
Deadman ...

While a battle between the Leaders was happening in the sky, an even crude battle was happening on the ground. Elfs had a big advantage of numbers while vampires had regeneration abilities. Elfs had planned against this well and had bring some ghouls with them. Ghouls were a species of dead whose whole body was rotting but because of continuous consumption of fresh blood and flesh they kept there bodies going. They also had poisonous blood and saliva which made the living body die. In this was they were the perfect counter for the vampires who were known for their regeneration abilities.

Elfs with the help of ghouls, holy trolls and centaurs had a upper hand in the battle. Ghouls were making the vampires weaker, elfs were holding the front line of defense with the centaurs attacking with there long spears and long bows. Holy trolls were purifying the vampires that were on their last breath. This was well thought battle plan where vampires were suppressed by numbers, strength and strategy.

This was when an unexpected gap was made with some burning wolf's running into the enemy.

There were two wolf running from the jungle with burning logs tied to them. These wolf were running straight towards the holy trolls who had a severe weakness towards fire as they were of water and air attribute.

These wolf easily passed through the holy trolls lighting a few of them on fire. Trolls got frantic with few running away from the fire with some taking out their artifact trying to get the fire in control. Their flaying around in chaos also disrupted the archers which caused a small hole to form in the unit but this was not the end as the wolfs were still dragging the logs towards the spears and the defense.

They bit a few spear holding centaurs to make way before jumping over the heads of elf defenders letting the logs hit the elves into the heads before releasing the logs leaving them there. Nearby archers couldn't do anything because of the chaos caused by the trolls and faraway archers were just a bit too slow to respond to this. Because of this the wolfs safely made their escape into the vampire.

Normally this attack wouldn't have been successful as they wouldn't have been able to get to the holy trolls but for some reason their was hole in the troupes which these wolfs made use off. This still wouldn't have been good enough for an attack to be successful but the attack came when vampires were cornered and everyone thought the victory is near.

When vampires saw the Elf's defense shaking they got concentrated as an unexpected attack may arrive at this moment but what came out was out of there expectations. The vampire at the front retreated abruptly before looking at the figures jumping towards them. Vampire veterans got back in the position quickly before looking at the flying objects before recognition covered their eyes.





'... and jewel'

The wolves that ran out of the elf's camp were recognized by all. The wolves ran all the way before arriving in front of a lady on a war horse. When the lady saw the wolves her eyes shook before she jumped down the war horse approaching the wolves. She asked the wolves as if she was talking to other vampires.

"Snow, Jewel, What are you guys doing here? Where is Illion?..."

When Snow and jewel heard the name Illion they turned to gaze at the enemy troupe. Just than a handsome guy approached as well on a red hot 'drake horse'. He was the first prince of the vampire kingdom. He was somebody who loved his family more than anyone and willingly left his crown chair for a younger brother whose ideas he thought to be revolutionary.

"Sister, What happened?..."

Just as he said those words an loud explosion happened where the burning logs were left behind the elf defense line. It was big explosion which reaped more than just a few elven lives. A lot of centaurs died as well and a lot more were injured. The trolls which had just gotten their chaos under control became frantic again because of the explosion and the fire that accompanied it.

Princess explained to the prince that Illion may be behind the enemy line and looking at the chance made by explosion, both jumped into enemy lines with a small squad they hurriedly got together with everyone close by. The prince and princess of vampires made a big cleave into the battlefield cutting their enemy and specially reaping the lives of detestable trolls while still keeping an eye out for crown prince but they didn't stay there long before returning with lightning speed in fear of encirclement.

Elfs tried to fill the gap that appeared so suddenly but this was not the end as few different explosion happened here and there inside the enemy side one after another creating a lot of holes in there perfect encirclement.

With the chance provided vampires showed excellent command ship. They were able to reap a lot of lives really quickly but elf's were not bad as well. Looking at the chaos, elf's commanded for all mages to start bombarding the vampire's front line to which vampires gave a firm reply with there own mages. Elf's knew this would happen and thats what they needed because a fight between mages pushed both sides back and this let the elf's get there front defense together again.

