
Let me handle those kinky women

"How dare an outsider raise a weapon on my healing sun peak...?" An old voice interrupted the serious exchange between Zi Chen and Kent. 

"Grandy…" Sophia muttered in a surprised tone after seeing the old lady who works in the administration hall. Sophia never expected that the old lady had such power.

Zi Chen stood up from the floor and stared at the old lady with a fierce look.

"What? Do you still want some smacking?" The old lady questioned with a mocking look. She stood in an authoritative stance without caring about Zi Chen's status on the burning sun peak.

Controlling his anger, Zi Chen walked closer to Kent. "Get ready to face me in the arena. Soon, you will receive a challenge notice, and I hope you won't disappoint me by hiding behind a woman." Zi Chen spoke with an angry glare and turned around to leave.

"Tch… Tch…" [Snapping Sound]