was focusing on only the leaders' fight, ignoring the cries and wet Squelching that sounded around him.

'Focus on yourself Kyrexiel. You don't know them. But they saved my life! There's also nothing I can do!' His mind was rolling with thoughts but he held fast to the belief that there was truly nothing he could do.

Maybe if he had his hammer then he might have a fighting chance. But for now, all he could do was hold. That's all he could do among tiers higher than his own.

"I should have expected this from an assassin like you." Elyrixa spat. She removed a small bottle from her cloak and with a swing she drank it.

The assassin leader raised his sword straight, the tip covered in blood. "As expected of the Scuridae clan leader. You have a bit of poison resistance. it's also impressive that you move around with potions."

"This is not the first time I've been poisoned," Elyrixa said. And then she attacked. The hair on her head thickened, grew longer, and then shot off.

The assassin didn't dodge, it was too much to avoid. Instead, he raised his left hand and it was at that time that Kyrexiel noticed that his left hand was different, it was smaller and twisted. A shriveled thing of bones covered by thin flesh.

"Bloodline technique, old misty!" The assassin shouted and from his left-hand brown dust bellowed out and surrounded him, seconds before the arrows from Elyrixa slammed into him.

Kyrexiel gasped, surprise mixing with panic. Because right before the arrows touched the assassin they crumbled and broke away to dust, joining the ones surrounding him.

Of course, he had seen the memories from Kyrexiel but this was the first time he was seeing true powers. And Bloodline technique.

Elyrixa froze, the hair on her head shuddered, already grown back. "What did you do?" She fired another set of arrows and like before, they crumbled before they touched the assassin.

"My Bloodline," the assassin started moving forward slowly and she started moving back too. "I don't even know my family name. My wore of a mother dropped me in the street."

"Maybe because your bastard of a father didn't want you," Elyrixa said, still moving backward. "I don't blame them."

"Me neither. They made good choices in dropping me in the street. I'll have killed them by now."

Elyrixa didn't reply, she shot more arrows but this time into the ground in front of the assassin leader and the arrows entered into the ground as if it was water.

Then she jerked her hands forward and the ground below the assassin exploded upward, with a cracks that sent him stumbling up and shouting in surprise.

Kyrexiel's eyes widen. Maybe the surprise attack will catch him!

But even in the air and with arrows coming from below and in front of him, the dust covered him, and all the arrows and debris all crumbled. Everything in the dust except the assassin crumbled away.

"That was surprising." The assassin said. "Impressive even. I don't know you can control the arrows like that."

Elyrixa ignored him, she looked around and saw her clan getting slaughtered. They had been reduced by half of their numbers.

Kyrexiel reluctantly watched too. 'At least Urlk is still alive. Wounded but alive and still fighting'

"Why are you doing this?" Elyrixa asked, voice now dead.

"Just a job." The assassin said simply. "And I'm taking too much time on it already." He started towards her and when her hair bristled as if they would shoot off again he shook his head. "It's useless."

"Is it now?" Then the hairs did shoot off but instead of going to the assassin's leader, they hung in the air and then took off and shattered around the room.

It was as if bullets were given a tracking system as the arrows targeted the assassins. The first wave took down five of them in their heads.

The assassins reacted fast and started dodging the arrows but their tiers were too low and too slow to dodge the hair arrows. With a little twist of her right hand, more assassins fell.

The assassin's leader stopped walking towards them. "Smart. I knew you could do that but I didn't know you would. But it's nothing to my old misty!"

He lurched forward while Elyrixa recoiled, she sent her hairs to attack him but they all crumbled away into nothing before they reached him. She kept her distance, teeth clenched together, eyes narrowed.

Kyrexiel knew then that the difference in their power was too much. Whatever was surrounding the assassin leader was simply too potent, it allowed nothing to get to him.

"Give it up!" With his right hand, the assassin withdrew his sword and then threw it at her face which made her take his eyes off him as she dodged. Big mistake. The assassin ran after his sword and within seconds, he was inside her guard.

She brought her short sword down on him clumsily but he slapped her wrist away and his hand wrapped around her throat. "Got you."

'No!" Kyrexiel screamed mentally.

Old misty now surrounded them both and the assassin tightened his hand on her throat. She struggled, kicked, and jerked but his hand was like metal steel around her throat.

Her eyes swelled as if they would pop off and blood started trickling out of her nose and mouth. She mouthed something with her lips and then disappeared.

The assassin jerked back. "What....."

But she appeared again in front of him and scrambled back before he knew what was happening. Crawling at her throat and coughing.

'What the hell! Kyrexiel thought. 'Did I just watch her disappear and appear?'

The assassin was surprised too. "What did you do you little shit!"

She smiled through bloody teeth, her face was now covered in layers of wrinkles. "The Bloodline technique of the Scuridae clan. It can make us shrink our bodies to little size and.." she coughed again, her voice turning frail.

Kyrexiel watched in horror. Elyrixa's hair had turned to a shocking white. She's now an old woman.