
poisonous sweet

A shiny afternoon no such crowd in the road connecting the city to the nearby slum area. Two persons are moving toward that slum area with two different vehicles. One is riding a motor bike and another on a scooter. But they are connected that means related to each other. yes they are two brothers. Definitely they are returning to home that means to a same place and this is a point to be noted that they are coming from one place. Here one question one can ask that why they use two vehicle instead of using one as they are coming from same place and their destination is also same .Yes one can ask this question but there are so many answer. The answer may be for comfort and high speed some other may answer that the vehicle may be in such condition to carry the weight of one person only.someone can answer that the persons may be very fat and overweight. Here the last answer cannot taken into consideration because the two brothers are very thin slim. This slim figure is not the result of exercise in expensive gym rather it is due to their poor financial condition.

Oh no this seems to be useless description. yes whenever some friends start discussions in park or in coffee shop the discussions continue like this.. That means the discussions runs randomly in many directions .

But the description about those brother are not useless. Let's think about them.

The two brothers are moving at certain speed toward the slum area..Suddenly one brother stop his vehicle. yes the scooter. then other one also stopped and moved toward him to notice the reason of this step.He noticed that the younger brother bring one iron chain and lock from his bag and locked the briefcase to the hook of that scooter with that iron chain and lock. Then he tell with great satisfaction that now the briefcase is safe. The elder brother listen his statement carefully and surprisingly take the key of that lock from younger brother . Definitely it surprised the younger brother.. But the elder one explain him thay now they are in more safe situation. He explained that as the briefcase is locked it is difficult for the thief to take and if he force to take the key he can not get success because I am keeping the key.

However it is clear from the above description that some valueable is present in that briefcase and those two brothers are taking that to home with greater care and for safety they are taking various steps. Yrs when anyone is not having any cash he feels unhappy and worried and when he is having much more cash he is also become very much worried about safety.

They again start their journey toward their home. They entered into that slum area where colonies of poor persons are present. They stop at one of such house definitely that is their house and entered into it.