
Supreme Bloodline Genes In The Apocalypse

Going shopping when the world was about to be hit by an apocalypse might not be the smartest thing but how else was he supposed to prepare for the said apocalypse? And that was how Lucas was transmigrated into another world, far different from Earth. A world where the Bloodline of your ancestors will determine your standing. They are called the Rashakas. Fortunately for him, he got lucky here but when the flood of memories of the new body came, Lucas wasn't so sure. Because he was now in the body of a coward Rashaka. If he wants to survive, he must build his reputation, save himself and his new mother from the schemes of the Elders, and most importantly of all build a new reputation for himself. To do all this he must apply for one of the most brutal places in the new world, 'The Academy' a place where the Scion of the Great Clans come together to shed blood without consequences. And the reward for the Academy? It just might be the glorious honor of bringing the apocalypse to Earth. Follow Lucas ( now Kyrexiel) as he tries to save a broken Great Clan and build a new thing for himself.

DukeWriter · Kỳ huyễn
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108 Chs


Now. Kyrexiel wasn't the type to shy away from work. In his previous body on earth, he did some work, mostly for fun but still! It counted.

But right now, he wasn't about to start working for some Robin Hood dagger, hair-throwing woman. It wasn't at the top of his list at all it wasn't even the list.

The first thing was making it out of there and finding ways to get into the castle and find a way to mend his relationship with his mother and then focus on the Elders.

"I'd rather not work for you, Elyrixa," Kyrexiel said with as much authority he could muster considering that he was in a torn robe and covered in wounds and dried blood.

Elyrixa snorted. "Tough luck," she jammed her fingers into his chest, poking him. "You'll work for me on a big bust and then you can do whatever you want. That's my price for saving you."

That sent an alarm ringing in Kyrexiel's head and he almost slapped himself. This person had come out of nowhere to save him and he didn't even know how they knew he would be there. What if they knew who he was and they were also here to take advantage?

Kyrexiel must take it slow. "Who are you? How do you know I'm going to be here....?"

Urlk snorted. "Look Elyrixa, he's feeling special!"

Elyrixa sighed, she looked up as if asking for patience then she looked back at Kyrexiel. "I saved your life. You owe me a debt. You will do as I want. And yes, you're not special. Follow me and I'll explain everything to you. Maybe you'll even get a bath."

Kyrexiel weighted it. As if he had a choice. But he saw the way Elyrixa had taken down the blue shields that were professionally trained. No way he could fight her and worse, he had nowhere to go.

Fortunately, they seemed to have no idea who he was. So he shrugged and got out of the wooden chest.

A signal from Elyrixa and the team descended on the beast pulling the carriage. They swam it like a pack of rats. Their weapons are out and they went to work on it.

Kyrexiel watched in fascination as they butchered the beast where it was standing, they cut it into stripes and hung them among themselves. It took less than five minutes before what was left was bloody bones.

It was as if they knew where to cut, where to pull, twist. It was more than skill and Kyrexiel was right because they were using their bloodline technique (Not all bloodline techniques will be flashy) and the whole team worked seamlessly.

And the meat that was cut off was hidden under their cloak as if they were hiding something small.

Kyrexiel looked at Elyrixa who was looking through the open carriage to see if there was anything of value to be taken, she felt his eyes on her and she shrugged. "We are the Scuridae clan. We are scavengers. We know how best to reduce things to their skeletons. But even the skeletons are useful but no time!"

Kyrexiel had never heard of the Scuridae clan before but that's no surprise since there are hundreds of thousands of Clans in Vaidika. Every family can call theirs a clan. But to stand out out of all those thousands, that was what the majority of Rashakas were after.

And that was why every family would always do anything to elevate their clan.

Kyrexiel leaped down from atop the carriage, hissing from the pain that his body was still feeling. His healing had slowed down, due to low energy in his body.

Urlk turned to him, a smirk on his lips as he licked the blood from his sword. "Do you want me to carry you? You look as if you need help." He then blinked at Kyrexiel.

He smiled tightly. He knew a backhand help if he heard one. "I can manage." And it was the truth, all he needed was sleep and food and his healing would speed up.

Elyrixa stood up after she collected the sword and the coins she found in the dead guard's bodies. Then her team picked all the arrows that were shot and cleaned away evidence that they were there.

Then they disappeared into the darkness. They slipped into the crumbling buildings. Just like when they came. Leaving Elyrixa, Urlk, and Kyrexiel alone.

Elyrixa looked at Kyrexiel. "We'll move more slower. I can see that you are wounded. Let's talk as we go."

They pick their way over the crumbling buildings, those are buildings built when the city was still expanding and now, it was overrun by the underworld. The outlaws and everything criminals.

Called the 'Crumbs' it wasn't a place a person of Kyrexiel's status should be found but here he was, picking his way inside a building falling apart.

The Scuridae picked their way with practice ease, unlike Kyrexiel who was clumsy on where to put his feet. They moved as if they were more at ease here than anywhere else.

"I'll ask the questions first " Elyrixa turned to Kyrexiel. "Who are you? And why did the blue shield have you?"

Kyrexiel stiffened slightly. "Well, I can't remember well but...I was locked in a prison and then just recently taken out and then brought here." All truth.

"Just like the others!" Urlk hissed, sliver eyes like coins. "His memories have been tampered with!"

For a moment Kyrexiel thought there were others transmigrated but Urlk explained that the blue shield has been picking people up from the Crumbs, taking them away, and then returning them and sending them to someone here.

Kyrexiel didn't know if he should be happy or sad that he was the only transmigrated as far as he knew but what the Scuridae said also caught his attention. It must be Elder Cormac's work, but what was he looking for in the Crumbs? Kidnapping people and all?