
44. Begging Me to Beg for You

As Lucy stared like a deer in the headlights through the cracked door of their hotel room, Kara scrambed to find a robe nearby, but only managed to find a hand towel nearby. She haphazardly draped over herself, slammed the door and quickly unlatched the chain, then made a break for the bathroom. There she found a robe and re-appeared soon after inside the room to find Lucy now inside the room but looking a bit in shock, holding a large, very melty bowl of ice cream.

"What the hell, Kara?"

"Sorry! Uh..um...I was...taking a nap. It was hot so I took off my..." She rambled on as she moved to snag the ice cream and move quickly away.

"Never mind! I don't want any details."

"You're the best, Lucy. Thanks for the ice cream!" Kara said around a large mouthful.

"Yeah, I know. The things I do for you, I swear..."

"How about some netflix?" She asked, trying to change he subject.

"Sure. But no chill! I think you've had enough of that already..."

Kara looked wide-eyed but didn't say anything, just shoveled in more ice cream, realizing she hadn't gotten away with anything at all. Despite the embarrassment, she had no regrets. She still felt a glow from her orgasm and pleasing her alpha, and nothing could take that away.


Over the next two days the team continued to go hard at practices. Following the last one before their first match, Sara sent them off with a pep talk and command to get as much sleep as possible. Since they were one of the top-rated teams, their first draw was from the group of lowest-rated teams. Their first match would be against Thailand, and their coach seemed more worried that they would take the win for granted than about their performance. Kara was excited to play them, she'd met a few of the players and they seemed thrilled to be their at all. It was their first year qualifying for the World Cup. The previous year they had placed 5th in the AFC Asian Cup, which is how they qualified to be there.

"OK team. Tomorrow's the big day! I know you think this game is going to be a cinch, but that is exactly how they could be beat us. We have to bring our best game - every single time! This is the big leagues ladies! If we lose, we're done. There are no do-overs. I want everyone of you to go in there with your game face on. No mercy!"

That night Kara and Lucy talked through all their fears about the start of the tournament. Lucy was worried because she would be starting the first game in a position she didn't feel was her strongest. As team captain, Kara was carrying concerns about her own performance along with Lucy's concerns and the rest of the team's worries. She'd met with each of the players individually in order to see whether there were any particular concerns or situations she should be aware of that could affect their play. She wanted to help them anyway she could. It seemed like a good idea, and she appreciated those that confided in her, but she felt a bit like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. After sharing their concerns they watched 'the Simpsons' to blast logic and worries from their minds, then tried to sleep.

In the end, none of their fears came to pass, though the first half was a nail biter. By half time each side had scored a point. In the locker room during half time each player sat waiting for their coach to appear and to verbally rip them a new asshole. In the end, what she did was more scary. As they waited for the coach to appear Kara tried motivational pep talks with each of her teammates, tried to calm their fears and shake them out of their stasis. They all waited anxiously for their coach to appear until it was nearly time to get back to the field. At that point Sara breezed in, seemed eerily calm. She didn't get angry or yell as they'd anticipated. She walked to the center of the team with a thinly-stretched calm demeanor.

"Well? I don't know what to say. You've all given up so much to come this far. Are you going to just...lay down, now?"

The team was silent.

"Are you?" Sara asked quietly.

"No." Kara spoke up.

"What?" Sara said, tilting her head. "I couldn't hear you."

"No!" This time a few more joined.

"I still couldn't hear you."

This time half the team yelled "No!" as loud as they could.

A few players stood up "No!". A chant began as more players stood and joined until eventually they were all on their feet chanting at the top of their lungs.

Finally, someone appeared in the doorway to warn them they had 2 minutes to be on the field.

"OK then, women! I want to see that spirit out on the field. Before you go, who is going to win this match?"

"We are!" The team yelled in unison.

"Alright! Then get your asses out their before we're disqualified." Sara said, smirking and shaking her head as they all rushed to get out of the room.

At that point the team was able to flip the switch, and scored in the first 3 minutes of the second half, followed by another 6 minutes later. After that they seemed to relax more, began taking more chances, and ultimately started running up the score. Imra scored, followed by Kate, and then Lucy. After each score the women hugged and lifted each other into the air.

