
Supernatural Event Investigation Bureau

In 1987, a rare forest fire occurred in the Greater Khingan Mountains. After the fire was extinguished, there were charred walls and broken wood everywhere, and the air was filled with a smell of burning. A team of officers and soldiers are still doing the final cleaning on site. They have not rested normally for over a month, and the aftermath of the fire is pounding everyone's nerves, causing them to become numb. Some bodies charred by the fire were cleared and buried at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, a soldier seemed to be scared by something and screamed at the squad leader not far away, "Squad leader, come over and take a look. What is this Zhang Zhu, what are you shouting about again? It's a big fuss! "The squad leader walked up to him, thinking that Zhang Zhu had seen another charred dead person. Upon closer inspection, it was evident that there was indeed a charred corpse lying on the ground, blackened by the smoke. Although it was burned with skin and fur, it can still be recognized as a human body below the neck, but it is difficult to say above the neck. The head of this charred corpse was severely damaged in the fire, with most of its facial muscles burned off. Looking from the wound to its mouth, it turned out to be two rows of sharp fangs. Moreover, the facial skull of this charred corpse is too protruding, and it is more likely that a canine head has been spliced onto the body of a human corpse than a human corpse. The squad leader stared at the charred corpse, feeling a cold wind blowing from behind his neck and sweat visible on his forehead. At this moment, the soldiers around gathered around, pointing at the charred corpse and discussing it one after another. Zhang Zhu, go find the company commander and report the situation! "The squad leader stabilized his mind and couldn't control himself. Hurry up and bring the company commander in. Yes! "Zhang Zhu replied, running towards the direction of the connection. The squad leader looked at his back and sighed. As he was about to disperse the onlookers, he heard a famous soldier shouting, "Move! This monster is moving!" The squad leader quickly looked at the charred corpse and saw that it was still lying motionless on the ground, but its posture was significantly different from before. Is the monitor's brain buzzing, still alive? What kind of method is this? It's all burnt into coke and not dead yet? Just as the squad leader was stunned, the charred corpse lying on the ground suddenly stood up straight and grabbed the nearest soldier, opening its full fangs and biting his throat fiercely. Throwing it backwards, the soldier was thrown seven or eight meters away, and his neck was covered in flesh and blood, which seemed to be about to die The stunned squad leader suddenly reacted and picked up the automatic rifle behind him (this time the task was to clean up the fire scene, and only the squad leader had a Type 56 automatic rifle to prevent wild animals from injuring people). He opened the bolt of the gun and aimed it at the charred corpse, which was a shot." Daddaddada "heard a series of gunshots, and the bullet accurately hit the charred corpse's chest. But the bullet hit the charred corpse like a mud cow falling into the sea, without any effect. Instead, it attracted the charred corpse's attention, turned around, and slowly walked towards the squad leader.

DaoistNUGWd4 · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Tianyan

Speaking of my grandfather, after experiencing great joy and sorrow, he lay in bed for a month before recovering. This time, he didn't show his third uncle any more wives. First, secretly took the birth date eight characters of the third uncle and divined with the expert. On the divination sign, there are only two sentences: 'A wild goose flies from the south, but a mandarin duck cannot pair.'. To put it plainly, Uncle San is destined to be alone.

Remembering the fate of my two third aunts, my grandfather resigned and brought my own father, second uncle, and several aunts together to discuss countermeasures. After confirming that the third uncle was only sexually abusive, it was decided to adopt a son for him. Fat and water do not flow into outsiders' fields. My second uncle came up with an idea and called me and my second uncle's son over.

Uncle Er took out a box filled with mung beans, threw a red bean in front of everyone, covered it, and shook it a few times. Let's see who can find the red beans first, me or his son. My cousin searched for a long time but couldn't find it. I just casually picked it up twice, and the red bean appeared in my palm. That's it, from that day on, I started calling my third uncle father and my own father uncle uncle. It was many years later that I realized I had been wronged. My cousin was born red green color blind. It wasn't until I reached adulthood at the age of eighteen that my third uncle asked me to change my address back.

Let's talk about Uncle San first, then let's talk about me.

Listen to my mother, I was born with my eyes open, and when I was born, I scared the old nurses in the health clinic a lot.

When I was first born, I even cried a few times, but when the nurse lifted me out of the hot water basin, I heard my "quack" laughter. He also reached out his little hand and patted her arm. The nurse's hand trembled and almost threw me to the ground.

At that time, others regarded me as an ominous omen, and even some people told my parents that they should throw me away from afar, saying that I was a demon and would harm the neighbors. But that grandson was scolded and left by my grandfather on the spot. My grandpa reassured my parents with a few words: "An extraordinary son must be born differently. Besides, that's my eldest grandson. Throw it away? I don't think anyone dares!"

But precisely because I was born with a smile, my grandfather thought he should give me a more aggressive name to suppress it, so he named me Shen La.

I speak very early, and at six months old, I can already call 'Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom'. Listen to my mother, my grandfather was so happy that his face was in bloom. That's why he went to the grandson's house where he said he was going to throw me away and scolded him.

