
Superhuman Battlefield

Humanity is on the brink of extinction due to the invasion of underground civilization.  Seven of the world's greatest superhumans finally put an end to the war, but their leader never returned.  And 17 years later.  “Seo Moon-yeop, are you awake?”  “… How am I alive?”  A hero who died and became a myth. Seo Moon-yeop has returned.

ellio_ · Kỳ huyễn
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271 Chs

imminent (2)

Seeing that thousands of her offspring were killed by the king, the mother monster ran away with the eggs she hadn't laid yet.

The king thought that the mother monster would not live long anyway and left it alone, but the mother monster was the female chosen by the king.

It had strong vitality, and had a terrifying forced march in order not to let even the one remaining cub die.

The weakened mother monster became a target for monsters wherever she went.

fighting and being chased

The mother monster, still carrying eggs that should have been laid a long time ago, was heavy.

The mother monster, who was wounded and wandering, finally found a safe place.

It was a deep valley without a single light.

Strangely, no monsters tried to approach this place.

Thanks to that, the mother monster was able to evade the pursuit of other monsters.

The moment I entered the valley, I was overcome with fear for no reason.

It felt like someone was threatening to get out of here.

However, since the mother monster would die without moving out of this valley, she went further inside.

Somehow, once I overcame my fear and went inside, I no longer felt rejected.

There was a strange structure carved out of a huge rock in the valley.

It never formed naturally.

It is a ruin created by the small creatures that once ruled this world, but the mother monster did not know about it.

However, the mother monster looked at the ruins and found a swirling pattern engraved on the huge wall.

It was a wounded and emaciated mother monster.

If it has not been able to take in nutrients for a long time and cannot find food, the only thing left is to die.

Even so, the mother monster couldn't take her eyes off the swirling pattern.

I felt like I was being sucked into a whirlpool.

My blood boiled with an inexplicable sense of exhilaration.

Someone was screaming in my head.

-Kill them all.

The mother monster, lacking in intelligence, couldn't resist someone's malice rushing into her head.

-Kill them all and reign.

-They will no longer rule you.

Malicious emotions were instilled into the mother monster.

The swirling patterns of the ruins continued to demand revenge and reign from the mother monster.

The mother monster who was possessed by the ruins finally realized.

That the king was born right here.

Why did the king kill his own children?


I want to avenge my children who died mercilessly.


Like the violent king, he too wanted to be a ruler.

But the mother monster knew she was dying.

On her own, she couldn't achieve what the swirling patterns demanded.

But the child in my belly could do it.

After a decision, the mother monster gave birth to an egg she had been incubating for a long time.

The egg, which should have been born a long time ago, began to hatch as soon as it came out of the world.


The egg was cracked and a baby came out.

The mother monster looked lovingly at her cub.

my lovely child

I have only one thing to give you.

eat me

Eat me and become strong and become a king. take your father's place

Just as the mother monster was starving, the cub was also starving in its belly.

The undernourished cubs instinctively demanded food, and the mother monster fed them her own blood.

The calf's eyes glazed over at the sudden surge of nutrients.

The cub started eating the dying mother monster.

While eating, I stared at the swirling patterns of the ruins.

The swirling patterns made the same demands on the offspring as the mother monster.

-Kill them all and reign.

Elevation welled up.

After absorbing all the nutrients and aura from the mother monster through the meal, the offspring began to grow at a tremendous rate.

The growth that was not possible because it was confined to the egg was driven all at once.

The cub was delighted with his rapidly growing body and gushing aura.

I instinctively felt the need to become stronger.

You have to eat.

Only then can you become as strong as you are now.

The cub went out of the valley and started hunting.

When they found a tough monster, they killed it and dragged the body into the valley. No monsters try to approach this valley

was known and used. The valley served as a nest for the young.

And if you eat while looking at the swirling patterns, the power that the prey had during life is absorbed into yourself.


It was an instinct through experience rather than an intellect.

Although it did not acquire the intelligence of the king, the cub evolved into a different type. It has become a mutant that absorbs power through food.

will be.


The abandoned world was perfectly ruled by a king.

It was the top predator at the pinnacle of the ecosystem, and it determined who was the predator and who was the prey.

He was aware of all the species of monsters that inhabited the abandoned world, and killed and caught those that grew to threaten him.

Eating and maintaining power for a long time.

Therefore, in the abandoned world, there were no monsters that lived as long as the king. After growing over a long period of time, they are captured by the king

because it was eaten.

To the monsters, the king was accepted as a kind of law of nature.

But since when?

The king suddenly realized that there was a variable that he did not know about in the abandoned world.

The king knew the ecology of the abandoned world in detail because he had accumulated know-how from ruling for a long time.

It was enough to tell in detail which individual was eaten by whom.

This was a tenacious effort to ensure that no entity became stronger without knowing it.

But at some point, the monsters that died and disappeared without the king's knowledge began to appear one after another.