Now that they were in the clear, Kara was working hard to distribute the ball and set teammates up for shots on goal as much as she could. She was shocked when she found herself with 2 other teammates working close to the goal. She saw Kate get open and expected a shot at goal, then saw her fake and pass to Kara, who was perfectly set up to score. Despite her shock, Kara's training kicked in and she nailed a perfect shot just above the head of the goalie into the top of the net.

Kate ran at her for a high five. She couldn't help but smile thinking that Kate had passed on what would have been a pretty good shot for her own attempt, but instead had assisted Kara on a goal. For Kara the message was "sorry for being an asshole. I'm ready to be a team player now." She slapped Kate's hand and tried to keep from smiling.

By the end Thailand hadn't scored again, and the US team had run the score up to one of the biggest spreads in the history of the World Cup. Afterwards the teams filed passed each other for the 'good game' hand slapping line. Kara was careful to briefly shake the hand of every player on the opposing team to let them know they did a great job and were respected on the world stage. After the line was through she even stopped for some selfies with opposing players.

Afterwards the team huddled on the field. Sara, Alex, and the rest of the support staff gathered around for a team cheer and Sara sent them off with her usual high-spirited words of inspiration.

"OK, ladies, one down and 6 to go! So get out there and celebrate! BUT - Be back in your rooms by 10. And no fraternizing with the enemies! I don't care how hot they are - no more hooking up with opposing team members!"

"You're no fun, Coach!" Kara laughed at some of the groans and complaints of her teammates. The only thing she was looking forward to talking to Lena about the match. Considering it was the middle of the night back home, she figure it would be a while.

After a final cheer, they all ran to the locker room to change. As team captain, Kara and a few other players were required to stay to take questions from the media. The women patiently answered the usual questions about their thoughts on the match, how they did, how the opposition did, what they expected for their next match. Kara smiled and handled the journalists with ease and charm. Near the end of the presser, Kara heard one with a very strong Aussie accent speaking up over the crowd to get her attention.

"Kara! Kara. We noticed you and your team seem to really enjoy Sydney nightlife. Will you all be hitting the town tonight to celebrate?"

"Yes, we love Sydney! Had a bloody ripper of a time at the Stonewall." Kara laughed. "But sadly, Coach isn't letting us off the leash tonight."

"The Stonewall, eh? So you like sheilas instead of blokes?"

"Personally, I love both. And everyone in between!" Kara said with a wide grin. "If you know what I mean."


At that moment, the team's handler and public relations lead broke in and announced the end of the conference. She rounded the women up to debrief.

"So, you decided to come out as bisexual for the world today!?" She said, looking directly at Kara.

"Come on, aren't we past having labels for everyone?" Kara smiled a bit sheepishly, knowing that wasn't the point.

"You know what I mean!"

Kara shrugged. "I've never tried to make it a secret. I just haven't dated a woman since I've been in the public eye."

"It's just, you're the captain, Kara. And in case you didn't notice, there's a lot media focus on you."

"Do you expect me to be in the closet just because I'm competing in the World Cup?"

"No! I just...you might have given me some warning."

"Well, I didn't really plan it, so how could I warn you?" Kara said then looked at her suspiciously. "And anyway, why should I have to 'warn' anyone about what I do with my own life?"

"It's just, this could affect your sponsorships, you know." She said, backing off a bit.

"Well, I don't want sponsorship money from bigots. If they don't want to support me for that reason - good riddance!"

"Fine. But remember what you learned in your media training about keeping personal business out of the public eye. It's really in your best interest and the best interest of the team. All of you." She said, looking around at each of them.

"It was a direct question. And I'm not going to lie about something like that."

A few of her team mates chimed in with "Me neither." and "Yeah!"

She looked around at them looking defeated. She waved a hand in dismissal. "Fine, just, the rest of the team is waiting, you better get going."

The players headed to the locker room to grab their bags. As Kara was walking to the team shuttle Ava caught up and walked along beside her.

"Kara, I just wanted to say, what you did back there, that was really important."

"Well, I'm not going to lie."

"Right, but, I'm not sure you realize how big a deal this is going to be. In the media, in, well, society."

"You're worried it will detract from the team?"