Until the age of six, my mind started earlier than the average child. I thought the old Shen family had a prodigy. It wasn't until after the incident with the 'Under the Bed Auntie' that it changed.

Listen to my mother, I have had the problem of talking to the air since I was young. They thought it was a child talking to themselves, but they didn't care if they were at home. Until once again, my mother found me under the bed and asked me what I was doing? I blinked my eyes and said there was an aunt under the bed. I was so bored and asked me to play with her. My mother lifted the bed curtain, and there was nothing black underneath. At that time, the sweat on her body stood up.

That day, there was a house building in the village, and my father went to help with it. We were the only ones at home. My mother held me and ran to my grandfather's house trembling. After Grandpa inquired about the reason, he personally went to my house for a walk. After coming back, ask me what I saw? I repeated the matter under the bed and finally said, 'That aunt has always been at my house, she won't let me talk.' This time it was my grandfather's turn to catch a chill in his spine.

Grandpa had my father called back. We stayed overnight at our grandfather's house. The next day, Grandpa brought back a bald old man from outside. Their older brothers first went to my house and stayed for a long time. The sun set before returning.

As soon as I entered the room, the old man rushed straight to me, first looking at the top of my head for a while, and then asking me when I saw those things. Finally, he wrote a few words in his palm and clenched his fist, asking if I could see them.

After many years, my mother even told me about the scene at that time, You didn't know how to write at that time, and when you saw his fist, you just kept laughing. Later, your grandfather found a piece of charcoal and asked you to draw it on the ground. You didn't hesitate to write the word 'person' with each stroke. The expert your grandfather led (the one who later told my third uncle's fortune) Clap your hands and burst into laughter. Open your palm, it's exactly the word 'person'. Your grandfather was already hairy at the time, but later that talented person explained that you were born with a heavenly eye, able to distinguish between yin and yang, and able to communicate with ghosts and gods.

That expert said he wants to take you as an apprentice. If he doesn't make good use of such a great talent, he will go blind in vain. (Later on, I found out that he is an old Taoist, but his hair is hereditary and he looks more like a monk. This person will also be introduced later.) Your grandfather doesn't do it, saying that you are the eldest grandson of the Old Shen family and have to inherit the family's lineage. It's not good to have a good family, but seeing messy things every day is not good. Your grandpa made the expert come up with a solution. Wash your hair with black dog blood, and the heavenly eyes will close. For this, the master is still unwilling, saying it's a pity to have lost your rough jade. Later, your father killed your uncle's big black and washed your head with dog blood. I never heard of you seeing those things again in the future

I really don't remember the "aunt" under the bed, but later on, some incredible things happened while living with my third uncle.

At that time, I was in junior high school and lived in the military compound with my third uncle. Since I moved into Uncle San's house, I have seen a small wooden box with a lock on it. What is inside? I have asked Uncle San multiple times, but he didn't say anything. For a long time, I was too lazy to ask. I once thought about prying open the small wooden box, but considering the way Uncle San stared, I couldn't do anything (except for Grandpa, I was afraid of Uncle San).

When I was in junior high school, my homework was much simpler than it is now. Coupled with my restless personality, I often skip classes for two or three days a week, go swimming in a pond in the suburbs with my classmates, or go to the mountains to pick mulberries to eat. Because these three uncles didn't beat me less (it was my father beating my son at that time).

Once, my classmates and I made an appointment to go swimming in the pond. I arrived the earliest that day, but before anyone arrived, I took off my clothes and swam around the pond. At this moment, my scheduled classmates arrived, and I swam towards the shore. As I was about to step on the ground, suddenly I felt a hand tightly gripping my ankle and pulling me towards the center of the pond. I struggled with all my might and couldn't escape.

The classmates on the shore saw me jumping up and down in the water, thinking I had cramps. Seven or eight classmates jumped into the water and dragged me ashore. Later, when I heard them say it, I felt like it was a tug of war, with a force vying for me.

After getting ashore, everyone could clearly see two palm prints on my ankles that had been gripped into cyan. They all had pale faces and dared not linger here, so they rushed back to the city in a swarm.

I don't know if it was because I was scared that I briefly opened my eyes. After the sun set that day, I saw a "person" standing next to me, pale and swollen with water. He seemed to realize that I could see him, first for a moment, then grinned as if he had seen a treasure.

He did something that frightened me to the core. This' person 'leaned all over me, making a gesture of squeezing into my body. I even felt something enter my body. And 'I' was gradually squeezed out of my body by him.

I was so scared that I shouted loudly. My third uncle was cooking in the kitchen when he heard a scream and ran over. I almost cried out about my experiences at the time. Uncle San was also so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat (he knew about my childhood). Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and ran to the cabinet to take out the small wooden box. At that time, without considering finding the key, he forcefully threw the small wooden box onto the ground, causing it to split into pieces and a bright short sword to fall out.

Uncle San grabbed the short sword and compared it to me a few times, making a gesture of stabbing someone. "Get out! Don't mess with my son, or I'll kill you!" The "person" also trembled, and without hesitation, separated from my body and disappeared into the air in an instant.

