
Super Gene Immortal Chapter 23

Lux glanced over the pile of corpses that he and Mengmeng had gathered up and placed upon a pair of makeshift sleds that they cobbled together. Lux himself was only interested in the Sacred-Blood creature meat, but Mengmeng was ecstatic over the haul. They planned to drag all of the corpses back to Steel Armor Shelter and sell off everything. Lux was in an interesting position with this development because he was going to have to sell off all of the Beast Souls he'd just gotten without making the people of the Shelter suspicious. The Horned Sand Fox Beast Souls were an interesting type of beast soul, they were aura type. But the fact that he had them for sale would connect him to Han Sen if he tried to sell them to Qin Xuan since they were dragging back over a hundred corpses.

 The Sacred-Blood Rock Worm was a pet type Beast Soul. Which meant that he now had two Sacred-Blood pet type beast souls and he would need to feed them both a tremendous amount of meat to unlock their potential as combat pets.

 Before Lux and Mengmeng started heading back to the shelter, they broke down the Sacred-Blood horned sand fox and split its meat between their packs after smoking the meat. The Sacred-Blood rock worms corpse was going to be a pain in the ass to move all the way back to the shelter. It was massive and practically entirely made of muscle. Weighing multiple tons, it was strapped to Mengmengs Sacred-Blood mount and the mutant and primitive horned sand foxes were tied to Lux's Swamp Strider mount.

 The return journey to the Shelter was quite peaceful. Apparently showing up at the shelter gates with a mountain of corpses and a large Sacred-Blood corpse along with them was pretty noteworthy though. Almost immediately upon returning to the shelter the pair was swarmed by people looking to buy. Wang Mengmeng and Lux had agreed to sell off everything that they didn't eat before they got to the shelter so it just turned into a bidding war between the three big factions at Steel Armor Shelter.

 Surprisingly, after all was said and done, Wang Mengmeng insisted on giving all the profits to Lux. She also stuck to him like glue. Lux had noticed the hero worship in her eyes directly after the hunt, but it had only grown over the course of the past several days while they were returning to the Shelter. Now it was like Lux had developed a tumor named Mengmeng with the way she clung to his side. It was flattering, but Lux wasn't sure if he should try and make anything more out of that.

 The situation got even more awkward back in Blackhawk Academy because Lux actually spent a good deal of time hanging out with Ji Yanran. That had happened because Lux decimated the entire Hand of God society roster in the school. Ji Yanran was the president of the society and he had handed her and every other student their asses while critiquing their playing. It wasn't really fair to them, but he had gotten bored one day and did it on a whim. After that Lux ended up pretty much having a daily game with Yanran and it was almost like they were dating because they would eat lunch together most days that they were both in the academy at the same time. And now that Wang Mengmeng was following Lux like a puppy chasing its human, he witnessed the subtle tensons between the two women when they both sat with him at lunch in the cafeteria.

 Lux found himself in the same situation two days in a row, today he arrived in the cafeteria just because he liked the soft serve ice cream that they had and took his usual seat when Mengmeng slid into the seat on his left and Yanran on his right. Both girls looked at each other with violence in their eyes but didn't say anything to each other, instead turning to Lux and initiating their own conversations.

 Lux, being a guy, was not good at handling two conversations at the same time. So, he redirected and drew them both into a conversation about the Sutra's that he had published. Obviously he didn't reveal that he was the one who made them, but it was a successful distraction. It was an especially productive little conversation as well, since he got the two girls talking about the Courtesans Sutra and slipped in how he was thinking about practicing it. That had gotten some major blushing from both girls who seemed to eye each other differently after that.

 Lux was trying to plant the seeds, but he didn't know if things would work out how he hoped. Creating a willing Harem was definitely not as easy as most novels with harems made it seem. Especially in a world where it wasn't all that common. Though it was semi-normal and accepted in the Alliance, it was not a common thing. It would be ludicrous for Lux to expect everything to just fall into place all at once or even smoothly. Also, Lux wasn't about to go around playing pokemon with potential lovers. He didn't want a huge Harem with every flavor under the sun. He wanted a few that would essentially be his adventuring party eventually. Each powerful in their own right and able to look after themselves and back him up. Because Lux wanted to see what lay beyond the Sanctuaries in their entirety. Having his lovers go with him beyond the Sanctuaries and exploring a completely unknown universe was the goal. Goals of having a group of lovers to adventure beyond the 'Known' universe aside. Lux was under no delusions that that would be an easy goal to achieve.

 Right now, he didn't really know what he wanted to do. He was absorbing information at a tremendous pace. Fast enough in fact that he was pretty sure that he could pass for having a doctorate in basically everything. Already, he was fairly certain that he could revolutionize the creation of high-end alloys that would be useful to a demigod. Material sciences seemed like something that the [Machine Learning] trait was especially apt at. Not only that, but he was fairly certain that he could revolutionize practically any area of technology, be it medicine or engineering, [Machine Learning] was a cheat beyond anything that he had imagined at the beginning. He wasn't sure how far [Machine Learning] would go with the information that he was continually gaining, but he would bet that he would be approaching superscience and magic levels soon. Eventually he would reach Rick Sanchez levels of knowledge…

 Speaking of some Rick Sanchez level stuff. Lux wondered how hard it would be to create multiversal travel. If he could hop between universes, Lux could go on a power collecting spree hopping between realms that held infinite opportunities. If he could jump over to practically any world with magic and figure out how it works, he would be able to achieve things that were godlike. The very thought made him salivate.