Vampires had a good chance but at the end of the day they didn't even have one tenth the number of enemy and the enemy had specially constructed an anti-vampire army. This was a death battle for vampires that they had to fight for there people.

Vampire mages put there everything to fight of the enemy mages. Vampire because of there large magic quantity were known to be really good magicians but in front of number they were still being pushed back.

Elf's looking at the situation getting stabilized, started searching for the troublemaker but no matter what they do they couldn't find the any abnormalities in the troupe. Unbeknownest to them there were a pair of red eyes were looking at these actions with a sharp glint from the darkness of the jungle.

"This won't do, I can't take her out of that battle with such a small diversion"

Saying this much the shadow moved away from the spot with a splashing sound of his shoes. It is only after few minutes latter that some elf's stumbled upon this location in search of the trouble maker. What they found was jungle floor wet with the blood of the brethren and bodies of at least a dozen elf's with some bodies of centaurs on top of that.

The sight was gruesome with the whole bodies being dismembered with necks hanging from the trees.

Few elf's on the sight even puked while the rest becoming angry and fearful. They wanted to get out of these woods to get together with there unit.

They hurriedly took key note of the particular point of the location before hurrying back to there unit and explained what they saw to there senior who went to the command with the knowledge.

"...And the blood was on the floor with the body being completely dismembered. Where the bodies mummified?"

"No sir, They still seemed fine other than them being dismembered. We don't think this is a work of a vampire or at least a low level one."

"It can also be a small troupe of them who wanted to hide their identity?"

"Yes sir that is a possibility but if that is the case than they were specifically trying to hide there marks as my team didn't find any"

"Interesting, I want to know about this hidden card of the vampires. I don't imagine them to hide for long in this situation. It's either fight or run at this point for this person or team. We will find out soon enough. You guys still keep a look-out"

"Yes Sir"

Saying that much the adjacent's went back to controlling the units while commander got a smile on his face.

"This is going to be interesting"

While the Elf commander was enjoying his fantasy, Fear was standing outside a castle door.

"The 'Crimson Castle', or should I call it home. Now, tell me where can I find the weapon left by your great grandfather"

<It should be showcased behind the Kings throne>

Illion replied and Fear stepped towards the door. As if feeling the presence of a vampire royalty, the doors opened themselves.

Fear stepped inside in a leisurely manner while Illion was going off in his head to hurry up. Fear was looking at the art inside the castle as his footsteps were echoing in the empty castle, blood dripping from his clothes dyeing the white marble floor red.

As he travelled forward he saw a massive door which even made the front door of the castle look small. The door was engraved with an art which portred a vampire rising against few different humanoid species with a single sword in his right hand and his left hand holding a heart which seemed to be still beating.

With one of wings torn off, bleeding from all parts of the body and no top the vampire looked beaten up. But his exposed muscles looked reaped and his eyes had a dangerous light in it and even the sword with all the blood covering it looked like a hungry beast.

Without paying much attention to the door, Fear stepped forward and like before the door opened up by itself. Behind the door was quite a simple hall with no painting or other art pieces unlike the rest of the castle. It only had a throne and chair sitting two steps above the rest of the floor behind which was a sword hanged on the wall. It looked a bit rusted and was covered completely with a glass like material.

Fear went straight towards the sword placing the chair under the sword to better reach it. When he still couldn't reach it, he looked at the throne but Illion in his mind who had quieted down for a while started screaming again. he started ranting about how Fear shouldn't move the throne as it would be insulting the king. Fear ignored Illions ranting and went for the throne anyway but just before he touched the throne an ancient voice resounded in the hall.

<Crown prince of the current generation stay your reach. You are undeserving of the throne>

Fear hearing this stopped his right hand for a second before calmly extending his left hand towards the armrest. The second his hand toched the arm rest, it got peirced through by a sharp spike. Finally fear spoke while keeping his hand in the same position.

"Deadman ..."