
King ranked Lingzhi Mushroom

Writing down the list of herbs needed for concocting Elixir of Lingzhi Mist, Kent kept all the manuals aside. For now, he decided to brew the one single elixir that could decide whether Amelia could recover or not.

Kent accessed his bracelet and began searching for the 16 herbs listed for brewing Lingzhi Mist Elixir. He separated the ones that were required.

After 20 moments of thorough searching and counting, Kent was able to find 13 ingredients out of 16. He is missing the main ingredient, the Lingzhi mushroom. Horned root and sapphire tulsi are the two other ingredients.

These three ingredients need to be kept fresh in an aging solution. That's why his aunt didn't send these commonly available ingredients.

Getting down from bed, Kent collected all the manuals, placed them neatly back inside his bracelet. After consuming a few meat sticks, he washed his body and wore some new clothes.