"Maybe it will, but I'm not worried about that - fuck it! This is more important then that. I just mean, you're a role model for young girls. And everyone loves you! You're basically sunshine and apple pie rolled up in a baddass soccer player body. So...it means a lot."

Kara said quietly. "I hope it will be helpful for some."

"I'm sure it will. You did the right thing. Just remember that if this thing blows up in a bad way. I'm hopeful it will blow up in a good way."

"Thanks." Kara gulped at the realization that she may be headed for yet another media blowup.

The women climbed into the shuttle and Kara plopped down in a seat in the back. She pulled out her phone and was surprised to find a congratulations text from Lena.

L: Congrats, Supergirl! That was quite a match.K: You're awake?L: Of course! How could I sleep when my girlfriend is playing her first World Cup match?Kara grinned broadly .L: Nice work out there. You're such a great leader on the field.K: Thanks Lena.Kara could feel a blush creeping into her cheeks.L: And very nice to look at in those shorts, I might add.K: Lena!L: What can I say? I may have had an ulterior motive for tuning in during the middle of the night ;)K: I might have known!L: I'll let you go celebrate. Don't stay up to late.K: Yes, daddy ;)L: :O

Kara sent off some heart-eyed and kiss emojis just as the team began to sing-scream to the song "We Are Family" when it came on the radio. Kara put her phone away and joined in, smiling and singing at the top of her lungs. By the time they reached the hotel, most of the team was up and dancing in the aisles of the bus.

As they walked into the hotel, Kate caught up to Kara.

"Nice game, Captain." She offered.

"You too." Kara said. "And thanks for the assist. You gave up a chance score..."

"Yeah, well. You had the better shot.

"You had a pretty decent shot yourself. Way to be a team player."

"Well, I'm trying. Um, can I...talk to you about something else? Just for a minute."

Kara nodded and the women hung back as the rest of their team piled into elevators.

"I just want you to know, I've learned my lesson. I'm staying out of your business. And I'm really going to work on curbing my inner asshole." Kate said after they disappeared.

"Good to hear."

"I'm sorry it's taken me a while to...well, this whole thing helped me realize I never really got over...I mean, I was blaming you for something that isn't your fault. I was the one who made mistakes, that drove her away..."

"Kate...that's really none of my business." Kara broke in. She wanted to push thoughts of Lena and Kate together from her mind.

"Right, I just want to...put it all behind me."

"It really is time. You know you're only hurting yourself in the end, holding on to anger. Trying to hurt others."

"I know. And I just wanted to tell you...I'm letting it go."

"I'm glad to hear it. It's best for you. And the team. And that's what we need to focus on right now. OK?"

"Yeah. OK."

"Great. And I promise to let it go as well. Clean slate." Kara felt geniunely relieved, she was worried that the animosity between them could impact their play.

"Maybe we could even be friends..." Kate said, and Kara thought she sounded sincere.

"How about we start with...not enemies." Kara offered.

"Sounds like a good start."



Lena had stayed awake late into the night to watch the match against Thailand, along with Sam. Both women felt extremely nervous for their girlfriends so they decided to have a sleepover watch party. Lena had arranged for many snacks and plenty of wine. Looking at the food spread she felt a twinge thinking how excited Kara would have been to see it. And, of course, to eat it.

There was a lot of tension in the room until after the second half, when the team started to pull ahead. As the score ran up they became almost giddy with relief, not to mention sleep deprivation. Finally at the end, the women squeezed each other tight in happiness over the win. Both texted with their girlfriends before heading off to bed. Lena had an important day coming up in her mission to stop Lex.

She started the next day meeting with her Chief of IT Security, Queryl Dox. Lena had cleared her schedule of all but her most important meetings so that she could focus as much as possible on preparation for the upcoming board meeting. She had called the Board earlier than the usually scheduled quarterly meeting, and hoped it wouldn't make her mother and brother overly suspicious.

As it turned out they seemed to be too occupied with their schemes to notice or ask about the early meeting. Their secret investigation into Lex's research showed that his weapon was nearly ready for deployment, and Lena couldn't risk that it could be up and running in time for him to move forward with whatever he was planning. Despite her best efforts, she hadn't been able to figure out what he was planning to do with the biological weapon, but she knew that whatever the plan, it couldn't be good and could easily become a deadly situation. Since her brother had been released from Arkham she had many occasions to interact with him, as much as she tried to avoid them. It was painfully obvious that he was less stable and more paranoid than ever before.

