
Super Bot (Ragnarök System)

A programmer who was about to debut his own BOT in his favorite game, eventually transmigrated to a world of magic and fantasy, but ... His creation accompanied him *** 6 Regular Chapters/Weekly. (could be more chapters besides the guaranteed ones) Everyone is doing it, so: Top 20 - 1 More weekly chapter. Top 10 - 2 More weekly chapters. Top 5 - 3 More weekly chapters.

RubyKing · Khác
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22 Chs

Eternal Love Sign


Name: Raonir

Cultive: 4th Stage Martial Apprentice 4 (3/40)

[Level: 12 (5/20) Class: Novice]

SP / QI: 130/130

[Strength: 17 | Agility: 16 | Vitality: 10 | Intelligence: 10 | Dexterity: 12 | Luck: 19 | Spirit: 13]

[Innate Ability: SuperBot System]

[Skills / Techniques: Purity Sutra (Lvl 0) | Quick Hands (Lvl 3) | Decoding (Lvl MAX)]

[Base point (stat): 0 | Class point (skills): 5]

[Super points: 1277]

[friends list] [chat rooms][Storage]


Looking at this status menu really makes me happy.

But its better start emptying that realm soon, hmm ... let me see, looks like it's still a few hours before closes the secret realm and puts all disciples out.

Oh yeah, obviously I will not forget to take the divine flower 7 petals thunder rainbow (author: I changed the name, I thought "Divine flower 7 petals thunder rainbow" sounds better.). Oh, don't worry, it's already been ripped off from the root so it will not attack any more, I'm sure, hehe at least the old Raonir did something good.

I don't know how to use this flower, but I know it's super rare, so I'll leave it in my storage, not for hell that would leave something so good to others.


Countless mountains and green hills, large and vivid forests. This secret realm is really something, if only a midsize sect in a small country on this giant continent can own something like that, I can't even imagine what great sects have.

Can I participate in an empire war against them? I mean, is there any crystal inside the sect that I break and TAN TAN TAN!!! I become the owner?

Well I don't think it's going to be that easy, but it would be awesome if it were.

Anyway, it's been 10 hours since I woke up in this world, the secret realm is about to close.

While I was on the picking tour on this secret realm, I was able to collect many rare and precious herbs. Of course, they all went to my storage.

The sect distributed space bags so that the disciples could put spiritual herbs inside them, no one was allowed to enter with any space artifact other than that single bag, well, it is not as if a poor outer disciple could have spatial artifacts anyway.

In order to not be suspicious and also get some rewards, I have collected some simple herbs and put them in the space bag, even if it hurts my chest, is something that must be done.

I have been so fortunate to reincarnate in the body of an extra, I can't waste this opportunity by drawing unwanted attention.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to be that annoying protagonist who hides the skills, but who want to be becomes a target?

Conspiracies,jealousy, envy and intrigues! I've read enough novels and I know all crap plot that can happen, plus, I don't believe I have the famous protagonist aura that will save me whenever I face death.

So, for the future god of this world sake's, which in this case is me, I must be discreet.

"Hey Raonir, move faster! You look like a retard with this dumb face! " (???)

"That's right, we'll leave you behind." (???)

OH! I forgot to comment.

When the time to leave the secret realm was coming and I was on my way back, I met two friends of old Raonir.

What? Why the surprise? Just because I'm an extra, does that mean I shouldn't have friends?

Just because I... I mean, old Raonir, wasn't a protagonist, doesn't mean he was some kind of anti-social weirdo.

He had a normal life in the sect, a normal cultivation (median), normal friends, just a normal and ordinary life. But what really surprised me is that these two friends that I met are actually two girls, and looking at my memory, it seems like I was in a really good term with them.

DAMN RAONIR, how dare you!!! You're just a fucking extra, who gave you permission to start building your own harem? Damn it, you fucking bastar-!

No, wait, I'm Raonir now!

HAHAHA! Who would have thought I'd start so well, come on girls, let's make good memories.

"Hey! Why were you making such wierd smile?" (???)

"I think he hit the head!" (???)

I finally stop wandering and put on my best highclass expression.

By the way, the two girls are callen Lycia and Karen.

I would say Lycia has a common but pretty face, brown skin and red hair. Is high, I think 1.70m, an athletic body, not too big boobs, actually I would say are really small, but the butt, MY GOD! NOTE 10/10. Congratulations Lycia, I feel honor to be your friend.

I give a "ok" sign to her while praised mentally.

"Did you hit your head and go crazy?" (Lycia)

Lycia seems to be convinced that I had gone mad. Hey, you don't have to start pulling away.

"Hey Rao, what does this sign you done with your hand mean?" (Karen)

Karen was short, 1.50m, with long black hair and white skin. Although also have a face that doesn't draw much attention in the crowd, her body was well developed, especially her boobs hehehehe! It seems that this also deserves a top rating.

I also sent a "ok" sign to her.

"This is an ancient hand seal that means eternal love for someone!" (Raonir)

By saying this I sent an "OK" With both hands to the two girls.

Oops! They blushed, THAT'S IT!!! They blushed! Hahaha! Look's like I'm really a big heart thief.

"Bah! Stop being annoying!"(Karen)

"Yes! Who-who cares whom you love forever!"(Lycia)

When they say that they start to walk fast forward, I follow right behind, but I am able to see them discreetly practicing the "ok" sign.

Harem building? What did you guys think about that?

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