That night, Uncle San stood by my side with a short sword for the night. The next day, he brought back a black dog from somewhere and slaughtered it in the yard. I 'enjoyed' a dog blood bath again (Uncle San didn't know how to wash his hair, but he poured a whole basin of dog blood on me).

Since then, I have been thinking about that short sword. I have polished it a few times and asked Uncle San to take it out and have a look. The third uncle said back and forth, "I'll show you when you grow white hair

I haven't grown white hair yet, but I'm a few years older. In the blink of an eye, I finished high school. I followed the arrangement of my third uncle and applied for the military academy, but unfortunately, in the end, I put in a lot of effort and still couldn't pass the exam.

Perhaps the people of the old Shen family did not have the chance to attend military academy. After contacting my grandfather and my biological father in my hometown, Uncle San planned a blueprint for the second half of my life - "You join the army for me

In this way, I became a member of the glorious People's Liberation Army. After a month of training for new recruits like dragging dead dogs, our recruit company held a live firing drill (also the only live firing drill, two bullets per person) before the shift. Due to the lack of preparation for the recoil of the Type 95 rifle and little experience in live firing, very few people can hit a target 100 meters away. Watching the new recruits almost miss their guns. The chief of staff of the visiting regiment shook his head repeatedly. Our company commander blushed with shame, and his head was so low that he couldn't help but get stuck in his pants.

Shen La stepped out! "I was the last to appear, and under the supervision of the platoon leader, I pressed two bullets into the magazine and aimed at the bull's eye on my stomach. To be honest, at this moment, my heart was also beating. Although I have a third uncle who is the deputy battalion commander, their unit is a logistics unit and only has two live fire opportunities (five bullets per person) a year. My only shooting experience was when I joined Uncle San that year and caught up with their troops firing live ammunition. Uncle San, in order to make me happy, asked me to take his five or four gun and shoot it. It seemed like he had hit the four or five rings at the time.

I tried hard to adjust my breathing, and my mind was filled with the shooting points mentioned by Uncle San. My shoulders pressed against the butt of the gun, my hands held steady, and I stared at the sight, gap, and bull's-eye to see if they were straight. With my thumb around the trigger, there was a "snap" sound. After a few rounds, I didn't know, but I knew my shoulders were hurting from the butt.

Two rings! "The target reported the number of rings. When I aimed for the second shot, the Chief of Staff had already stood up and said to our company commander, "Let's get here. Today, I opened my eyes. Your company has set a record for our regiment, with two bullets per person. The total is less than a hundred rounds, so you still want to

Clap! "Before he could finish speaking, I had already fired the second shot. After about half a minute, I didn't hear the target report the number of rings. The Chief of Staff snorted, "Missed the target again?" The company commander's face was a bit uneasy.

The target reported the number of rings

Ten rings! "The target finally stopped silent.

Say it again! How much? "The Chief of Staff didn't believe his own ears.

Ten Rings

Bring the target over

The reporter trotted up to the Chief of Staff, carrying the target. It was confirmed that the target was the bullet hole, not the shooter poking a nail himself. The Chief of Staff glanced at me and said, 'Are you blindfolded?' before I could open my mouth. Our company commander spoke first and said, "Change the target! Give him two more bullets

The company commander personally handed the bullet into my hand and said, "Just hit like you did just now, give us the face of the new company commander

Yes!!! "I grandly agreed, intentionally or unintentionally giving the Chief of Staff a blank look.

Returning to my original position, I took a deep breath and found the feeling I had when I fired the second shot just now. Looking at the gun target fifty meters away, it was slowly expanding in my sight.

Just before the second shot, I suddenly had this feeling. I was just aiming at the target, desperately looking in the middle of the bull's eye (I couldn't see anything clearly). As I looked at it, I felt that the target was a bit different. It was slowly zooming in, getting bigger and clearer, and the sense of distance was also getting closer. It was like standing in front of me with a grinding wheel coated with circles.

Clap! "I shot twice in a row.

Twenty rings! "The target didn't hesitate this time. Just now, he thought it was dizziness and mistook the number of rings.

Give him two more bullets, "said the Chief of Staff, who walked directly behind me and began observing the details of my shooting. Clap

Twenty rings

The Chief of Staff changed his attitude when I became addicted to playing the Ten Rings. First, he smiled and said to our company commander, "I can't tell you're still hiding hidden dragons and tigers." Then he walked over to me and patted my shoulder, saying, "I almost let you deceive me. The first shot and those two rings were test shots, right? Which sports school shooting team are you from? I can't tell that you're not big, but your shooting skills are very big

Report to the Chief of Staff, I haven't been in any shooting team before. Today is my first time using a rifle. "The Chief of Staff was too polite, and I couldn't bear it.

Impossible! You only had ten shots in your first shot? Who do you think you are? Hou Yi? "The Chief of Staff was a bit anxious, he thought I wasn't telling the truth.

I also think I'm very unfair, and it's not a bad thing. As for lying? Finally, our company commander sent someone to the company headquarters and found out my resume, which did not include any experience in the shooting team. The Chief of Staff still doesn't believe it, and even the company commander believes that I was suspected of concealing my shooting skills when joining the army.