So Lena worked all morning and into the afternoon with Mr. Dox, going through the evidence and preparing a damning presentation. She knew both her mother and brother were still away on a trip to Kasnia, and would only make it back just ahead of the Board meeting.

The next day she went to Cyberdine Industries to present everything to Sam, to work out the kinks and think through any questions or issues that might come up with the Board, and any maneuvers her family might try during the meeting.

On Wednesday morning Lena woke up very early even though she planned to go into work late, just ahead of the afternoon board meeting that day. She felt ready but anxious, worried that her family could be laying a trap for her. She knew Lex would pull out all stops once he realized what was happening. She worried that he would use her relationship with Kara to counter her accusations but, given how dangerous his weapon was, it was a chance she had to take.

She thought of Kara and sent her a quick text just to say 'hi'. She was surprised when it was immediately returned.

K: You're up early!L: Just nervous about the meeting. Shouldn't you be at practice?K: Coach let us go early because match tomorrow. Can you talk?

Instead of responding Lena hit dial. Her heart sped up in excitement at the unexpected chance to talk to Kara. Usually their schedules didn't line up very well for talking.

"Hi!" Kara answered, sounding excited.

"Hey, Kara. So good to hear your voice."

"You too. So, are you ready for the big meeting?"

"Very ready. Just nervous. Never really know what to expect with Lex. He's like a wild animal when cornered."

"Be careful, Lena."

"I'll do whatever it takes. This is too dangerous. It isn't just about L-Corp. Or you and me, anymore."

"I know you can handle it."

"Kara, you should know that he will probably tell the Board about our relationship. It's leverage he has on me that he can use. The fact that I pushed the Board to fund my girlfriend's team..."

"We weren't even together at the time!"

"That's hard to prove, and likely it's a detail they won't care about."

"I'm not worried, Lena. In some ways, it would be a relief not to worry about them finding out. How bad could the fall out be? And I'd love it if we could just be...out. Anyone could know we're together. We wouldn't have to hide. We could just hold hands...kiss on the mouth - in broad daylight!"

"You're really too adorable. It should be illegal." Lena laughed.

"I mean it. I want the world to know."

"Me too. It won't be much longer."


"Of course." Lena reassured her then went quiet.

"You OK? You don't sound like your usual cocky self."

"Ha! Well. I just... hate so much that my messed up family could cause you trouble in your career. Especially at a time like this. You should be focused completely on the Cup, and enjoying the ride. This should be the time of your life!"

"I am enjoying the ride! And I'm not worried. We can handle it. We'll figure it out together."

"Anyway, it's not likely anyone in the Board would spill to the media. It's not in L-Corp's interest to cast doubt on their motivations for supporting the National City Spirit. And with you and Lucy playing for the Cup, plus L-Corp's additional sponsorships for the US team, they'll want to ride on those popularity coattails as long as possible, not detract from it with scandals."

"But Lex will probably say something, just to get back at you." Kara murmured.

"Yes. Unless we can get him under an NDA during the Board meeting. It just depends how crazy he is. How angry he gets and whether he'll listen to reason. I'm also not sure how Mother will fit into this. She doesn't know it's coming, but she's smart. And I have evidence against her as well. I just need to be careful about how I use it. I want to keep her neutral or keeping L-Corp interests in her mind as long as possible. If she abandons all those considerations to protect her 'pride and joy' then I'll have a real struggle trying to get the Board in line."

"I know you can outsmart them all. You're brilliant, Lena."

"My family always rattles me. No matter now much I prepare."

"Anything I can do to help?"

"It helps just hearing your voice."

"I wish I could be there. To hold you. Tell you how amazing you are." Kara said. "I just wish...I could be there for you the way you were for me... after Mikel's post."

"You are here for me. You're listening and trying to help. It's enough."

"It's just that you've done so much for me, Lena. You didn't give up on me all those times when I wasn't ready to be with you, when I couldn't even imagine being with an alpha. Working through my past with Mikel...all the ups and downs of training and being away...through it all, you've been there for me, being patient and giving me what I need..."

"You're worth it, Kara. All of it. I think you can see now that I'll do what it takes."