 "What are you thinking about?" Yanran asked suddenly, glaring at him.

 Lux shook his head and let out a chuckle, "Just thinking about how awesome it would be to be able to go into any fantasy world and have my pick of the powers that they have to offer."

 Yanran gave him one of those looks that said that there is no way that Lux didn't just make that up on the spot.

 "Where would you go if you could?" Wang Mengmeng asked, heedless of Yanran's look of disbelief.

 Lux chuckled, "Not really sure… there are so many options. You probably wouldn't recognize any of the fantasy that I am familiar with. It's old Earth stuff before the unification and even before we had left the planet properly."

 "Ugg. How did you even find stuff from so long ago? Most of the media from back then has been destroyed or just damaged with time. Isn't a lot of it illegal too?" Wang Mengmeng asked.

 She had a pretty good point there. The Alliance didn't like people digging into the time before the unification, and they had scoured most everything from before then, except stuff that didn't disparage the government in any way. Anything that would make you think that the government was a bad thing had been scrubbed. Almost everything that was left from then was stuff that made the Alliance look amazing, or praised its particular form of government. Very little made the cut.

 "What little is circulating out there on the Skynet is what I have read. Theres one where there's some special fruits that if you eat them, they can give you powers like turning into lightning or lava and stuff." Lux brushed the topic off.

 "Isn't that just beast souls in another form?" Ji Yanran asked.

 After that, the conversation shifted to other things.

 Lux returned to his dorm and continued working on programming and creating the digital art for his burgeoning gaming empire. He was working on sending the kids back to the mines, for they yearn for the mines. His mobile games were going steady and easily, it was just a matter of pushing out the graphic designs for most of them. Candy Crush was getting a pretty big following at this point which was pretty good as far as he was concerned.

 Lux leaned back after testing an animation, satisfied with the way a block broke. He wished that there was a way to do all this faster, but he had to admit that there was a certain satisfaction to going from code to actual mechanic in the games he was making. Saving all of his work for the night, Lux decided to give his system screens a peak.

Name: Lux Luxor

Title: The Immortal

Traits: [Adaptive Regeneration] [True Sight] [Machine Learning] (3/9)

Skills: [See Full List*]

Active Buffs: [Bodily Buffs*], [Beast Soul Related Buffs*], [Unknown Buffs*]

Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.

Status: None.

Lifespan: ???

Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.

Geno Points Gained: Ordinary 100(Maxed), Primitive 100(Maxed), Mutant 100, Sacred-Blood 65, Super 0

Beast Souls Gained: Sacred-Blood Black Beetle(Armor), Sacred-Blood Bloody Slayer(Shapeshifting), Sacred-Blood Obsidian Wyrm(Weapon-Spear), Sacred-Blood Purple-Winged Wyvern(Flying), Sacred-Blood Ruby Wasp Queen(Weapon-Arrow), Sacred-Blood Crystal Armadillo(Shield), Sacred-Blood Angler Gulper(Clone), Sacred-Blood Three-eyed Cat(Pet) Sacred-Blood Yellow Winged Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)X10, Sacred-Blood Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon-bow), Sacred-Blood Swift Mantis(Weapon-Dagger)X2, Sacred-Blood Rock Worm(Pet), Sacred-Blood Horned Sand Fox(Mount), Mutant Red-Scaled Basilisk(Mask), Mutant Swamp Strider(Mount), Mutant Scarlet Wasp(Weapon-Arrow) Mutant Kuo-Toa(Weapon-Net), Mutant Quaggoth(Weapon-Sword), Mutant Rust Monster(Armor)X15, Mutant Jade Ant(Weapon-Scissors), Mutant Caerbannog Headsman(Weapon-Sulthan), Mutant Rocky Kobold(Weapon-Pickaxe), Mutant Rock Spirit(Symbiont), Mutant Horned Sand Fox(Mount)X43, Primitive Horned Sand Fox(Mount)X152

 Lux was kind of annoyed that he couldn't condense down the Sanctuary listing. His personal system had responded to queries to condense everything once it had gotten too crowded for his liking. The Sanctuary notification wasn't a screen in his vision, it was a voice in his head that just listed everything out when he wanted it to. But it listed everything. The only unique thing that it would allow was a query about the individual beast souls.

 Speaking of beast souls. He now had a Sacred-Blood Mount. Although he wasn't sure he was going to use it all that much given his flight capacity. Though he could use the Fox Mount in his Lux persona, the fact that he had hunted the foxes and the Rock Worm was already well known. So, it wouldn't be unexpected that he might have gotten one of their beast souls. If anything it would make it easier to head out from the Shelter to switch into his armor to fly places.

 With everything accomplished for the day that he wanted to do. Lux took a shower and headed for bed.