
Superstar Maker

Jaxon Vaughn was once the CEO of Diamond Entertainment, one of the leading companies in the entertainment industry. He was set to take over once his father stepped down as chairman--and he's been consistently working hard towards that goal. However, there were other factors he had to take into account: mainly, his greedy stepmother and her son. A car accident orchestrated by his stepmother cost him and his father's life, causing him to suddenly wake up in the body of seventeen year old Jayden Black in a parallel world similar to his own. With the appearance of the Superstar Maker System, Jaxon Vaughn, now Jayden Black, will tread the dirty waters of the entertainment industry in order to get revenge on those who plotted for his death, become a superstar worthy of a household name, and reach the pinnacle of the entertainment industry.

melonmilkshake30 · Thành thị
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The System Makes An Appearance

Living as Jayden Black took a while for Jaxon to get used to.

Initially, he thought he would have difficulties pretending to be someone he was most certainly not, but he soon found out that was the only tip of the iceberg. The real challenge, he found out, was doing household chores of all things.

It may seem hilarious, but Jaxon was born and raised as a rich young master in his previous life. He'd never once seen a broom before except in photographs, let alone held one. When he first attempted to sweep, Jayden's sister, Jamie, looked at him as if he was the dumbest creature on earth.

"What are you doing, Brother? You're just swishing the broom around, letting dust fly."

Since he had mostly recovered and was put on house arrest (courtesy of Mrs. Black), he took it upon himself to clean the house. It took quite a long while for him to get used to doing chores, but he thinks he's done a better job for someone who's never worked a day in his life before.

He attempted cooking the next, but he soon learned that cooking is a field he should do his utmost to stay away from.

When he's done with the chores, he'd sit on the couch in front of the television and watch whatever caught his fancy, whether it be variety shows or tear-jerking soap dramas.

The experience felt kind of jarring, because even though he wasn't really exposed to the spotlight in his past life as the CEO of an entertainment company, he was still mostly directly involved in the industry.

But now, he's regressed to a spectator, a mere outsider.

And honestly, he finds he doesn't mind.

As Jaxon Vaughn, he'd lived all his life shrouded in expectations as the sole heir of Diamond Entertainment, one of the solid foundations of the entertainment industry. He was expected to be brilliant in the business as his grandfather and father had been–and was also expected to surpass them. He was conditioned to become the perfect son and heir.

He never had the chance to be himself.

As Jayden Black, however, his freedom is limitless.

In this life, he wouldn't have anything to do with business, nor the entertainment industry. The life he lived as Jaxon Vaughn was nothing but a far off memory. He had already accepted the fact that he died and there was no going back.

He would live this new life as Jayden Black. He could be whatever he wants himself to be without any restrictions.

For the first time in his twenty six years of existence, Jaxon finally felt free.


However, his hopes would be shattered with the sudden appearance of the system.


When his punishment was finally lifted, Jaxon didn't waste any time scouting for part time jobs.

While Mrs. Black had warned him not to do anything unnecessary (purple eyes blazing as she made him promise), Jaxon naturally couldn't afford to stay put and live in leisure when the family was facing a huge financial crisis. Just the other day, several loan sharks almost broke down their front door, demanding payment. After searching all over the house, they took most of their household appliances as well as Mrs. Black's jewelry as collateral.

Jaxon saw the way Mrs. Black's eyes had lingered purposely over one ruby necklace, her lips pressed tightly into a firm line. It was obvious this particular piece of jewelry has sentimental value.

He's going to get it back at all costs.

Which is why he found himself working as a delivery boy right after the job interview. Jaxon was a businessman in his past life, it wasn't that hard for him to sweet talk his way into getting a job. Other than his charm, his good looks, coupled with teenage innocence, made it hard for the supervisor to reject his application. He got hired almost immediately.

He wasn't ashamed in the slightest that he only got hired for superficial reasons. The world has always been an unjust place, whether it be this world or the one he came from. It would only make sense for him to utilize the weapons he already have on his disposal.

He was in the process of loading the boxed parcels into his cart when a status window randomly popped out of thin air, almost startling him into dropping the parcels.

[ Name: Jayden Black ]

Age: 17

Level: 0

Title: None

Visual: 10

Vocal: 4

Dance: -

Charm: 6

Acting: -

A mechanical voice, not unlike Google Translate, followed soon after.

[ Welcome to the Superstar Maker System, your guide to reaching the stars. We shall strive to provide you the best experience while you embark on the road to stardom. We wish you success on your endeavors. ]

It vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Jaxon was left flabbergasted, staring up in the air like some idiot.

What just happened?