At first, it was so trivial that he didn't notice it, but gradually he noticed that there were other predators he didn't know about.

'Who are you? Who grows up in a place I don't know?'

The king was alarmed.

I tried to find it and kill it, but I couldn't find where it nested.

The king was shocked.

'Is there a place in this world that I don't know about?'

Sensing a potential threat, the king relentlessly searched for the hidden predator.

After deducing what kind of monster's baby individual could grow like that and become a predator, finally, a long time ago Dodo

I remembered the mother monster I had ruined.

'You didn't just run away. It's because I ran away with eggs!'

own child.

He once saw thousands of children, but they all resembled him, cunning, and looked at the king with lust rather than submission.


When I thought that the mother monster had run away and gave birth to such a child, my sense of alarm only grew.

'Come out! i will find you Do you think you can live without my eyes in this world?'

From then on, the invisible battle between the king and the hidden predator began.

While carefully monitoring the abandoned world, the king made a shocking realization.

'It's hunting more and more powerful individuals!'

The enemy's growth rate was too fast.

The guy who used to hunt and eat only small monsters now challenges bigger prey.

The king went and investigated the traces the bastard had left after hunting.

Even from the traces of the fight, it was possible to infer facts that had never been seen before.

'It's developing physical characteristics that weren't there before.'

The king, who had worked hard to maintain his power, was demonstrating remarkable reasoning power in analyzing and inferring his opponents.

As a result of Wang's analysis, it was possible for the gnome to absorb the prey's strengths if it ate another individual.

If I just leave this guy alone...

'Even I'll be eaten!'

The king felt fear for the first time in a long time.

I felt this fear when I was a child, when I was weak, when the door was opened and I was defeated by the terrifying intelligence I met in the outside world.

I felt it when

It was the first time since then.

This hidden predator, which became abnormally strong every time it hunted and ate, had a hunch that it would become its nemesis.

'I can't let them hunt!'

The king moved all the monsters into his sphere of influence.

So that if someone is being hunted, we can quickly run to check it out.

The policy worked.

Every time he hunts, he has to take the risk of being discovered by the king, so his activities have also shrunk.

But time was his.

The king was deteriorating, and he grew older as time went on.

While the king was distracted by the spirit realm, the enemy resumed their activities.

After successfully hunting a few times and becoming stronger, he became more and more bold as if he had confidence.

Realizing that he had been caught off guard, the king stepped up his surveillance again, but the enemy now became more confident and bolder.

The king felt fear every time he observed the traces of his enemies hunting and leaving. Now he is determined that even if he fights, he won't win easily.

I felt that the enemy of the road had grown.

Physically, he has already surpassed the king himself.

Of course, I could win against the king because I had mastered various techniques using Aura, but I had to prepare for a serious injury.

Injury was dangerous.

If you get injured and weakened, other monsters will seize the opportunity to challenge you.

Realizing that an easy fight would not be possible, the king had no choice but to leave the enemy unattended.

He hunted more and more boldly and grew stronger day by day.

The king now decided to find a solution outside the abandoned world.

so the present.

'The resistance is tougher than I thought. On the subject of a stupid intelligence.'

The king created a spiritual prison within his body to contain the soul of the first high priest.

The soul of the first High Priest suffered in the spiritual prison and was growing weaker.

She is gradually losing her self, but her resistance to the king still persists.

'At this rate, this guy shouldn't pass on any knowledge to me and disappear!'

The first senior priest was desperate, but so was the impatient king.

'Let's keep trying. It's easy to trick a guy who cheated once.'

The king lied to him in various ways.

He continued to imitate the light of the beginning, and lied, saying that knowledge was already flowing into him.

Because of such a scheming, the first high priest despaired that he was being subdued by the king.

It was only for a moment that I became weak when I doubted myself.


Little by little, the knowledge that the first senior priest possessed began to flow into the king.

Because of the persistent resistance, the knowledge passed on was not perfect and fragmented.

But even that was enough.

Even looking at small pieces, the king inferred a large puzzle based on the experience he had accumulated over the long years of his life.

The knowledge that intrigued him was the undead.

The king first wanted to know how to achieve immortality.


'It's not that the undead don't die, it just exists already dead.'

In the knowledge that came over, there was also information about the Emperor Maninleung.

The Maninleung Emperor, who wanted to rule forever, became an undead himself, but was eventually subdued by humans.

'That mighty man was finally subjugated by a human. This is because the power of life was not preserved.'

In the end, I had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​immortality.

But it was good information.

Because it meant that the emperor who made himself a super-death in the past is no longer dead.

'Hehe, then there's nothing to fear anymore.'

The only enemy now was a single enemy lurking somewhere in the forsaken world.

Anyway, the king regained his vigor after a long time.

As if a water channel had been opened, new knowledge continued to come in.

The king's curiosity was also welling up, and he was creating various new knowledge through fragmentary knowledge.