"I want you to know, that I'll do what it takes, too. I'll be there for you, Lena. For whatever you need."

"Thanks. Knowing you will, it means everything."

"Do you think someday we might be able to just hang out together, without worrying about the next shoe dropping? Maybe just have a boring night in together, in the same place? Like normal people?"

"Yes. I'm sure we'll have a night in together. But no, it won't be boring. Being with you could never be boring."

"Sometimes I think about how little I know about you. Like, what do you do after work? To just relax and unwind? Do you have any hobbies? Who's your favorite member of Nsync? There are so many important things I don't know about you!"

"Ha! Well, I guess we haven't had a very typical getting-to-know-you period. Maybe that's what happens when you meet the way we did." Lena's voice dropped at the memory.

"Yeah. I just can't wait to spend more time with you. Get to know what you like and don't like."

"Well, you already know a lot about what I like." Lena chuckled huskily. "But I know what you mean. We'll have that chance, Kara."

"I know, I just...need to be patient."

"They say good things come to those who wait." Lena mused.

"I'll wait. As long as it takes. But, in the meantime, maybe there's more I can do to help...distract you? Take your mind off the big meeting..." Kara said, suggestively. "I did a pretty good job helping you release some tension last time."

"You did an amazing job last time." Lena corrected. "Where are you right now?"

"Taking a walk on the beach. I wanted to take a break from the team. Clear my head."

"Please tell me you're wearing a swimsuit."

"I'm wearing a swimsuit." Kara laughed.

"You really should have started with that. Suddenly that Board meeting seems so uninteresting." Lena said, trying to listen more closely to what she now realized must be waves breaking in the background.

"I thought that might distract you."

"Indeed. Tell me about that swimsuit." Lena said in a low voice.

"Well...I think you'd probably like it quite a bit." Kara said, chuckling.

"Oh?" Lena encouraged.

"Well, there isn't much to it, really. It's red. Lifeguard red. But it's not exactly a lifeguard-style suit. I guess the best description would be a...string bikini."

"Oh." Lena said, her voice dropping an actave lower. "You're right. I think I would like that quite a bit."

Kara chuckled again.

"So you're just walking down the beach, in a tiny red bikini. Is it hot there?"

"So hot. I splashed in the waves a bit to cool down."

"So, your suit's wet now?" Lena gulped at the thought.

"Only the bottom half. The water was freezing so I didn't go in all the way under."

"So, I guess you must have goosebumps...all over..."

"Yes. And my nipples are...really hard. In case you were wondering."

Lena inhaled sharply at the mental image. "I was wondering. Will you...show me?"

"You mean...? Oh, um...sure, just...hang on."

Lena could hear Kara fumbling with her phone, then moments later was rewarded with a haphazard selfie of Kara's ripped upper body, from the edge of her bikini, across her stomach and breasts to just above her mouth. She was biting her lip against a smile, probably concentrating on getting a good shot. Despite the odd angle and framing, she took Lena's breath away.

"God, Kara, you're absolutely stunning. And you really are in a red bikini on the beach...and all wet...It's like a fantasy I created in my mind." Lena's voice trailed off. She could feel herself stiffening inside her pajama pants.

"Ha! Did you think I made that up?"

"Well, it did sound too good to be true." Lena laughed.

"Yeah, well, if you were here then it would be." Kara said. "I can only imagine what you might do to me..."

"Me too. I'm imagining it right now..."

"Tell me." Kara said in a husky voice.

"Well, first I would very much enjoy watching you splash in the waves. Watching you move through the water, nearly naked. I bet you love playing in the surf. And seeing your rippling muscles, watching your nipples go tight against your top...and I know everyone would be watching you..."

"But you'd be the only one allowed to touch." Kara interrupted.

"That's exactly right." Lena said, her voice starting to reverberate at a low octave. "Because you're mine."

"Only yours." Kara whispered.

Lena hummed her approval. "Very good. Tell me, are there many people around?"

"Quite a few. It's beautiful out right now."

"Is there anywhere a little bit...private, where you could go?" Lena asked.

"I'll see what I can do." Kara husked. Eventually Lena could hear some rustling.

"Wait, I'm...just want to get comfortable...setting the phone down..." Lena listened to more rustling.

"OK, I'm back."

"Where are you now?"

"Still on the beach. Just put my towel down between some high rushes so I can have a little privacy."

"Oh that's...that's excellent." Lena stammered, her mind reeling a bit at the thought of Kara laid out in the sand.

"Is there anything else I can do for you while I'm down here?"

Lena drew in another sharp breath. "Oh yes. But first I want to take care of you. Will you do as I ask?"

"Yes." Kara said without hesitating. "I'm so ready for you..."

Lena's cock was now fully straining in her pants at the image of Kara settling down on the beach, laying back to get ready for her.

She let out a groan at the thought. "God. Wish I was there."

"Yeah?" Kara said. "What would you do?"

"Hmm. Well, first I'd need to feel those straining nipples for myself. Make sure they are nice and tight. Give them the attention they deserve."

"Mmmm. That sounds nice."

"Touch your nipples for me, Kara. Slide your fingers under the material. I know there's not much there to begin with, so it shouldn't be difficult."

Kara giggled. "Yeah I'm...I mean it's...very easy." Lena strained to hear Kara responding to her directions.

"I want you to use your nails to tug at them. Wanna get you nice and wet..."

"I'm already dripping for you..."

"Be a good girl and do as I ask." Lena said firmly. "Imagine it's my nails teasing you."

Kara let out a deep moan.

"Does it feel good, baby?"

"Yes." Kara said a bit breathlessly. "Yes, feels...really good."

"You know, if I was there, I'd get down next to you in the rushes. Lean over you and slide the material over. I'd cup your breast and take it fully in my mouth."

"Oh, that sounds so good..."

"Get your fingers wet, Kara. Tease those nipples. Think about my mouth. Squeeze them. Harder."

"You always take such good care of me with your mouth." Kara said in a low voice.

"That's right, baby. Gonna take such good care of you..."

"Can I see you, Lena? Show me what you're wearing right now." Kara begged. "Please."

Lena had been standing in her kitchen, gazing at the photo of Kara in her swimsuit, trying not to touch herself at the sight. She wanted to focus on making Kara feel good. But if Kara wanted to see her too, well, who was she to say no?

"OK. Just a minute."

She moved to her bedroom and laid back against her headboard. Arching her back, Lena took a quick shot down her body so that Kara could see cleavage, mostly exposed at the edge of her silk pajama top, then further down her body, to the clear outline of her cock standing at attention and tenting the fabric. There was no hiding that, and she knew that's what Kara really wanted to see anyway. She fired the pic off to Kara.

Lena heard Kara suck in a surprised breath on the other end of the line when she opened the image.

"Oh my god...oh baby, you're so hard..." Kara said breathlessly.

"All for you."

"Please, use your hand. You poor thing. I really want to help you..."

"You are helping me." Lena grunted a bit as she wrapped her throbbing bulge in her hand and squeezed gently. "Unhnf..."

"That's it. Does that feel good?"

"So good." Lena groans.

"Keep...keep going."

"I will if you will." Lena rasped. "I want you to slide your fingers into your panties now..."

"I don't know, Lena. Someone could come along any minute..."

"Don't tease me like that! You know how excited that gets me...I want you to..." Lena voice rumbled slightly as she got the words out between strokes. "Do it now."

"Ok, whatever you say..." Kara said.

"Right answer." Lena chuckled. She could just hear the wet, slick sounds as Kara began to slide her fingers back and forth accross her clit.

"I'm touching myself now." Kara whispered.

"I know, baby. I can hear you."

"You can?"

"Yes." Lena said, satisfied with how well she was responding. Lena continued to resist touching herself.

"Now I want you to think about my mouth. Imagine my tongue sliding between your folds. Fuck, you taste so good. I love how you taste, baby."

"Ohhh." Kara groaned.

"Get you're fingers wet. Now, work that clit. That's it. I'm taking you in my mouth, Kara. Sliding my tongue inside you now. In and out. I'm going to fuck you with my tongue until you cum in my mouth..."

"Oh god, Lena...but what if..." Kara whispered. Lena could hear the concern in Kara's voice, that she was being too loud, that someone might hear and find her, yet, clearly she couldn't resist as Lena could still hear her rubbing and working her wet folds in an even more desparate way.

"Your fingers, baby. Slide your fingers inside. Fuck yourself for me." Lena demands.

"Ahhhh..." Kara cries softly. Lena imagines it's her own fingers sliding inside her hot, wet cunt.

"That's it, baby. Not gonna stop until you cum on me. Push harder, I'm moving deeper now...Can you feel me inside you?"

"Yess! Oh yes...Ahhhh...ahhh..." Lena smiled as she heard the now familiar sound of Kara giving in to her orgasm.

"So good. Such a good, good girl." Lena smiled as she listened to Kara cumming.

"That was so good. You make me feel so good..." Kara said as her breathing slowed and she started to recover from her orgasm. Now that Kara had cum, Lena began to tease her fingers over her still-covered bulge as she gazed at Kara's photo.

"What are you doing now?" Kara eventually asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Lena teased as she languidly stroked herself through her thin silk pants.

"Do you want me to tell me what I would do if I was there?" Kara asked, sounding innocent.


"Well, since you asked so nicely..." Kara chuckled. "First I would unbutton all those pretty buttons, and slide your top open so I could see your breasts better. Don't think I didn't notice you teasing me with that shot of your cleavage."

Lena thought about having Kara's hands on her, imagined her strong fingers. She took a deep breath..."So, you noticed."

"How could I not? God, I want to see all of you, want to be able to get my hands on you. Open your top for me, Lena. All the way."

Lena obeyed, slowly unbuttoning each button until her pajama top laid open and told Kara. "There."

"You're so beautiful. If I was there I'd kiss and lick your breasts until I had you writhing..."

"I'm writhing now." Lena gasped, her hips starting to slowly gyrate into her palm as she languidly jerked herself off.

"Then, I would make my way lower...slide the top of your pants down over that thick cock...god, I miss that cock." Kara whined. "Push your pants down, Lena."

"Hey, I'm supposed to be telling you what to do." Lena countered.

"OK, then, why don't you tell me to suck your cock? Cause that's what I really want to do."

"God, Kara...how do you always manage...fuck, the things you do to me..." Lena's eyes were closing as she imagined the sight of Kara's mouth around her cock.

"Tell me what to do, Daddy." Kara whispered.

"I want you to...touch me. Take my cock out..." Lena commanded, just as she reached in to free herself from the confines of her silk pants.

"How's that?" Kara asked.

"Much better."

"Can you feel me?"

"Yes. You're so fucking hard." Kara said, sounding amazed. "Wanna put my mouth on you."

"Yes. Do it. Take me in your mouth." Lena stretched over to her bedside drawer for a bottle of lube. She quickly covered her cock and resumed her strokes. Without Kara there to get her wet, she needed something to reduce the friction.

"Touch yourself again, Kara. Want you to cum with me." As Lena stroked herself Kara moaned, and soon Lena could tell by the sounds that Kara had started touching herself again, and it only drove her higher.

Lena recalled the sight of looking down at Kara, her mouth stuffed full as she bobbed and sucked. "That's it. Keep going. Suck my dick, baby."

"You taste so good. You're so big in my mouth...don't know if I can take it all. God, so big..."

"Doing so good. You can take it baby. You always take my cock like a champ."

"Mmmm." Kara said. "No one can suck you better than me..."

"That's...right." Lena grunted out.

"Unmpf. Oh Lena, you're hitting the back of my throat. Oh, I...I'm choking on your dick. Don't stop. Fuck my mouth, baby." Kara begged.

Lena felt her eyes roll back at the thought of fucking Kara's mouth. She moved her hand faster.

"Down my throat. Do it harder..."

Lena gasped as she squeezed the tip of her cock, imagining the impossibly tight feeling of Kara's throat.

She was so close. "Want you to cum with me." Lena blurted out. She could hear Kara speeding up her own movements.

"Gonna...swallow everything you give me..." Kara huffed out. Lena could hear her falling over the edge.

Lena cried out as she came, squirting harshly over her stomach. She gasped out in relief. "Oh fuck yes..."

Just then Lena could hear more rustling and movement on the other end of the line. She heard muffled noises and exclamations.

"Kara, what the actual...?" Lena heard a shocked voice over the line.

It was a voice Lena recognized. Sara Lance.

Oh. Fuck.